
One Piece - I Am A Different Luffy!

He is Monkey D. Luffy, but not the original Monkey D. Luffy, because in this world, that one is Lucy, his blood sister, while he had a peaceful childhood with his other three brothers. They all ended up following different paths since he didn’t have his memories. It was only when he entered a barrel lost at sea to save himself that he finally began to regain all the knowledge he had of this world from his past life. On top of that, he realized he could use this knowledge to his advantage to acquire everything he needed on his adventure. He was given four chances to summon people to start his journey, and more importantly, he finally received his two devil fruits, becoming powerful from the very beginning, with a plan that stretched to the end of his adventure. This story is the adventure of a man called Monkey D. Luffy, with the goal of becoming the emperor of all the seas in the world. For that, he will find the One Piece and destroy the World Government, for they cannot coexist. Be it the Marines, government agents, CP units, Tenryuubito, Holy Knights, Gorosei, or Im, Luffy will walk over a mountain of corpses. “I want you in my crew. Together, we will change the whole world and turn it upside down.” “Hahaha. Don’t worry, I believe in your potential, that's why I want you in my crew.” “My swordsman already fought you and lost. Now let’s see the strength of the world’s greatest swordsman too, right, Yamato? I hope you don’t mind fighting two rookies at once...?” “Awaken... Awaken my power... and destroy all your enemies...” “It’s good to see you after so long, Grandpa... and you, sister.” “Monkey D.? The most dangerous family in the world!” “Isn’t it a beautiful scene? Two Shichibukai and a Vice Admiral as my trophies! Come on, take a good picture and put it on tomorrow’s newspaper cover!” “I declare this kingdom my territory!” “Enel, you’re nothing but an idiot with a god complex. If you’re a god... then I’m a god slayer.” “As you said, Teach, people’s dreams never end! And if people’s dreams never end, why should I stop?” “Doflamingo... Jake... you’re so far from home. I hope you don’t regret this.” "You narcissistic woman, how can someone be so annoying and arrogant?" "What did you say, you damned man?!" "I now declare you husband and wife." "It's time to return to the Blue Sea, after all, we have a world to shake." "CP9? What a disappointment, Sengoku. I want money for them and Doflamingo... I want 2 billion berries at Enies Lobby in a few days." "Enies Lobby was completely destroyed...?" "I've fought Mihawk, Jimbei, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Hancock, and Moria... you're the only one left, Kuma..." "It seems we've finally met, Rayleigh..." "Let's invade Impel Down!" "I came here to find you, sister, it's time for you to join my crew... Joygirl..." "It looks like we've finally arrived at the war." "Sengoku... you tried to arm yourself to execute my brother, so I'll make an example of this Tenryuubito for the whole world." "You can't do this...!" *BANG!* "He actually did it, that bastard...." "Your chains are loose, move your ass and get out of Marineford!!" "Saturn!!! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" "I couldn't kill you last time, Akainu... but I'll make sure to do it now." "Destroy the rest of Marineford." "Let's get out of here. When you return, you'll take over this country for your family, Rebecca." "No matter if we're on opposite sides... I will always love you, grandpa." "It's time to start our training." "Let's begin. Now, let's head to the New World, capture territories, and grow our fleet." "Is the entire Straw Hat fleet ready? Now let's head to Wano, after all, we have a war against two Yonkou!" -------------------------------------------- This Fanfic's Schedule for the week, updates on: Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. ----------------------------------------------

RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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397 Chs

Chapter 176 - Skypiea 12.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]

Third Person POV

Skypiea, First Half of Grandline.



After a night full of feasting, the entire crew gathered with the fleet members in a remote corner of Skypiea, where Luffy began intensive training. He chose a spacious location, surrounded by the lush vegetation of the island and more secluded, perfect for the type of training he had in mind.

"Everyone, pay attention!" Luffy called to the group, forming a semi-circle in front of him. "We are going to intensify our training. I will use my ability to increase everyone's training speed by five times. As you know, I plan to do some things, but I will stay with you for a week."

Luffy looked at all of them, Yamato, Shirahoshi, Megalo, Roronoa Zoro, Lami, Bepo, Chouchou, Usopp, Nami, Reiju, Hugo, Nojiko, Hachi, Kuina, Alvida, Laboon, Vivi, Karoo, Nico Robin, Tony Tony Chopper, Bentham (Mr. 2 Bon Clay), Babe (Mr. 4), Galdino (Mr. 3), Marianne (Miss Goldenweek), Mikita (Miss Valentine), Miss Merry Christmas, Broggy, and Dorry nodded. They weren't the only ones; Wiper and Gan Fall also received a summons from Luffy to train with personal attention, as he needed to strengthen this realm and wanted to recruit many talents for his fleet. Everyone waited for him to continue, then Luffy began dividing his training.

Luffy continued, "For those who are starting, let's focus on the six styles. I want everyone to master at least 3 or 4 techniques. And for the more advanced, let's improve our Haki, especially the users of Conqueror's Haki."

The crew members looked at each other, knowing the next days would be of rigorous training, but they were ready for the challenge their sadistic captain would give them, at least those who knew his personality.

"Let's start!" Luffy exclaimed, picking up his two books worth 7 billion berries, and immediately the place was filled with activity. He began instructing each crew member, demonstrating techniques and correcting their postures and movements. The concentration and determination of everyone were palpable.

While some practiced the strikes and blocks of the six styles, others focused on releasing and controlling their Haki, under Luffy's attentive guidance with the manual. The atmosphere was of hard work and constant progress.

Broggy and Dorry, with their colossal strength and original size against each other, trained separately but with the same intensity, taking the opportunity to further hone their warrior skills.

Luffy supervised every aspect of the training, offering advice and encouragement to everyone. He knew the future would bring even greater challenges, and he wanted each team member to be prepared to face them.

As the day progressed and the sun began to set, exhaustion took over Luffy's team members. Their clothes were soaked with sweat, and the surrounding area was devastated, a testament to the rigorous training they had undergone. They begged for a break.

"Hubby, please! We need a break!" Alvida gasped, leaning on her club.

"Luffy-Chan, you're so cruel!" Bon-Clay lamented, while trying to catch his breath, but strangely cheerful.

"What kind of training is this? I can't take it anymore!" Mikita complained, collapsing on her knees.

"I want to go home..." Chopper murmured, visibly exhausted with tears in his eyes.

"Karoo" Karoo cried.

"Sharky Sharky!!"


"This captain is a sadist," Robin commented, still maintaining her composure, but clearly tired.

Luffy, however, showed no mercy. "What? Are you already tired on the first day?! Let's continue, we still have a lot of time before the day is over!" he declared, staring at the team with a challenging look.

"But Luffy..." Vivi tried to argue, but was interrupted.

"Stop slacking off, continue the training!" Luffy insisted, his voice implacable, echoing through the area.

The team members looked at each other, knowing there was no escape. With a collective sigh, they resumed training, driven by the determination of their relentless captain. Night fell over Skypiea, but the training of Luffy and his team was far from over; he didn't even seem to care that the day had ended.

When the first day ended, most of them were lying motionless on the ground. "These people from the Blue Sea, they are so merciless..." one of the Shandians lying on the ground said, looking at Luffy with fear. "I'm already missing Enel..." another commented. Gan Fall and Wapol with their groups were not far behind, as Luffy supervised their training mercilessly.

"That's enough for today!" Luffy announced, "Tomorrow we will double your training." Luffy said with satisfaction, eliciting a comical exclamation from everyone. "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT!" All of them had shark teeth and white eyes as they screamed in unison.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Yamato, one of the few still fine, laughed alongside Luffy at everyone's reaction.

"They may complain, but they will thank me for this in the future." Luffy said. His crew had a doubled bonus with the system, combined with the moa moa no mi, they reached 10 times, meaning that this intense day of training was equivalent to 10 days. Although Luffy had set up an inhuman training to improve their progress even more, at the end of the day he increased their recovery by 50 times, so as the night passed, they were able to get up from the ground, recovering very quickly.

They had a feast that night, everyone ate and rested, and the next day, Luffy repeated the same intensity, and the days passed like this. A week later, although many did not have the system bonus to increase their training speed, a week equaled 35 days of training, improving their strengths by leaps and bounds, surprising everyone who was not familiar with the effects of his training. They were almost mastering one of the six styles and greatly improving the effects for those who are users of fruits, with Luffy giving more creative tips on how they can increase their strength.

For the main crew, a week equaled 70 days. The initial users of haki training finally began to show visible performance with armament haki, and the members who still lacked the six styles began to master the techniques, like Robin and Vivi who finally learned mobility techniques with Geppo and Soru. Luffy made sure they also learned Tekkai as a fourth technique for those who already had 3, improving their defense while not using haki.

"It's good... but there's still a lot of work..." Luffy murmured, looking at all the bodies thrown on the ground. He was thinking about how to improve the training even more. He also didn't just stay as an instructor; he was constantly training and even when everyone was resting at night, he was still training, with Yamato accompanying him since she always came out the least harmed from the training. He was so immersed in it that he no longer slept with his girls, only when one said she was stressed and needed to relax, Luffy would take her to a corner for a "quickie."

"The armament haki training is good, but they need to do observation haki and conqueror's haki..." Of all the hakis, observation was the most neglected. Luffy had talked to Gan Fall about the mantra used in this kingdom to define this haki, but it was a bit outdated compared to the manual he had, and little was used, since even though there were people born with this haki from childhood here, which would be considered monsters by the marines and pirates, there were no powerful users here, no one could feel people's emotions with haki or see the future.

In the second week, Luffy started a different training. He stayed with the fruits of the group and observation haki with those who still had not learned to use it. The first few days started with Eikon users.

During the second week of training in Skypiea, everyone in the kingdom witnessed various terrifying things in those days. Giant beasts appeared every day, and always that purple fire demon beat them, since Luffy had to control his beastification the first time, which was always uncontrollable.

Shirahoshi, now the bearer of the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Leviathan, transformed into a giant sea serpent. Her new form, immense and elegant, glided through the air with ease, commanding the water around her. She created gigantic waves and powerful currents with a simple movement, displaying incredible mastery over the element.

Usopp, after consuming the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Bahamut, took the form of a colossal dragon with a gray coloration and a fierce expression. Rays of light emanated from his body, and in the fight against Luffy, he had caused great chaos before the captain managed to knock out the giant beast.

Kuina, transformed by the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Shiva, exhibited the power of ice created just by air molecules. She could generate gigantic pillars trying to hit Luffy while out of control. As a giant, she froze everything in her path, creating ice sculptures and causing snowstorms with a simple breath.

Reiju, upon consuming the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Phoenix, became a phoenix of monumental proportions, with red flames enveloping her body. Her transformation was so majestic that it surpassed in size and splendor Marco's form, another known user of the phoenix-type fruit, by hundreds of times.

Zoro, now the holder of the Eikon Eikon no Mi, Model: Odin, transformed into a dark knight of colossal stature. His power of darkness manifested in black and red cuts, tearing the air and the ground with supernatural force. Of all, he was the most difficult for Luffy to knock out.

After this, they began their beastifications with more control. Skypiea had become a home to colossal creatures that roamed the upper yard as if it were a small terrain for them. Every day, people saw the beasts training, as Luffy wanted them to get used to using haki and the six styles in their transformations, which was very frightening, like Hugo, in his titan form, jumping into the air with geppo in his 100-meter form.

It was not only the Eikon members who benefited from Luffy's last purchase in the system. Vivi could now control the wind, becoming a powerful user who generated devastating hurricanes across the area in front of her. She herself couldn't believe her current power, while she fought without fear of getting hurt, combining her six-style ability with the fruit, making the Vivi of the past just a shadow of the power she has now.

Luffy picked up his new weapon and began to practice. He bought a fencing manual, as just fighting against Mihawk and Momonga wasn't enough for him to reach an acceptable level. He trained with Zoro and Kuina in those days, and the dance of elements they could create was a good spectacle in the swordsmen's fight.

"I think they're good enough to learn on their own in the next few weeks..." Luffy murmured, as he wanted to get the crew ready to continue training on their own. He would soon descend to the Blue Sea alone to resolve some things, while the crew continued training and developing on their own in this place. It was no surprise that many forces were trying to capture him, and he would have to deal with them to make it clear that he was no longer a pirate they could easily handle with a force greater than they tried in Alabasta. He knew that according to the original story, Kuzan would probably be after him at this part of the Grand Line, as well as Doflamingo and even Jack, so he would soon find out if he was powerful enough to deal with them all.


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