
One Piece: A Fish Journey

Origin Author is Mengsheli No.2 ----- Xia Qiu traveled to the world of One Piece and became a sea fish. He devoured continuously and started a path of evolution. Sea Fish, Sea Beasts, Neptunes, Huge Neptunes, Super Neptunes. He devoured pirates and warships, fought against the Marin, liberated Murloc Island, conquered the Four Emperors, attacked Marin Headquarters, and attacked the World Government. As time went by, he became the nightmare of all pirate navies, his image lingered in everyone's heart, and gradually became a legend. Who says Neptunes can't be the strongest in the world? I am the man who wants to be the King of the Sea ---- I'm a translator of this series, this series doesn't belong to me.

DaikiDere · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: Become a Fish

The light blue sky was extremely clear, thick white clouds were stacked in the sky, and the sun was hanging on the horizon, casting bright and hot rays downward.

Below the sky-deep ocean, the blue sea water spreads to the distance, the sea breeze blows in front of it, and the salty smell blows to the face.

Above the ocean, there was a huge island, and in the distance of the island, there was a two-masted sailing ship sailing, the sails were billowing, and the huge ship was sailing towards the distance.

Not far from the brig, below the surface of the sea, a pair of eyes stared at the ship.

This was a fish.

The body length was about 30 centimeters, oval in shape, and the body was somewhat flat.

Its head was huge, with a protruding lower jaw, and a large mouth full of sharp teeth.

It had a smooth operculum, the upper part of the operculum was slightly concave inward, and the body surface was covered with round lin.

It has a dorsal fin, a pair of huge pectoral fins, a pair of pelvic fins, and two pointed and long tail fins, with the middle sunken inward, leaving a slit, as if the tail fin was cut off.

At this time, the fish was poking half of its head out of the sea, watching the three-masted ship going further and further away, and finally asked a question.

What happened? One moment ago, I was a 21-year-old junior named Xia Qiu, resting on the bed, but the next moment, I became a fish in the sea.

Why is this so?

Why did I become a fish?

Xia Qiu was puzzled, not knowing what happened.

And according to what he did on the bed before the coma, shouldn't he become a tadpole?

Xia Qiu was a little curious about where he was now.

Just now, He saw a sailboat powered by sails. The bow has a huge arc, two masts, wooden structures, horizontal sails, and three cannons on one side of the hull.

Such sailboats were relatively rare because most modern sailboats were competitive sailboats and small pleasure boats. Most of the hulls were made of metal, and the number of wooden sailboats was pitifully small.

Moreover, large wooden sailboats, except for a few antique sailboats used in national commemorations, privately customized as collections and cruise ships, were rarely seen.

There were far more three-masts than two-masts in large wooden sailing ships, and most of the sailing ships were pointed rather than broad.

Not only that, the main mast of the ship just now had only two square sails, and the secondary mast had only one side, and the number of sails was too small.

Compared with the number of sails, the hull was huge, and the sails could withstand too little wind force. It was difficult to drive the hull by wind alone, and ocean current movement was needed to assist navigation.

However, the shape of the hull is too full, and the wave-making resistance was relatively large, making it difficult to move forward.

There has never been such a ship before, nor would there be in the future, and it was even more impossible to sail safely on the sea.

Somewhat weird.

Xia Qiu wanted to know where he was now, but he couldn't get the answer for the time being and needed some time to observe.

He looked in the direction, dived into the water, and looked around. The seawater was deep, and except for the sunlight projected from above, there was a touch of dead silence in all directions.

Xia Qiu couldn't accept the fact that he has turned into a fish, but he has no choice but to survive, so his primary responsibility was to food.

Xia Qiu swayed his body, slid his fins, and swam towards the nearest island.

Approaching the island, Xia Qiu slowly swims toward the bottom of the sea. The water depth here was very low, only less than ten meters deep. in the sand.

The food of most marine fish was algae, plankton, seaworms, small fish and shrimp, shellfish, and so on.

But Xia Qiu knew that he had teeth. These teeth were not throat teeth, but teeth in both jaws.

There were many fish with teeth, such as tigerfish, pike, striped fish, sharks, rays, moray eels, snakehead fish, viperfish, dragonfish, piranhas, and so on.

Most of them are carnivorous fish, eating fish, shrimp, and shellfish.

Xia Qiu found that his mouth was large and had many teeth, so he felt that the probability of being a carnivorous fish was very high, so he put food on small fish and shrimp.


Xia Qiu approached the bottom of the sea and immediately saw a sea prawn hiding under the sand, with most of its body hidden in the sand.

Xia Qiu's fish body twisted from side to side, speeding up and approaching the shrimp in an instant. It opened its mouth wide, and its sharp teeth directly bit the shrimp hidden in the sand.

The sand flowed down the gap between the teeth, Xia Qiu ignored the struggling body of the sea prawn, closed the sharp teeth, and directly bit the shell of the sea prawn, cutting its body.

The size of this sea prawn was fifteen to sixty-seven centimeters, which was equivalent to half the length of Xia Qiu's body. Xia Qiu has to crush it to eat.

With Xia Qiu's bite, the sea shrimp stopped struggling, and a hole appeared directly at the place where it was bitten, and the shrimp meat there was swallowed by Xia Qiu.

Then Xia Qiu continued to bite down, swallowing the sea shrimp bit by bit, leaving behind the head, tail, and part of the shrimp gun.

Still a little hungry.

Xia Qiu felt that the hunger in his belly was greatly relieved, but he was not full, so he searched again and found a sea shrimp hidden under the sand, swung the body of the fish, rushed towards it, and bit it with one bite.

After the silt flowed out from between the teeth, Xia Qiu swallowed the shrimp as well.

Xia Qiu felt full this time.

I am full.