
One Piece - I'm Whitebeard

The Man, the legend, The father. Whitbeard know by many name, respect by many people. Kings, Marine, and pirate show respect and fear when hear his name. And old legend from the previous era, a rival of pirate kings. But surprisingly someone takeover whitebeard soul before he go to Summit war to save his son, Ace. Meet new adventure of living legend, and discover what else world has to offer. ___________ This my first fic, and it’s not originally mine. I translate it from MTL and write it here, if you the original owner feel free to DM me for takeover. Realese schedule: 4ch a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday), with some bonus chap in certain occasion. _________ You can read the original MTL right here : https://www.wuxiap.com/novel/pirate-im-whitebeard.html _________ I also need some support, if you want please drop here, patreon.com/MoonEater18

MoonEater8 · Anime & Comics
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298 Chs

09 6th Floor, Eternal Hell


The prisoners on the sixth floor opened their eyes one after another, looking at the tall figures coming from a distance.


A sneer sounded.

The figure finally emerged from the darkness.

This man was extremely tall, wearing the attire of an Impel Down officer, with a long sword hanging from his waist.

He casually held his cigar, scanning the cells on both sides of the prison.

Seeing this, everyone's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Shiryu… the rain!"

"How you managed to escape!"

Crocodile sneered: "I can remember that you, like us, were captured by Magellan!"

"That fellow Magellan doesn't have time to control me."

"Not only that, I was able to come out thanks to the guy's order!"

Shiryu blew out a smoke ring and chuckled.

In the original story, he will also be released.

However, Luffy will be released once he's healed, and then make a daring escape with Ivankov, causing chaos in the underwater prison.

Now that Whitebeard arrived, he was released a few hours earlier. However, the personality of the other party has not changed at all.

Still the same as in the original story, after being set free he killed the jailer in LV6 prison.

"No time to concern himself with you? It appears that Magellan is in deep trouble!"

Crocodile sneered.

"It's really a big trouble!"

"Or it's a huge trouble for everyone here, and if you're not careful, you might end up dead!"

Shiryu sneered repeatedly.

Then he said nothing, leaned his back against the wall, and closed his eyes.

"If you are not careful, you will die?"

This remark caught the attention of all the prisoners in the LV6 prison.

Everyone is thinking about what happened to Impel down that would make Magellan release the former chief warden, Shiryu the Rain!


The fifth floor Freezing Hell.

Whitebeard and Jozu eventually made their way to the sixth floor through the corridor

However, upon reaching the sixth floor, Whitebeard and Jozu were confronted with a grim sight—the lifeless bodies of jailers scattered everywhere, as if a massacre had recently taken place.

"The blood is still warm. It hasn't been long since these jailers die!"

Jozu crouched down, running his fingers through the blood, and remarked

"Could it be that a prisoner has managed to escape from here?"

Jozu speculated.

"Don't worry, let's find Ace first,"

Whitebeard spoke slowly.

It's extremely difficult to escape from Eternal Hell.

With the jailer slain, the only plausible scenario is that Shiryu of the Rain has been set free.

However, if Shiryu manage to escape, it's not concern him.

With that, they proceeded further into the depths of the prison.

At this time, the inmates in the sixth-tier prison were still thinking about what Shiryu meant.

Only when the sound of footsteps echoed did many prisoners snap out of their thoughts and become alert.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

The sound of steady footsteps rang, and in the silent Eternal Hell, it seemed unusually harsh.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound through the cracks in the iron bars.

They noticed two figures approaching from a distance.

"Are they the ones Shiryu mentioned, who hold the power to decide our fate?"

The prisoners sneered.

However, as soon as those words were spoken, a powerful force surged forth, sending shockwaves through the prisoners of LV6 prison.

The impact was big make the prisoners shocked.

"How familiar this oppressive aura feels!"

Crocodile stood up suddenly, taking slow and deliberate steps towards the cell door, staring at the direction of incoming person: "Is that you... Old man Whitebeard!!!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the figure finally emerged.

The tall body, the white beard with a crescent moon, and the strong Aura!

Seeing this man, all the prisoners calmed down.

Unbelievable colors gleamed in their eyes!


Rival of the Pirate King Roger, the king of the sea in the same era!

He's appeared in the 6th floor of Eternal Hell this time!

"Whitebeard, it's really you!"

Crocodile was the first to react, pounding his palm against the iron bars of the cell, his eyes bloodshot.

"Hahahaha, it turned out to be you!"

"Whitebeard, it's been a long time since I saw you, remember me, Bertie David who was defeated by you!"

"Damn Whitebeard, I'm going to kill you!"

"Interesting, you come to Eternal Hell, do you want to save someone?"

The prisoners on the sixth floor woke up, roaring and laughing.

"It's you, kid crocodile!"

Whitebeard turned his head slowly, and upon seeing the familiar face, he spoke in a calm tone.

"You actually broke into Impel down!"

Crocodile looked complicated, but soon he burst into laughter: "But unfortunately, you're a step too late!"


Hearing the movement, Jinbei stood up excitedly: "Brother Ace was taken away twenty minutes ago!"


Joz's expression changed.

"Is it still a step too late?"

Whitebeard frowned, knowing that he had missed the opportunity.

However, he was not too disappointed, but looked at the prisoners in LV6 prison.

Perceived Whitebeard's gaze.

The prisoners who had a grudge against Whitebeard burst out laughing.

"Is that Fire Fist Ace your relative?"

"Hahahaha, I heard that he will be executed soon, i'm really happy!"

"Whitebeard, you have to die too!"

"Die well. In doing so, you will also taste the agony of losing your crew and loved ones. Hahaha!"

All kinds of crazy and harsh laughter resounded through the entire Eternal Hell.


Jozu was furious.


"Bugs abandoned by the times can only live like roundworms in the Eternal Hell, losing their freedom and suffering, and now you can still laugh!"

Whitebeard was not angry, but laughed bravely.

"What did you say!"

These words seemed to sting everyone's heart, causing a group of prisoners to roar again and again.

But before they finished speaking, they saw Whitebeard raising his fist and slamming it into the air.


The strong vibration spread and swept all around.

The prisoners who were still roaring were struck by a tremendous shock, sending their bodies hurtling through the air.

boom! boom! Boom!

The dull crash sounded constantly.

The once arrogant prisoner now lay on the ground, blood spewing from their mouth, wailing in agony.

After struggling for a while and realizing that he could not stand up, the original arrogance disappeared without a trace, one by one looked at Whitebeard in horror.

At this moment, they finally remembered.

Whitebeard is also a pirate!

And it's one of the pirates… that is closer to reach the king of pirates!

Whitebeard's might is several times more brutal than theirs.

If they persist in their clamor, they might meet their demise at his hands!