
076 Win the War, Lose the Girl

After saying that, Bonney ran towards the distance. 

In the blink of an eye, Blackbeard transformed into a bolt of thunder, standing in front of her.

"You'd better get out of the way." 

There was no emotion in Bonney's voice.


Blackbeard said with a serious expression.


Bonney gritted her teeth and said, then she was about to slap her palm towards Blackbeard.

Blackbeard knew that she used her fruit ability, but he did not avoid it. 

He now believed that Bonney would not take action against him. It can be said that this was a big gamble on his part.


Bonney's hand patted Blackbeard, triggering her fruit ability, and Blackbeard turned into a child.

The strange thing is that the child's appearance is not what Blackbeard looked like in his own childhood, but rather Lin Feng himself as a child. 

Of course, Bonney didn't recognize either of them.

"Do you know why I'm here? I came to kill you, and now you've made it easy for me with my Fruit ability!" 

Bonney shouted loudly at Blackbeard, who had transformed into a child, tears falling from her eyes.

She still can't accept that the person she once dreamt of killing has now become someone she cares for.




Following the commotion, Shiryu, Vasco Shot, and others quickly arrived, their eyes were Bonney warily, ready to take action immediately

"You guys go"

Blackbeard said to Shiryu and Burgess in stern tone

Shiryu and the others looked at each other. After seeing Blackbeard's insistent gaze, they chose to believe him and all left the area.

"Do you think I do not dare to kill you?" 

Bonney said, looking at Blackbeard who had turned into a child.

"Don't you want my life? I give it to you now"

Blackbeard responded calmly, as if he didn't care about life and death.


Bonney's eyes widened, and her pupils flickered slightly. 

Even as Blackbeard became a Yonko, he was willing to sacrifice his life for her.

Blackbeard's actions and her original intention of killing him created a collision of conflicting emotions, leaving her feeling more conflicted and self-blaming.

"You're an asshole! Big bastard!!" 

Bonney yelled at Blackbeard, but tears couldn't stop flowing down her face.

Blackbeard stepped forward. Although he had transformed into a child and his physical abilities had changed, he could still skillfully use his Devil Fruit ability.

A pair of wings appeared behind him, and he flew up, gently wiping Bonney's tears away.

Bonney's eyes widened, and she hugged Blackbeard tightly. 

After a long time, she let go of Blackbeard.

"Please give me some time!" 

Bonney left those words, then turned around and ran away. 

Such a huge impact made it difficult for her to calm down.

Blackbeard had reverted to his original state by this time, sensing the special fragrance that belonged to Bonney on his body. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As the saying goes, when a man is 70% drunk, he will act until woman cry. 

So, he did not pursue her again. 

He knew that Bonney needed some time alone now.


After the end of the final battle, 

In the News Bird Headquarter, Morgans' office.

"Hahahaha, Blackbeard is still so arrogant!" 

Morgans had already learned the entire process of the war.

After hearing that Blackbeard had won the war and already declared a new war on Kaido, he burst into laughter.

This was the best gimmick for him to earn traffic. 

But the next step was what he needed to figure out. 

Morgans was thinking about it now.

"Since you, Blackbeard, have helped me so much, I will help you too and increase your bounty!" 

As he said this, Morgans had a meaningful smile on his face.

"You guys, you are going to hype up Blackbeard as much as you can. Focus on his half-year training, his rise to become the Four Emperors, and his declaration of war on Kaido!" 

Morgans said to the crowd in the newspaper office.

"Yes, boss!" 

The people in the newspaper office all nodded. They are a group of people who are not afraid of big things. They are all daring to write crazy things to spice things up.

Since Morgans wanted them to hype up Blackbeard, they should hype up Blackbeard!

Just when all parties learned that Blackbeard won the Battle of the End, newspapers about the Battle of End were spread all over the world.

News content: "When the Blackbeard Pirates were in danger, Blackbeard, who had disappeared for half a year, suddenly appeared. It is known that the Devil Fruit abilities he has used have reached four different fruit abilities!

He led the Blackbeard Pirates to crush the remnants of Whitebeard, led by Marco, in the final battle, replaced the Whitebeard Pirates, and ascended to the throne of the Four Emperors!

He became the fastest-rising Yonko! 

And he made bold promises to defeat Kaido! 

He wants to be the strongest among the Four Emperors. There is no doubt that this era is already the era of Blackbeard!"

The newspaper also featured a new image of Blackbeard. After half a year of training, he has undergone a complete transformation. His appearance alone caused quite a stir.


When this news appeared, the first to know about it were naturally the Marines.

"Blackbeard has changed so much!" 

Fleet Admiral Sengoku looked at the newspaper in his hand with a serious expression, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Just from his appearance, you can tell that he is more than a little stronger than before." 

This time, even Garp's expression became solemn, completely ignore bag of donuts in front of him

Before, he could think that Blackbeard was powerful due to the power of Devil Fruit, but now even Blackbeard's physical skills have reached the ranks of the strong.

"Letting him go in the Summit War is really a mistake, we create a hidden danger!" 

Sengoku sighed. Now that he is about to retire, the next thing will depend on the new Fleet Admiral.

"Let me handle the last reward!" 

Sengoku was silent for a while, falling into contemplation. 

After a long time, he made a decision.

"Blackbeard's bounty is set at..." 

After Sengoku made his decision, he wrote Blackbeard a new bounty on a piece of paper and handed it to Garp. 

"What do you think?"

Garp's face was stunned. He took the paper, examined the numbers, and his expression became solemn. Nodding, he said, "I think it's okay. This is fine."

Soon, the reward list detailing Blackbeard's exploits and the newspapers from Morgans Newsbird spread rapidly all over the world

Causing shock among all forces and stirring up a commotion!





I've added an advanced chapter on P@treon, where you can read 25+ chapters ahead of everyone. Link : patreon.com/MoonEater18

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