
One Piece: A Different Luffy

When Luffy boards Thriller Bark and gains the growth-accelerating Cheat, things start to change for the Straw Hat Pirates. In the upcoming major events, the Straw Hats won't be as weak as before. On Thriller Bark, Luffy uses Conqueror's Haki to stun his enemies, even sending a giant bear off guard with an air shot. After arriving at Sabaody Archipelago, Luffy unveils his Fifth Gear form, known as Gear Fourth: Boundman, combining it with his Nika form and mastering Conqueror's Haki. With enhanced physical strength, he effortlessly defeats a Pacifista with one strike and sends Admiral Kizaru flying with a single punch, leaving even Rayleigh astonished. During the Summit War, the Straw Hat Pirates, now reinforced, make a grand entrance. Each member displays an impressive combat prowess, adding to their formidable presence. As they face off against the Marines and Shichibukai, all eyes are on Ace, who stands at the execution platform. In a moment of intensity, Luffy activates his Conqueror's Haki, silencing the chaos of the battlefield with a whispered declaration: "I'm here to end this war." I will update one chapter daily!! MTL name is Opened Fifth Gear On The Sabaody Ground, Kizaru Is Numb

GregariousLion · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

104. A Swordsmanship Showdown Enough To Be Recorded In History

In the snowy sky, two of the mightiest swordsmen in the world stood silently, each wielding their swords.

As the blizzard intensified, the grey sky turned into a vast expanse of white, isolating them in their own world.

"You've grown beyond my expectations," Hawkeye's deep voice echoed, his gaze fixed on Zoro. "Since our first encounter, I knew you'd stand before me one day."

Zoro, undeterred, replied, "Backing down would mean losing everything I've fought for. Even death is preferable to that."

"Even death?" Hawkeye questioned.

"I'd rather die," Zoro affirmed.

"Even if it means your name will be known throughout the world as a defeat?" Hawkeye pressed.

"I am Roronoa Zoro," Zoro declared. "I will become the world's greatest swordsman."

With determination gleaming in his eyes, Zoro stood firm, his swords at the ready.

Hawkeye drew his massive black sword, Yoru, and pointed it directly at Zoro, dispersing the surrounding snow with his formidable aura.

Zoro's resolve only strengthened. "I will not die. I will rise to the top of the swordsmanship world."

Their exchange of words ignited a fierce battle between them. Hawkeye unleashed a powerful attack, Night Slash, while Zoro countered with his Three Sword Style Crossing the Six Paths.

The clash of their swords created a tremendous explosion, piercing through the stormy sky and illuminating it with bright light.

As they continued their intense duel, Zoro could feel the full force of Hawkeye's unmatched skill and determination, pushing him to his limits.

But Zoro remained resolute, facing each strike with unwavering resolve, determined to prove himself against the world's greatest swordsman.

The weight of Hawkeye's strikes felt immense to Zoro as if each blow carried the force of thousands of blades.

"Are you truly prepared to face the world's best, Roronoa?" Hawkeye's voice echoed with excitement and madness, far from his usual noble demeanour.

"Of course," Zoro replied defiantly. "I've been striving for the position of the world's greatest swordsman for ten years, enduring hellish trials."

Zoro unleashed his Charming Demon Sleepless Night Oni Giri, aiming to pierce through Hawkeye's defences. But Hawkeye effortlessly countered, knocking Zoro back with a single strike.

Undeterred, Zoro's determination intensified, his blades glowing with a fierce red light. However, despite his efforts to adapt to the power of his swords, he found himself unable to match Hawkeye's overwhelming strength.

Hawkeye's attacks, devoid of flashy techniques, were like a mountain descending from the heavens, impossible to evade.

"Do you truly understand the consequences of failure?" Hawkeye's words struck Zoro's core, revealing doubts in his resolve.

As Zoro struggled to defend against Hawkeye's relentless assault, he realized the flaws in his own heart. He had always believed himself to be unwavering in his pursuit of greatness, but facing the world's greatest swordsman exposed the weaknesses within him.

Hawkeye continued his onslaught, each strike testing Zoro's resolve. With every blow, Zoro questioned his own dedication and determination.

But Zoro refused to falter. He embraced the pain and uncertainty, determined to transcend the limits of life and death in his pursuit of becoming the world's greatest swordsman.

As Hawkeye's final strike descended upon him, Zoro made his stand, enveloped in a crimson aura. Despite the overwhelming force of his opponent, Zoro remained steadfast, ready to face whatever trials lay ahead on his path to greatness.

Furthermore, it wasn't just a matter of channelling black power into armed colour; something else naturally infused into his blade under Hawkeye's relentless onslaught.

"Nine mountains and eight seas merge into one world, and countless worlds converge to form a myriad of worlds. Three worlds unite into one, capable of cutting through anything."

As Zoro's body radiated a crimson aura, Hawkeye sensed the increasing danger emanating from him. With each chant, that danger grew stronger.

Despite still being pushed back by Hawkeye's onslaught, a sense of piercing sharpness emanated from Zoro's being, amplified by his incantations.

"Three Sword Style Secret Move: Three Thousand Worlds"

In an instant, a sword light, seemingly capable of piercing through entire dimensions, illuminated the battlefield. The speed of Zoro's blade was so swift that it blurred, and the brilliance it emitted was blinding.

With a deafening boom, the silver-white sword light cleaved through countless horizons, creating a rift in the sky and causing snowflakes to vanish into thin air.

Witnessing the awe-inspiring strike, Vista couldn't help but marvel while Marco realized the true extent of Zoro's power.

"Roronoa, I'm beginning to admire you more and more," Hawkeye declared from a distance, his body having been sent flying by the force of Zoro's blow.

Since Shanks' encounter a decade ago, no swordsman had posed such a threat to him. Hawkeye's excitement was palpable as he faced off against Zoro, finally encountering a worthy opponent.

As the world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye saw in Zoro the fulfilment of his potential, a testament to his own legacy.

"Let the battle of the strongest swordsmen commence," Hawkeye declared with a rare smile, disappearing in a flash of movement, eager to engage in combat.

But Zoro had no time for words. With a fierce roar, he unleashed his demon aura and Ashura nine sword style, shattering the surrounding ground and further enhancing his formidable strength.

With three heads and six arms, bathed in a crimson glow, Zoro unleashed a flurry of strikes with his nine famous swords, clashing with Hawkeye in a spectacle of contrasting styles.

Crocodile observed the battle, acknowledging Zoro's formidable display. "That stoic fellow surprises me with his passion. He's as formidable as ever."

"He's already won this battle," Crocodile continued, "with an attitude like that, not even the Four Emperors could defeat him."

Chopper, overhearing Crocodile's assessment, expressed his unwavering faith in Zoro. "Zoro strives to surpass the world's greatest swordsman. He won't lose to anyone."

Unimpressed, Crocodile dismissed Chopper's confidence, referring to him as a mere pet. But Chopper swiftly transformed into his monstrous form, confronting Crocodile head-on.

"I'm not a pet. I'm the ship's doctor," Chopper declared before delivering a powerful punch, sending shockwaves through the air.

Crocodile, caught off guard by Chopper's strength, retaliated with his own formidable attack but found himself overwhelmed by Chopper's Armament Haki-infused fists.

Meanwhile, Chopper consumed three Rumble Balls, enhancing his strength even further. With his evolved physique and newfound form, Chopper stood poised to confront Crocodile on equal footing, a testament to the Straw Hat Pirates' underestimated prowess.


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