
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

20 Reverse Mountain

After the incident happened

Hunter was ordered not to go out as his case was still ongoing.

Although they were technically just sparring, Smokers sustained a terrible wound, a life-threatening one.


"Ensign Hunter, you've been summoned to Fleet Admiral Sengoku's office."

Hunter thought I shouldn't have fought that idiot, but I can't believe I lost my temper, that I almost killed Smoker.

At Sengoku's Office.

Hunter was standing in front of the Fleet Admiral he looked solemn.

"You idiot brat!, didn't I just send you a mission and you already messed it up!"

Sengoku was fuming and certainly was angry.

"I could just let it pass as you two were just sparring, but you carried him in front of a lot of people, I am not saying that you should have left him there, at least be discreet. You practically was pranching around carrying out in the open."

"And you almost killed Smoker, That is not how you treat a comrade"

"Watch your image, you know your the "Poster Boy" right?"

Sengoku continued lecturing Hunter.

"I apologize Sengoku-san, I didn't mean for it to go out of hand" Hunter looked regretful about his actions.

Although Sengoku is pretty forgiving, what he cares about the most sometimes is the image of the Marines. Arthur understood that because Sengoku was the head of the Marines.

"Nonetheless, you still will be gonna be sent to your given assignment".

Sengoku still thought that the kid was hiding deep resentment of something, the hidden aggression that went out when he was hit by Smoker.

We tried investigating his origins and even with the help of the CP, it still didn't give the particular result that we want.

He was basically sprout out of nowhere.

Anyway, as long as you are strong and with the Marines that's all that matters for now.

"Even though you escape harsh punishment, you will not be given any salary for six months."

"I'm gonna beat the hell out of Smoker again" Hunter was pissed and grumbled under his breath complaining.

"What is that,? Do you have any complaints?".

"No Sir, I'll receive any punishment," Hunter said unwillingly

Sengoku rolled his eyes internally, if I was him I will be pissed too.

"Take out your aggression on the pirates, not on fellow marines"

"You got that?" Sengoku watches Hunter intently.

"Now go!"

Hunter saluted at Sengoku and he went on his way.


Traveling to the sea, weeks had passed.

Arthur and Eve are now heading to the Grand Line, along with their "Hired Crew". Aside from both of them, they now have 50-something crew members. As Arthur called them cannon fodder.

They were actually pirates whom Arthur caught during their travels. He needed their skills to travel to the Reverse Mountain as Arthur was not proficient in navigation.

Also, Eve's expertise lies within her knowledge of plants, Botany. She said the reason she went out the sea was to look for all the plants in the whole world, especially flowers as she was fascinated by them since she was little and hopes to record it all.

Arthur heard from here that she was looking for a legendary plant, Origin plant of Immortality, he doesn't know where she got that Information about the legendary plant, but one thing is certain, she was obsessed with living forever.

After getting the news of her sister having a lover which delighted her in the first place. Because growing up their personalities are opposite of each other. Her sister was a quiet, calm, and well-behaved child.

But knowing that her lover's name was Gold Roger.

She immediately decided that she would go back to her hometown and put on hold her adventure.

Arriving back to her hometown, what she only caught was the the thing she dreaded most about, her sister's grave and her lover.

She didn't who buried them as no one in the village knew about them.

Arthur didn't care about her goals as long as she was helpful, and she certainly is, she is strong and has a lot of potential.

They fought once on an Island on a remote island called Torino. This was the island Chopper was sent to by Kuma.

He was impressed that she could keep up with speed but still lacked power and control over her strength. He also noticed that Eve seemed to be holding back as if she was hiding hidden trump cards.

He guessed both of them don't really trust each other and are still gauging each other, Which is true.

Arthur decided and go there as he needed their knowledge of medicine. One of the reasons he had gone there was his compass pointing in the same direction as Torino Island

He thought this was one of the strongest devil fruit in the world. If he hadn't eaten a devil fruit he would eat it without an ounce of hesitation.

She had thought to give it to Eve but decided to put it on hold as she didn't trust her that much. Maybe in the future perhaps.

The islanders there looked primitive but their technology was pretty advanced. Also, their knowledge of medicine is very extensive.

He also found an interesting fellow among the fodder, the helmsman of the group, his name was Ketter. He was young but was more useful than any fodder in the group.

Sometimes Arthur caught him looking at him, which Arthur felt shiver down his spine. It's not like he was afraid, but the look his been getting is a look of a fanatical psychopath person.


"Sir!, we're already at the Red Line, also there is a pirate ship ahead of us. They look hostile. Sir!" Ketter reported to Arthur with sparkles in his eyes.

'The Captain is so cool~~'


'There is really something wrong with this kid' Arthur disregarded the kid near him,

'I should not let them damage the ship, I will them taste my newly invented technique.' Thought while he opened the door.

Some time ago, he thought of long-range techniques, although his tail attacks can reach a decent range, but it was still in mid-range category and js still far from enough to snipe people.

Inspired by Doflamingo's string bullets, he tried recreating it with his poison cloud in which he succeeded. Since he already created other forms of his clouds it was easier to make bullets out of them.

Doflamingo's Devil Fruit is not that strong, but with his creativity, he made it as one of the strongest powers out there.

String is so hard that it can match named swords, control people like a marionette and he can also use it to travel which is very convenient.

And the birdcage which at one time trapped a Marine Admiral. Even though I thought Fujitora could really break it if he wanted it to.

The Poison Bullet he copied was powerful it literally put holes in your body, if the target didn't die he would be paralyzed as it is poison as the name implies.

But with experimenting, he didn't stop there as he wanted a long-range attack that deals with a lot of destruction.

"Head Straight"

Arthur instructed as he went to the bow of the ship.

"What is Captain doing?"

"You've heard the Captain" Eve also shouted, she went out of her room when she heard the commotion outside.

Standing in front, he ignored the murmuring idiots behind his back.

Putting out both his hands in front of him. Two purple spheres started forming above his hands.

"What that?"

Eve felt the immense power inside those two spheres gathering in Arthurs's hands.

"So Strong, I want to be like him" Ketter eyes glittered with fascination.

The spheres formed, and their size grew compared to a basketball.

Arthur wanted it to be bigger, but this was his limit for now.

This is his newly acquired technique the condensed energy spheres.

Arthur aimed and shot both of them successively.

Running above the water, Hising at a high speed the spheres actually made the seawater evaporate as intense heat emitted from it.

"There is something heading at us." That random statement was the last words the pirates aboard would hear.



It vacuumed and blasted the whole ship, obliterating it completely. All that was left was the echoing screams of the pirates.

The pirates aboard Arthurs's ship were stunned silence. All widened their eyes and jaws dropped.

all of them look at each other and agree not to mess with this monster.
