
One Piece - Rise of the King

Ryo wakes up on a Shore in Wano. Watch as his story unfolds and he is becoming the strongest Pirate in the word. On his journey He builds a crew that is going to dominate the seas. This story takes place in the world of One Piece. There are things that are different from the official work. So it's like an alternate Universe. This is my first time writing, so be warned that it is not perfect. English is not my first language. This is not the original One Piece Universe, there could be characters that are portrait different than in the original series.

Torpedo18 · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Chapter 16: Nami's Truth

As the ship sailed away from the Baratie, Nami found herself unable to shake off the weight of her past. She sat with Ryo and Yamato, the gentle sway of the ship doing little to ease her troubled mind. Finally, unable to keep her thoughts to herself any longer, she turned to her companions.

"Ryo, Yamato," she began, her voice hesitant yet determined, "there's something I need to tell you both."

Ryo and Yamato turned their attention to Nami, concern evident in their eyes. "I knew it. What is wrong Nami? Since I had that fight you seemed deep in thought. Whatever it is, please tell us." Ryo asked, his voice soft and encouraging. "We are supporting you, whatever it is", Yamato added, grabbing her and Ryos hands.

Nami nodded, grateful for their support. "When I was just a child, my home was attacked by pirates," she began, her voice trembling with suppressed emotion. "They ravaged our village, destroying everything in their path."Her words hung heavy in the air as she recounted the horrors of that day-the screams of the villagers, the flames that consumed her home, the loss of her beloved mother.

Tears welled in Nami's eyes as she spoke, memories of that fateful day flooding back with painful clarity."I was just a little girl, powerless to stop them," Nami continued, her voice choked with emotion. "I watched as they took everything from us, leaving nothing but devastation in their wake."Ryo and Yamato listened in somber silence, their hearts aching for the pain Nami had endured. Softly squeezing her hands, trying to help her confroning those heavy memories."But the worst part," Nami whispered, her voice barely above a whisper, "was the feeling of helplessness. The knowledge that I couldn't protect the ones I loved, that I was powerless to stop the pirates from taking everything away from me. That Bastard Arlong he murdered my mother right in front of my sister and me."

A heavy silence fell over the trio as Nami's words hung in the air, the weight of her past pressing down on them like a leaden shroud. But amidst the darkness, there was a glimmer of resolve in Nami's eyes, a determination to face the demons of her past head-on."I swore that day that I would never let anyone suffer like I did," Nami said, her voice steady despite the tears that streaked her cheeks.

Nami nodded, her eyes filled with unshed tears. "After that day, I swore that I would become stronger," she continued, her voice filled with determination. "I vowed to never let anyone suffer like we did."

Ryo listened intently, his gaze never leaving Nami's face. "You've been through so much, Nami," he said, his voice filled with empathy. "But you're not alone anymore. We're here for you."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Nami's lips as she felt the warmth of her friends' support. "Thank you, Ryo, Yamato," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "It means more to me than you know."

Feeling a renewed sense of determination, Nami made a decision. "If you can help me defeat Arlong, I'll join your crew as the navigator. We will avenge everything he has done to me and my people, and we will make everyone pay, who make innocent people like mine suffer", she declared, her voice filled with determination.

Ryo met Nami's gaze, a steely determination burning in his eyes. "Consider it done, Nami," he said, his voice brimming with confidence. "We'll take down Arlong together."

And so, with Nami's past laid bare and their mission clear, Ryo, Yamato, and Nami set sail towards their next destination, their hearts filled with hope and determination.

As they sailed onward towards their next destination, the trio found themselves immersed in training sessions, each determined to grow stronger in their own way. Ryo and Yamato took it upon themselves to educate Nami about haki, explaining its different forms and how it could be used in combat.

"Nami, haki is a powerful tool that can give you an edge in battle," Ryo explained, his tone serious yet encouraging. "It's all about harnessing your willpower and channeling it into your actions."

Nami listened intently, absorbing every word as Yamato demonstrated the basics of haki. She watched with keen interest as Yamato focused her energy, a faint aura surrounding her as she tapped into her observation haki.

"It's like a sixth sense," Yamato explained, her voice calm yet authoritative. "With observation haki, you can sense the intentions and emotions of those around you, giving you an advantage in combat."

Nami nodded, eager to learn more as Ryo stepped forward to demonstrate armament haki. "Armament haki allows you to harden your body and weapons, making them more resistant to damage," he explained, his voice firm with determination. "It's a valuable skill that can turn the tide of battle in your favor."

Under Ryo and Yamato's guidance, Nami began her training in earnest, honing her newfound abilities with determination and focus. Although she thought she would never learn it, her teachers where optimistic.

Meanwhile, as Nami talked with Yamato about the latter's past, Ryo found himself lost in thought, contemplating new techniques and strategies that he could employ in battle.

"Zoe, I need your help," Ryo murmured inwardly, his thoughts reaching out to the enigmatic spirit that dwelled within him. "I want to become stronger, to protect my friends and punish my enemies. Would you be so kind and teach me?"

A warm presence enveloped Ryo's mind, and he felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. "Of course my darling, I will teach you. But there is one condition. Defeat Arlong first and than we will train, okay?" He accepted her condition.

As they sailed across the ocean and the days passed, their skills grew stronger, and their bond as a "provisional" crew deepened. With Nami's resolve to defeat Arlong driving them forward, Ryo, Yamato, and Nami set their sights on the challenge that lay ahead, ready to face it head-on.

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