
One Last Wish

"I don't care what I'm getting myself into, as long as it's for you." Jane whose days are numbered on earth because of her terrible illness only wished for one thing. To experience this thing called love before her death. The remaining of her days were on an adventure she couldn't believe and so many truths were unfold, and betrayals from those she never expected. Was she able to seek it and what would be her journey if she was able to find it.

Favyhm23 · Fantasy
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125 Chs


After she finished her breakfast, Jane headed towards the door to go out.

"Bye dad."

"Bye cupcake and be back home early, okay?" He said with his newspaper still on his hand.

Sometimes Jane will ask herself what he enjoys reading those boring things.

"Yes dad, I will."

And without looking back at her dad, she slammed the door.

The weather was hot outside which was her favourite type of weather. Sunny.

She arrived at an apartment and knocked the door. Nobody replied after knocking and she knocked again, but still no answer. She let out a sigh and prepare her mind as if waiting for something to happen. Before she could close her eyes, something unexpected happened. The door was opened with a force dragging her inside almost making her fall but she held a grip of herself. 

Letting out out a frustrating sigh and and slapping her palm on her forehead she could only stare at the person with 'what the hell' look.

"Don't you get tired of your silly pranks Lisa." A girl who was as beautiful as the moon, or if possible more beautiful than the goddess of earth stood there laughing out loudly, falling to the ground and laughing like a kid. Her laugh was like a beautiful melody you can't get tired of listening to. She was a bit taller than Jane, her green eyes reflecting the colour of the sea and her blonde hair which match perfectly with her eyes and her face. Her face was perfectly shaped. They had a sharp features making her look like a model, her lips were so beautiful. Just the look of it could make anyone want to kiss her pink lips. Every guy that stared at her can't get their eyes off her. Guys were literally drooling over her.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing that to you my little wormio." Said the girl who was on her feet still laughing.

"Wormio? Jeez Lisa, how many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that." She said with a little frown on her face still standing there looking at Lisa with the expression that says 'what the hell was actually funny with what you just did.'

Lisa called her wormio because she was literally scared of worms. Lisa could only laugh at her at the thought of that anytime that came up to her mind. 'Like who the hell was scared of worms on earth' she once said that to Jane. 

"I can't Jane. You know how much I love pranking you. It's an energy booster to me." Said Lisa who was already lying on her bed with her staring at the ceiling still having a wide smile on her face.

Jane and Lisa have been childhood friends. They both went to same elementary school, high school and college together. They were inseperable. The both of them were found together always. Though Jane knew how much Lisa loved to prank her, she would still act along sometimes to make her happy even when it's not funny.

"Oh really, energy booster uhn." She said walking slowly and smiling as if planning something mischievous on her mind. "Why don't I give you a real energy booster." She jumped on Lisa so fast that Lisa didn't saw it coming. She sat on Lisa's body. She wanted to retreat but her weight on her body was too strong. She could only beg because she knew what's going to happen next 

Serious laughter echoed in the apartment as Jane tickled her everywhere. They both laugh and giggled. 

"Stop, hahahaha." 

"You said I'm your energy booster right?"

"No no no hahaha. I'll.... I'll change hahahaha."

Seeing that Jane had no plan of stopping anytime soon, she too tickled Jane and the both of them laughed and giggled even louder.

"Stop, hahaha." both said together.

"No, you stop first Jane hahahahaha." 



Only laughter could come out of their mouth as they tickled each other rolling over each other.