
One night stand with the billionaire

After her break up with Henry, her fiancee who she promised to love and build her life with. Abby decided to move on as she can't stand the pain any more but the most surprising thing is her one night at the club with she assured herself that it's just to take away the memories of Henry, yet she was confused as hell. Damien Blacks was one of the top richest billionaire in America, he's got everything he wanted yet something was missing from him, but after his one night with the brunette haired lady he felt completed but was pissed to discover that she ran away from him after that night. What had fate in stored for this two?

Royal_Anna · History
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20 Chs

Chapter 19 The Andersons

(The Andersons)

I left for home by 5pm, i can't believe I am gonna get married to no one other than Damien Blacks,I sighed and fell with a thud on my bed

What does he take me for? Is it by force to marry someone?

I shrugged it off and decided to prepare something for I and

Jane to eat. I baked some pizza and prepared some milk

Taking off my work clothes, I showered and wore a danami plain tank top with a short blue jeans.

I baked some brownies, I ate white watching some movies, my phone rang as I checked the screen to know who it was..


I bit my lips, it's my boss. I clicked the answer button

"Abby, I'm picking you up by 12:00pm tomorrow, get ready and wear the dress I sent for you." He addressed

"I'm going no where with you." I insisted

"Okay, I'll just have to make you then," He sighed and I rolled my eyes, if it is about the job, then it's fine if I lose it.

I can't marry someone I barely knew...

"Don't worry,I'll inform your family of our marriage and I'll bring up the news of you and I having sex to the media, how's that?" He said it like they were a casual thing to talk about, but then, he's the hottest billonaire in the media, my name will be at stake if he reveals that.

"Okay.. Don't think you can get away with this Mr. Blacks."

I was filled with anger as I ended the call. I punched my pillow angrily and I recalled Renee's party is coming up on Thursday.

I will go once the meeting with this horrible boss of mine is ended. The door was pushed open as Jane entered

"Hey there sweetheart, how are you?" Jane asked

"I'm worst than I've ever been, how do you want me to be?" I remarked angrily

"What happened Abby?" Jane asked taking off her suit jacket

"You can't imagine this, he wants us to have a wedding, a wedding Jane.." I enunciated

"What? I thought it was a contract marriage?" Jane asked

"It was.. a contract marriage." I sighed heavily

"I'm really regretting my one night stand now, is God punishing me for giving out my virginity?"

"It's okay sweetheart, it's just a wedding, you guys will divorce soon.." Jane appended

"I'm scared of this marriage Jane, it might ruin my reputation." I explained

"Come on Abby, it won't, besides, you can leave anytime you want right?" She asked with a warm expression

"I don't know Jane, it's like my life is in a mess." I sighed

"It's okay Abby, everything will be fine, I believe." Jane allayed making me frown.

"It's okay Jane, I prepared some pizza and milk, go and refresh yourself." I patted her shoulder with a warm smile, she's done a lot for me. I wouldn't want her to get involved in my problems.

She nodded and left, I frowned and decided to take a nap for the big day tomorrow.

Jane's POV

I felt bad that Abby was sad, of course she's my best friend, the only friend I've ever had.

I just wanted the best for her, she deserve the best, she's gone through a lot in her childhood days and I don't want her to experience such again.

I've seen how unhappy she looked whenever she mentioned Damien Blacks, I know she's not yet over Henry, she's just trying to mask it up

She wouldn't want to move on that easily, she's a woman with dignity and pride.

I just wanted the best for her, I've seen how Damien stares at her and anyone around them could tell that he's got a thing for her.

She don't even know how lucky she was, I mean, not every woman gets to be with someone as famous and wealthy as Damien Blacks.

From the rumors I heard, I thought he was gay, but with how obsessed he was with Abby, I could tell he's not gay but a hot, sexy sweetheart.

My phone beeped, I answered the call, it was my boyfriend Jayden

"Hello jay, how are you doing?" I asked a bit shy.

Jayden is a politician and truthfully, I advanced my moves to him before he asked me out.

"Let's meet at Bambis Restaurant." He said and hung up

I quickly took my bath and rolled my hair, then I wore a short black silk gown, and I did my makeup.

I didn't want to wake Abby, so I gently headed for the door. I glanced at myself in the mirror and I was satisfied with my looks. I drove my car to Bambis restaurant, one of the five star restaurant there is in New York.

I took elegant steps towards the VIP floor. I searched for Jay until my eyes landed on a waving hand.

I was a bit nervous, Jay is also good looking and that's the reason I fell in love with him, not because of his money.

"Hello jay, hello." I greeted both Jay and the elderly woman sitting beside him.

"Is she the woman you were talking about Jay?" The elderly woman asked, throwing me a scornful look

"Yes Aunt, Jane, meet Aunt Christy, Aunt meet Jane Roberts." Jay introduced me to her and I gasped

"Christian Anderson? It's a pleasure to meet you Ma'am." I was glad I got to meet her, I've heard so much about her.

I heard she's the one who's in charge of every member of the Anderson family after Wayne Anderson, Jayden's father passed away.

"Is this the piece of trash you want to marry Jay? Do you want to bring down the reputation of the Anderson family? Suzanne is a good match for you not this low level whore." Aunt Christy referred with disgust evident in her voice

"I'm sorry if I disgust you Mrs Christy, I'll just leave now."

I was sad, my heart broke into tiny pieces hearing her words, who am I to go against the matriarch of the Anderson family? A tear slid down my cheeks

Maybe that's what I get from forcing myself on Jayden.

"Jane is going nowhere, I love Jane and she's the woman I want to marry." Jayden announced to the astonishment of everyone present there including me.