
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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297 Chs

12 Bullet, be my son!


"World, come to Marineford with me!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, as if he didn't bother with him at all.


"I wanted to settle accounts with those bastards Marine!"

World snorted.

Although he doesn't want to go to Marineford.

But he, who feels that Whitebeard is strong, knows that he can't refuse.

However, being one of the strong veterans, he refused to utter such words and remained stubborn.

It seems to say to everyone.

He went to Marineford because he was unhappy with Marine, not because he was afraid of Whitebeard.

Seeing World agree, Whitebeard nodded and ask Jinbei to open World's cell and release him

"No wonder the old man didn't have any worries after he learned that brother Ace had been escorted ahead of time. It turned out that he was already prepared!"

Jinbei was full of admiration.

He is even more convinced of Whitebeard's plan!

If he was in Whitebeard position, he would never have thought of this idea.

Attack Impel down first, release the prisoner, and then use the prisoner's power to rescue Ace.

Look at these powerful prisoners. his confidence in rescuing Ace grew stronger..

Dang dang~

Just as Jinbei exclaimed, the clashing sound of chains reverberated, shattering the silence of Eternal Hell, piercing the air with its harshness.

Everyone was alarmed by this sound.

Surprisingly, there are others who have survived alongside them.

"Old man Whitebeard!"

A deep voice resonated.

Amidst the clanging of chains, a tall figure emerged from the heap of corpses in a cell and approached the iron railing.

Because of the dim firelight, people couldn't see this person clearly.

"What? Bullet, as a member of the Roger pirates, do you want go to Marineford and have a fight alongside me?"

Whitebeard rolled his head slightly and looked at the figure in the cell.


"It's him?"

"He is still alive?"

Crocodile and the others were startled, immediately becoming alert.

Douglas Bullet!

Known as the "Devil Heir", he was once a crew member of the Roger Pirates.

His strength is extremely powerful.

Even the Roger Pirates crew call him a 'monster'.

Under everyone's gaze, Bullet fell silent.

After a while, the sound of chains breaking finally reached the ears of the people.

With a loud bang, the closed prison door exploded, releasing thick smoke that engulfed the surroundings.

"He's out!"

A solemn expression appeared on Jinbei's face

Then a figure came out from the smoke and dust.

When it was fully revealed, it was discovered that it was a middle-aged man with long blond hair, shirtless, and black pants on his lower body.

"You want me to go to Marineford!"

Bullet raised his head fiercely, locking eyes with Whitebeard like a sharpened blade, a powerful fighting spirit gleaming in his gaze.

"Then let's see if you still possess the same strength as before!"


A powerful wave of Conqueror's Haki surged forth.

The surrounding cells creaked instantly, impacted by the sheer force of the momentum.

The people present felt the impact of that Haki, their breathing stagnated, and a solemn expression crossed their faces.

They realized that Bullet possessed even greater strength than they had anticipated.

This Haki alone justifies Bullet's status as a crew member of the Pirate King!


"Bullet, it seems that you have forgotten how pain felt!"

Whitebeard laughed.

Roger Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates are old rivals.

As Roger's crew member, Bullet has naturally fought him, and more than once.

In the sound of laughter, Conqueror's Haki rushed out violently

Two Haki clashed in the air, giving birth to an invisible and powerful hurricane that raged all around.

Cang Dang! Cang Dang! Cang Dang!

The door of the cell was blown and swayed violently, making a violent sound.

As Haki exploded, the surroundings returned to calm.

"Is this the collision of the world's top powerhouses? It's really beyond imagination!"

The Corrupt king was secretly frightened.

"This guy Bullet is even stronger than before!"

Crocodile dangling his cigar, his eyes flickered: "But why does Old Whitebeard still have such strength?"

Bullet has such a strong Haki, he is not surprised at all.

Because the opponent is only in his forties and in his prime of his life, his strength has reached its peak.

But what about Whitebeard?

This year he is over 70 years old.

In his opinion, Whitebeard was indeed great when he was young, and known as the strongest man in the world!

At this age, the state should decline, his Haki also should drop!

But regardless of the vibration ability just now, or the current Conqueror's Haki, it all shows that Whitebeard is not weakened at all, and is still at its peak!

"How on earth did this happen!"

Crocodile whispered

The gaze directed at Whitebeard was filled with astonishment.

In fact, it wasn't just him who felt that way.

Redfield and World beside them also felt shock.

That's right!

They shocked!

Both of them are from the same era as Whitebeard.

Those who have aged understand the pain caused by physical deterioration best.

But when they saw Whitebeard, they found that Whitebeard didn't seem to have this problem at all.

Obviously he was over seventy years old, and he was still as good as young man.

This leaves both of them feeling incredibly astonished!

"Old man Whitebeard, you still possess such strength even now!"

Bullet looked excited.

Perhaps because of being too excited, his body began to tremble.

He thought Roger was dead, and Whitebeard was very old. No one in this world could stop him.

Unexpectedly, Whitebeard is still strong.

Regardless of the vibration ability or Haki, it seems to be as strong as he use to!

But he reacted quickly.

In a roar filled with excitement, he rushed towards Whitebeard.

During the sprint, his fist was raised, Armament Haki covered it, and with a fist, the hitting air exploded.


Seeing the Bullet coming, Whitebeard laughed and slammed his Naginata heavily on the ground: "Bullet, if you lose, be my son!"