
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 20 His Aunts

(His Aunts)

Abby's POV

The purring sound of the Lamborghini car filled the air as it began to move. I looked out the window, not wanting to glance at the man beside me.

I'm so mad at him, what does he think? That he could control my life because he's Damien Blacks? He cleared his throat, I don't want to even hear what he's about to say

"I know... You don't like the arrangements but.." He began

"Trust me, I just need your help and after that you can go wherever you want, I promise to give you a company of your choice in addition to the money." He muttered

Yeah, he thinks money is everything? What about my reputation? What will I do with myself? Well.. It's just a matter of a year right?

I can leave this country and start a new life elsewhere

"I don't give a damn about your stupid arrangements, I just want to ask you this question. Why me? You can get any woman you want but you chose to pull me to this mess why?" I squabbled angrily

"You want to know why? It's because I trust you! Don't make me lose that trust!" He yelled and I gulped

His bad side isn't a joke, he looks terrifying, I decided not to push further.

We arrived at a huge mansion,I marveled at how huge and tall it was, It's painted White and silver. It was beyond my expectations.

The place is so.. Expensive and beautiful

I wowed at the place, it's even more bigger than a castle.

Damien walked in as I followed suit, every part of this place screams Wealth.

I've never been to such a beautiful place like this before. We entered the Living room and it was even more luxurious and gaily than the outside part of the Mansion.

This guys are filthy rich and it's not a funny thing that they get to see this place everyday yet they don't admire it.

"Wait here." Damien ordered and without spearing me a glance, he left.

I must have annoyed him badly, I smirked.

*Hmph* I scoffed, that's what he deserved. He thought he could play the winner here? No way I'm letting him do that.

I sat down on one of the expensive chaise lounge in the living room as I went through my phone.

I texted Renee that I'll be there by 1pm and she sent me a heart emoji. I smiled and continue scrolling

"And who do we have here?" An older lady in her middle 30s asked as she descended the stairs.

Everything about her seems to be expensive, she looks like royalty with her delicate skin and slightly grey hair which she held in a bun.

She's beautiful and rich, the diamond jewelries and expensive clothes

"Good day ma'am, I'm Abby Jones, Damien's girlfriend." I introduced, the word 'girlfriend' seems to be absurd for me as well.

"I see." She said as she walked round me like inspecting me then she stood in front of me

"Since when did you become his girlfriend?" She interrogated as I cursed inside me

"For 2 months now." I replied according to how Damien asked me to reply.

I'm just doing this because of those fucking threats, else, I wouldn't be wasting my time here.

"Good day Aunt." Damien greeted

"Oh Damien my sweet child how are you?" She asked

"I'm good as usual." He answered her then turned towards me, I just frowned while his expression remained stoic

"Abby, meet Aunt Marabel and Aunt Marabel, meet my girlfriend Abby." He introduced as I almost puked at that same word.

"Um.. She don't seems to fit my taste. I think Daisy is the perfect girl for you don't..." His aunt started.

"Enough, I am getting married to Abby in the next 3 days. If it pleases you do attend." He said and my head was close to exploding, 3 days? Oh God let this be a joke.

"What's with the rufus down here?" Another beautiful tall lady in her late 30s this time descended the stairs.

She's so beautiful and looks gentle as well, compared to aunt Marabel I will say she's more beautiful.

"Aunt Rose, I brought my girlfriend here, she's Abby." He said with a warm smile and I just nodded with a cute smile

"Good day Aunt Rose." I greeted

She scanned me with those yellowish-gold set of eyes, her eyes is really special and I love this woman

"Abby you say?" She asked as I nodded

"Since when did you start dating my nephew?" She asked

"For 2 months now.." I replied nervously

"Hmm.. Do you love him?"

That question came hanging in my throat, I immediately nodded, I could see Damien smiling from the corner of my eyes. *Fuck you Damien* I cursed under my breath

"I love him,not because he's rich and famous but because he's kindhearted and generous and he makes me happy.."

I nervously answered earning a bright smile from Aunt Rose.

"Rose, you have to tell Damien, Daisy is a good match for him not some local gold digger." Aunt Marabel spat

"Don't you dare call my wife a gold digger or else I'll serve you your tongue for that." Damien threatened as Aunt Marabel quivered and plodded upstairs.

Was he that scary? How mean is he that he scares his Aunt

"I like her for you Damien, she's a good match, I just want to have a grand nephew soon, so you both should hurry." She said and with that, she left.

"You son of a.." I started

"Sh.. They might hear you, we're in love remember?" He smirked with sarcasm

"You'll sew the end of this, I promise you Damien." I threatened, his eyes softened as he stared at me

"What?" I asked bringing my voice down this time.

"It's the second time you said my name like that and I just.. Love it." He replied with a smirk, I elbowed his ribs and he just smirk.

"What if we actually fall in love dear?" He asked

A gasp escaped my lips, how could he say that?

"We won't." I spat

"We might." He gave me his handsome smile that made my heart flutter.