
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 4 The handsome dude

(The handsome dude)

Author's POV

*8:00 pm*

"Abby, are you done yet?" Jane asked, her eyes on the hand mirror as she applied the lip balm on her lips

"Coming..." Abby called from the dressing room and soon she walked out, Jane gaped at Abby in astonishment, she's so sexy and gorgeous, wow.

"Abby, is this really you?" Jane asked with a smile "you.. Look amazing.. Wow.. You're definitely getting laid tonight." Jane teased

"Damn you Jane, I'm just going for a drink and nothing else." She angrily protested while Jane chuckled as she helped her with her makeup. She looked absolutely stunning.

They arrived at De Blacks hotels and suites, which happens to be the most expensive five star hotel and club in chicago.Abby was shocked

"Jane," she called

"Mmm?" Jane replied

"How were you able to afford this place? I mean, it's for the multi billionaires and sort of those filthy..."

"I have an appointment with someone." Jane interrupted leaving Abby confused... What sort of appointment will someone be doing in a hot club like this? Yet she just shrugged it off, she trusted Jane and it's just to have fun right?

Two hefty guards tried to stop them but Jane flashed them two V.I.P cards leaving Abby stunned, how's Jane able to afford such expensive items? Abby followed her in and immediately all eyes on them, some hungry, lustful eyes lingered on Abby, while some were eye fucking her.

"Jane, you have lots of explanation to do.." Abby whispered to Jane, she trailed behind Jane who walked like she owns the place.

"Common Abby, there's nothing to be afraid of, we're just gonna hang out with some filthy rich billionaires." Jane said making Abby gasp in shock

"Hang o..out? Hang out meaning?" Abby stopped in her track as she bombarded Jane with lots of questions, making Jane upset

"I get it baby girl, I'm sorry I lured you here, but if you don't like it you can go home and continue to be a virgin until you turn 80." Jane lashed out as she handed Abby the car keys.

"What the f*ck." Abby muttered under her breath, she bit her lower lips but then recalled those words Tessa said to her in the Grocery store.

*....I pleasure him in different ways you can't.* really? Abby scoffed, what's gonna go wrong if she decides to have a one night stand huh? She's sick and tired of being ignorant in that part of the world, she can just have it once and leave right? With that Abby Walked over to the room where Jane had entered and when she walked in, she felt like the ground should open up and swallow her... Right before her were 6 young good looking rich billionaires with wealthy women as well. Abby was speechless *darn it* she cursed, throwing Jane a deadly glare. All eyes were on her now, Jane chuckled and walked over to Abby as she tilted her head to a corner, she was embarrassed and those gorgeous eyes were eating her up with their eyes

"Everyone, this is Abby Jones, she's the only child of Mr and Mrs Jones." Jane introduced like she knew this guys already, what is really going on here, Jane really got a lot of explaining to do. She smiled at Abby and was about to take her to a seat. Immediately, Abby pulled her hand from hers and bolted for the door. This is really a huge embarrassment, she looked like some sort of prostitute, will Henry be happy to see her this way? She was so pissed off as she went to the bartender

"Two shots of vodka, now!" She ordered, the bartender shot her a glance and without saying a word, he handed the drinks over to her. Abby was a little hesitant, she's never taken Alcohol before, but Henry's words rushed into her ears and she gulped it in one go. It burnt her throat so badly that she started coughing violently.

"Another (coughs) shot." She said amidst cough with tears, those painful tears flodded back. How could Jane treat her this way, she humiliated her like she was a prostitute, now she regretted coming here. She gulped the vodka but this time, she didn't cough and she drank two more shots, then she felt dizzy as she started laughing like a mad woman with tears falling at same time. She walked out of the club and then staggered to a bench, she began cursing

"I hate you Henry, I fucking hate you, it's all your fault you idiot!" She yelled and laughed again

"Excuse me. I need peace here." She turned towards him in her drunken state, he was goddamn attractive, muscle built and fu*king hot. She felt her body reacted In a strange way towards this god freaked guy beside her. He was blonde, with baby blue eyes and thick lashes, who's this handsome dude that makes her body react strangely

"Who are you handsome?" she asked a bit sober, he glanced at her and scoffed. He was wearing expensive brand of close and gosh, those kissable tempting lips of his, his downturned dangerously shaped eyes of baby blues

"Stop staring woman,you might just twist your neck." He said in his deep voice,she's just so mesmerized by him.

"Are you human? So unfair, you stole all the beauty Mister." She angrily scolded and left, while he chuckled. Of course, she have no idea who she's speaking to else...

"I'm so tired, I will scold Jane later, but for now I should just sleep." Abby staggered her way to the desk lady in the hotel.

"Give me a room this minute. Now." She said in a serious tone that made the desk lady flinched

"I'm sorry Ma'am, but i don't think you can afford a room here." The desk lady said

"What?how da..dare you speak to me like that? Do you know w..who I am? I'll sue you and..and bring down this com..pany." Abby blurted, the desk lady was about to call the security guards when her boss showed up

"Leave her, she's coming with me." He stated.

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