
Chapter 336 Over Forever

Gina's point of view…..

   I sat at the garden in deep thought, I had had a room prepared for Govey because I am sure she is going to stay long. She has left to get some strength or rather rest like she put it.

   I thought of why Nora and I had the same dream. I figure that to have the same nightmare then it isn't just a nightmare, it was a revelation about to come. For two people to see it at the same time definitely means something huge.

   It was definitely not over and I hope that when the time comes it will be over forever. 

  I sighed and released the air that I have been holding for a long time. I felt my heart pump and I knew at once that Chris was nearby. I was still mad at him for what he did, rather for how he treated me. Imagine him sticking with this punishment after I pleaded with him and he has the audacity to make me struggle with my own arousal. It was unfair and he wasn't being considerate.

   I placed my hand on my tummy and smiled.

"Baby, do you know that your dad is punishing me? I know I did something wrong but his punishment, he is taking it too extreme. I was hoping he would understand but no he didn't."

  I said and I felt him moved. He always does each time I talk to him and I found it adorable. My son is going to be a great listener and he will make a fine King, a fine Lord and a fine lover.

  "Someone seems to be in deep thought? Good day to you the people's Choice"

Chris said and brought his lips near my ears and I shivered. 

  I don't know if he heard what I told our son because I felt him close by or maybe he did not hear me.

  The garden was built in a way that if you are facing East, you would not know when someone comes in unless your sense of smell is high.

   "She's fine as you can see, good day to you too"

"Is my love still angry at me?."

He asked and came over to my front. He squatted in front of me and took my hands in his.

  Staying angry with Chris was never an option, I just felt what he is doing is unfair to me.

   "I was never angry with you Chris, I am just trying to keep my emotions in check. I understand your point though but the question is, do you understand me as well?"

I said still frowning.

   "Of Course I do my love, I just don't want you to always be like that. Just ask and I will never deny whatever it is"

  He replied and pulled me up with him, I reluctantly allowed him to pull me up.

   "It's fine Chris, there is no need for justification."

He chuckled and hugged me.

   "Say you are not angry with me and I will believe you"

I know what he is trying to do, he knows that if I said that, my anger will wither away.

  "I am not angry with you does not mean that I am cool with you, so you know"

He nibbled on my earlobes and I smirked. If his plan is to get me aroused again and leave me in the middle of the sea then he has failed. He knows me too well not to try.

  I pulled away and gave him a light smile.

    "I am really tired Chris, I need to rest. Please can you help me to the room"

   Chris stared at me longer than necessary then shrugged his shoulders.

   "Sure, anything for the queen"

He carried me and we left the garden. Chris could not argue with me because he heard my thoughts. I felt bad though and could do something if I wanted to but I don't want to. He said no love making so we are keeping it at that. I want to serve my punishment in peace.

   We got to my chamber and he laid me on the bed and made to leave but I held on to his garment.

  "Stay with me, Chris, the people can wait but I can't. I want to feel you while I have my nap, please don't say no."

  He said no word and laid down on the bed with me. He was hurt and I can feel it. 

   He should not have started this in the first place although Govey and Nora pleaded with me to make up with Chris and I am sure going to make up with him but not now, I will do that when I am done serving my punishment.

   I snuggled closer to him and slept off to Dreamland.