
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 Laid


Damien's POV

I was damn furious when I left home, why are this people bent on making my life unbearable. I brought Stephanie to them and they didn't approve of her, now they want me to get another girl from heaven knows where. *Fuck* I cursed and punched the wall hard, damn it, I don't really want to be forced into marriage. I hate women, I fucking hate them and my father still wants me to get married? After what my mother did to him, he still want me to make same mistake.

"I can't do this, I fucking can't!" I yelled as my office door parted and the son of a bitch matched in

"Hey bro, sup?" He asked me, taking off his tie, I sighed and watched Fred, he's living a sweet playboy life, unlike me that live as though I have the whole worlds' pressure on me.

"You seem pissed off?" He asked and I threw the glass of whiskey at him, he ducked immediately.

"Man! What the hell was that for?" He stood transfixed staring straight at me

"Argh! You know what? Fire every woman in this industry now!" I shook in anger

"I can't believe this... Are you mentally I'll?" Fred asked politely but I just glared at him with pure anger as I left angrily while he trailed behind and kept on talking and talking, i paid deft ears to him as I pulled up in front of my mansion, then I walked into my room. I took off my clothes and washed myself. I switched into my casual wears and stormed out in anger

"Blacks Club,In less than 5 minutes." I said with a warning tone to the driver and he nodded.we soon arrived and I smirked seeing how developed my hotel and club is. I felt proud.

"Man, this is truly what I need right now." Fred said and whistled. I frowned and entered the Club, everyone were having a good time. I sat down watching them from the balcony as they danced, I kept on drinking trying to wash away memories of getting tangled with a woman.

My eyes landed on a hot beautiful olive skinned lady, she's really gorgeous, though I just caught a glimpse of her well sculptured face. She looks pissed off and I smirked, women, they're all women. She turned her backside and I caught a glimpse of those perky a**, fuck! What's this?seems like I need a woman for the night.

I glanced at her and she was gulping down the vodka like it were just some random drink. I walked out of the club and sat on a bench while I puff out some smokes, I threw the cigarette and lit another. I was surprised 20 minutes after someone came and sat on the bench beside me. I paused cos no one ever dared to sit down close to me, I scoffed, it's her that lady at the bar

"I hate you Henry, I fucking hate you, it's all your fault you idiot!" She was yelling in her drunken state of mind. My guards wanted to step in but I signal them to wait. I looked into her light brown almond eyes,shit. I felt trapped with this woman I quickly looked away

"Excuse me. I need peace here." I stated, more like a warning, then my eyes moved to her exposed laps, curvy waist and full breast. I looked back into her light brown eyes, it was filled with admiration, lust and other emotions I too can't explain.

"Who are you handsome?" She asked, making I and some guards surprised, I'm popular everywhere, damn, should I be angry at her? Who the heck is this woman. She kept on staring intently at me and I smirked , she just look so cute, damn it.

"Stop staring woman,you might just twist your neck." I said in a deep tone making her blush

"Are you human? So unfair, you stole all the beauty Mister." She complained and angrily plodded away making me smirk, 5 minutes later, I decided to leave for my hotel room and rest there for today, I was a bit drunk but I'm still sober. I saw the same woman having issues with Dora, my desk clerk. I pulled the young lady out of the hotel entrance myself

"Leave now!" I yelled at her and she flinched

"No, I'm not l..leaving Hen..Henry, tell h..him that it's still..still his..his..." With that she was about to fall, I held her to prevent her from falling. Her phone kept ringing persistently , I handed it over to kuku, one of my most trusted guards. I carried her like she weighed nothing, I could vividly see everyone's puzzled and shocked expression

*Thank your stars you're sleeping fool.* I muttered under hot breath. Carrying her is not helping my situation, her tempting skin, long wavy brunette hair and soft promiscuous lips. Fuck! I dropped her on my bed. Why don't I feel irritated having a woman on my bed, instead I liked the feeling. I took off her heels and then she sat up immediately but I just remained same way I am. She was a bit sober now and her eyes scanned everywhere, when they landed on me, they were filled with lust and it's really tempting me hard. Those soft skin in my hands, she walked towards me and I just stared at her, she looks shy and I smirked as her soft fingers brushed my muscles, I decided to play along as my palms brushed her hips and then she started caressing my chest arms and muscles. I was getting turned on now, I claimed her soft lips and men! It feels so good, it taste so great. I pushed her to my super large king sized bed. I kissed her passionately, senselessly, the fuck! I've never felt this way in a long while now. I was rocky hard and it fucking hurts like hell, it's throbbing, trying to free itself from my denim jeans. Sparks grew where ever her fingers touched.