
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

76. Setting Sail For The New World, Rayleigh Sees Him Off

After clipping all the reward notices from the newspaper, the latest bounties for the Straw Hat Pirates have been revealed.

Captain Monkey D. Luffy's bounty is a whopping 5.1 billion Berries.

Vice-Captain Roronoa Zoro is valued at 2 billion Berries.

Our chef, Sanji, has a bounty of 1.9 billion Berries.

Usopp, our sharpshooter, stands at 500 million Berries.

Dr. Tony Tony Chopper is at 1.4 billion Berries.

Nico Robin, known as the Devil's child, has an 800 million Berry price on her head.

Franky, also known as Iron Man, is rated at 650 million Berries.

Brook, the singer with a nose, carries a 550 million Berry bounty.

Nami, the cat burglar, is worth 500 million Berries.

This sums up the current bounties for all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, amounting to nearly 15 billion Berries in total.

Although this sum might not rival those of the Four Emperors' crews, it's worth noting that the Straw Hat Pirates are significantly smaller in number. Yet, their combined bounty showcases their formidable strength.

However, there are some discrepancies in these bounties. For instance, Luffy's bounty seems inflated, given his fame and achievements, though it's unlikely to surpass that of Whitebeard, who ruled the seas for years.

Usopp's bounty, especially, seems exaggerated, considering his performance during the Summit War. The same could be said for Nami, Brook, Robin, and Franky.

Under normal circumstances, Zoro and Sanji, with their strength approaching Admiral level, should have bounties exceeding 3 billion Berries. However, due to their positions as second and third in command and the low previous bounties, their rewards hover around 2 billion.

It's anticipated that once the Straw Hat Pirates make their mark in the New World, their bounties, except for Luffy's, will skyrocket.

However, entering the New World also means facing numerous pirates and powerful figures eager to challenge and defeat them. Despite their high bounties and the World Economic News' hype, many in the New World view them as easy targets compared to seasoned veterans like the Four Emperors.

Luffy and the crew weren't bothered by their bounties; they were too busy enjoying their time with Camie on Sabaody for two days.

Despite the lingering gloom from the Summit War, Sabaody proved to be a bustling and prosperous island, unlike any they'd encountered before.

Even amidst the sombre atmosphere, there were plenty of intriguing places to explore. And despite Camie revealing her mermaid identity, no one harboured any ill intentions towards her or Pappag.

The Straw Hat Pirates' reputation wielded immense power in the first half of the Grand Line, especially among the nobles. Their brazen attack on the Celestial Dragons had made waves, and now, even with the Naval Headquarters nearby, there were no troops sent to confront them. It was a clear message: for now, even the Navy couldn't afford to provoke them.

Two days later, at Shakky's place, Camie expressed her gratitude to Luffy and the crew. She knew she could enjoy her time on Sabaody only because of their protection. For a mermaid like her, being able to freely roam Sabaody was like a dream come true, considering the discrimination faced by her kind.

Luffy, being his usual self, brushed off the thanks, emphasizing their partnership. To him, friendship meant they were all in this together, regardless of formalities. His sentiment echoed the bond they once shared with Vivi.

Touched by Luffy's kindness, Camie hugged him tightly while Pappagu expressed his admiration for the Straw Hat captain.

Sanji, unable to resist the opportunity, wiggled his way into the affection, earning himself a cascade of hugs from Luffy. Camie's carefree and adorable personality made her endearing to the crew.

Sanji, overwhelmed by the mermaid's embrace, jokingly declared he could die happily at that moment, basking in the joy of the "mermaid's hug."

With a clang, Zoro's sword slipped from his grasp, grazing Sanji's cheek as it fell. 

"Hey, green-haired seaweed head, aiming to off me?" Sanji quipped.

"Just lending a hand for your 'happy' demise. No need for thanks," Zoro retorted.

"Dying by your hand? Far from happy," Sanji shot back.

Their usual banter filled the air as Miss Shakky watched with amusement.

Rayleigh's arrival interrupted their squabble. "Luffy, time to hit the seas," he announced.

"Garp's leading a Marine warship here from headquarters."

"Garp's here?" Luffy's surprise was evident.

"Likely to give you a heads-up, little Monkey," Shakky interjected. "You've lingered too long in Sabaody, drawing too much attention. Each day here is a dent in the Naval Headquarters' pride."

"Marine doesn't want a showdown, so they send Garp to nudge you," Usopp chimed in. "Smart move."

"Indeed, you're now the infamous King of Pirates. Even Marine treads lightly," Shakky chuckled. "They're stretched thin post-Summit War. It's time for you to move on."

Rayleigh added, "The first half of the Grand Line might feel dull now. New World's where the real action is."

"Is it really that thrilling?" Luffy's eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"Absolutely," Rayleigh affirmed. "Unpredictable weather, bizarre spectacles, diverse races, constant battles, and formidable foes. It's an adventure like no other."

Luffy's excitement was palpable, Zoro's hand twitching on his sword's hilt in anticipation.

"I can't wait to taste New World cuisine," Sanji mused, lighting a cigarette.

Chopper's eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Nami and Usopp, however, exchanged nervous glances.

"The Grand Line's a paradise compared to that?" Nami wondered aloud, her voice trembling.

"Just how dangerous is the New World?" Usopp added, his teeth chattering.

"Alright, everyone, prepare to set sail," Luffy declared, brimming with excitement.

Rayleigh's words ignited Luffy's excitement, prompting him to leap off the bar with a triumphant shout. Chopper and the others echoed his enthusiasm, though Nami and Usopp's apprehension was palpable.

Navigating through the intricate waterways of Sabaody, they reached the Sunny, now fully coated and gleaming in the sunlight. Luffy and Chopper wasted no time in indulging in some playful antics on the deck.

Rayleigh cautioned them about the submerged mangrove roots, advising them to sail beyond Sabaody's perimeter before diving.

Concerned for Rayleigh's safety, Luffy inquired if he was fleeing, too. Rayleigh reassured him, opting to lay low in the Calm Belt after bidding them farewell. He reminded Luffy of the storm awaiting him in the New World.

With a heartfelt goodbye, Luffy set sail, leaving Rayleigh with bittersweet memories of their encounter.

Meanwhile, Shakky offered Rayleigh a glass of reminiscence wine, prompting a nostalgic reflection on youth.

As the Sunny ventured into the open sea, they encountered Garp aboard a warship. Despite Garp's stern demeanour, Luffy confidently bantered with him, showcasing his growth since their last encounter in Water 7.

Garp reminded Luffy of his new role as a Marine Vice Admiral, but Luffy's carefree attitude remained unchanged. Their familial ties mattered little in the face of their opposing roles.

With a hearty laugh, Garp vanished from the bow in a blink. He traversed the air effortlessly, closing the distance between him and the Sunny in a flash.

"Maybe it's time you retired from the Marines, old man," Luffy teased, his body enveloped in a radiant white light.

In response, Luffy propelled himself into the air, leaving behind a trail of white steam. "Gommu Gommu no, pistol!" he shouted, his arm raised high as he launched himself towards Garp with blinding speed.

Garp, grinning with anticipation, met Luffy's charge head-on, his fist like a massive sandbag.

The collision unleashed an invisible shockwave, distorting the sea below and creating a swirling vortex of power. Black lightning crackled, and the air rippled with intensity.

Between their fists, clouds of white sonic booms erupted, a testament to the immense power of their clash.

With a resounding boom, the clash of Haki erupted, sending Luffy recoiling back onto Sunny while Garp landed firmly on his warship.

"Until next time, Grandpa!" Luffy called out, waving as soap bubbles enveloped the Sunny, concealing their escape beneath the waves right under Garp's nose.

"You've grown, Luffy," Garp remarked, examining his fist with newfound respect. The encounter gave him a deeper understanding of Luffy's strength, a realization that had eluded him during the Summit War.

Beside him, his sunglasses-clad adjutant could only shake his head in disbelief. Seeing Garp, a Vice Admiral, being pushed back with a single punch was certainly unexpected.

"There's no shame in admitting defeat, old man," Garp chuckled innocently, holding his nostrils playfully. His companions, Kobi and Helmeppo, exchanged knowing glances, having witnessed Garp's antics countless times before.


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