
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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295 Chs

84 Buster Call

New World, a certain sea area.

Suddenly, the calm sea began to ripple with the sound of water waves.

Countless black spots appeared from a distance.

As it gets closer.

It was discovered that they were Marine warships.

If there are people here, then count them carefully.

It can be seen that the number of these warships has reached fifty warship in total

Fifty warships set sail at the same time, a rare sight in a decade of the New World

As people can imagine, something big must be happening.

Inside the leading warship.

Fleet Admiral Sengoku, Three Admirals, and many Vice Admirals, and some Cipher Pol were present.

The Marines strongest forces have gathered for an important meeting.

"We've just received news from all major branches that live broadcasts of Whitebeard and Bullet's battle have appeared in Sabaody Archipelago and even some islands in the New World."

"In other words, when we reach the island, our warship will also be in the broadcast!"

Fleet Admiral, Sengoku 'The Budha' said in a deep voice.

After receiving the mysterious call a few days ago, he discussed it with his old boss, World Government Commander-In-Chief, 'The Steel Bone' Kong. They decided to join forces with the World Government to encircle and suppress Whitebeard.

As for when to do it, they would wait for the right situation.

They had been waiting for the right opportunity.

Now, with the news of the Whitebeard and Bullet battle, they knew it was the perfect time to encircle Whitebeard.


"So the second war with Whitebeard is about to begin? It's really scary~"

Kizaru tilted his legs and said in an exaggerated manner.


"Since Whitebeard and his division commanders are there, when we arrive on the island, we will immediately launch a Buster Call to remove all the filth!"

One-armed Admiral Akainu said coldly.

He had already understood how strong Whitebeard was.

So this time they were more cautious than last time.

Understand that even with so many Marine forces deployed, it still may not put much pressure on Whitebeard.

Rather than risking letting Whitebeard escape.

It's better to encircle the entire island and launch the Buster Call at the same time, raining down cannonballs until the island is erased from the surface of the sea, burying Whitebeard and the other pirates in the depths of the ocean!

"We cannot do that!"

Aokiji immediately objected, with a serious look on his face: "There are not only Whitebeard and his crew on the island, but also other powerful forces from the New World."

"If we launch Buster Call rashly, we will only drive these people to seek cooperation with Whitebeard!"

How could the Marines ignore such a significant event like the Pirates Festival?

Before the festival began, they had already sent spies, and Cipher Pol had already infiltrated the island.

So they were well-informed about everything happening on the island.

They knew that in this Festival, apart from Whitebeard pirates, there were other strong individuals like Doflamingo, Hawkeye, Jack, Byrnndi World, Charlotte Katakuri, and a mysterious man wearing a purple coat.

If they initiate a Buster Call right away

Initiating the Buster Call would mean wiping out Doflamingo and the others too.

At that time, with so many powerful individuals, Aokiji is afraid that the result of the Summit War of Marineford would be repeated.

"Isn't that better?"

"Just to wipe out all these criminals together!"

Akainu slapped the table and shouted angrily.

Originally, he insisted on absolute justice, to erase all pirates from the sea

In the Summit War, Whitebeard cut off his left arm.

Caused him to hate pirates even more.

After hearing that a large number of pirates will be going to the Festival island, he can't wait to kill all of them.

"We don't have the strength to eliminate all pirates!"

Aokiji and Akainu continued their heated argument.

The Vice Admirals looked at Akainu and Aokiji who were arguing. They were sweating coldly and didn't dare to interrupt.

"Enough, silence!"

Sengoku slammed the table with a slap, and sighed helplessly at the same time.

Since the Marines' defeat in the Summit War, Sengoku had been given hints by his old boss, Kong, that the Five Elders would remove him from his position as Fleet Admiral.

And the successor to the Fleet Admiral position is Sakazuki, 'Akainu'.

He was dissatisfied with this decision.

He thought that Akainu was too extreme, so he wanted to recommend Aokiji as the next Fleet Admiral.

As a result of this reason, the two people who had barely preserved their relationship suddenly had a huge contradiction.

In just a few days, they argued against each other several times.


Akainu snorted, but closed his mouth.

"Sengoku, make a decision!"

Just when everyone was afraid to speak, Vice Admiral Tsuru broke the silence.

"What both Kuzan and Sakazuki said makes sense."

"So let's send half of our high combatant to the island first, and see if we can take Whitebeard down. If we can't, immediately leave, and then launch Buster Call!"

Sengoku solemnly said.

This time, the Marines and World Government joined forces.

The purpose is to eradicate Whitebeard and suppress the rise of the second era of great pirates.

This war can only end in victory, not defeat!

Once it fails.

The consequences could be disastrous!

So, in order to ensure the victory of the war, Buster Call is the last resort.

The admirals heard this glance at each other, and then nodded one after another.

"Since there is no objection, let's begin the preparations!"

Sengoku stood up, his expression solemn as he spoke.


The group of admirals responded with a resounding voice.

Following the clear instructions, the major warships hastened towards the Festival island at top speed.

After about half an hour later, they finally arrived at their destination.

After the Marines on board disembarked, they quickly rushed to the island and began their operation.




Festival Island

The fierce battle continues on.

After a long battle, Bullet's mechanical giant was shattered into pieces.

But Whitebeard remained unscathed, not hurt at all.

The difference in strength between the two was evident at a glance.

"Too strong, Whitebeard, you really are the strongest!"

Despite losing the mechanical giant, Bullet was even more excited, saying:"Only by defeating you like this, I am worthy of the title of the world's strongest man!"

"So, to thank you for bringing me such a fierce battle, I will use all the power I have!"

His Devil Fruit power awakens!

This is the further development of the individual's own power.

Once awakened, they can use the power of the fruit to influence things other than themselves!

When the words fell, purple matter appeared around Bullet.

When it touches the ground, it spreads rapidly and merges with the surroundings.

This is the power after the awakening of the combined fruit ability!

The user body can be integrated with everything on the island to form the strongest combat body.

It is also because of this ability that he has the confidence to defeat Whitebeard!.

"I will defeat you with my strongest strength!"




I put an advanced chapter at P@treon, you can read 10+ chapters ahead of everyone.

Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18