
16. A Mother and Daughter Chapter

AN: An original. Months ago, I've gotten requests for a mother and daughter chapter. Specifically from chocolatemilkandlollypops, One Nutty Author, and a Guest. Inspired from the Disney-Pixar movie "Brave" in some aspects and threw in my personal thoughts.

Linka's sitting in her room, looking down at a portrait of herself and her mother in deep thought.

"Rita Loud, aka, my mom. You would assume that because I'm the only girl in the family, I have a close relationship with my mother, right readers? Well, as my older brothers taught me, when you assume something, you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me". We're so different! And when we spend time together, it's not enjoyable on my behalf."

Linka was playing a video game in the living room when the T.V was unplugged. "Who did that?!"

Rita held up the T.V cord. "Linka, you can't just play video games all day long. You need to stay fit, like your mom."

Later, the T.V is plugged back in and Rita was following an aerobics show. "See?" She panted. "Exercise can be fun!"

Linka was panting and sweating harder as she copied the movements. "Tell me when the fun part starts!"

"Ouch!" Linka screamed and shook her hand alleviate the pain. She looked down at the curtain. "How did Loni do this at the age of six?!"

Rita passed her needle through the material with ease. "Sewing is a basic skill that you need to know in life."

"Well, that's basically sexist." The white-haired girl said under her breath.

"What was that?"


Linka desperately swayed her arms back and forth. In an attempt to sooth the crying baby in her arms.

Rita walked past her to take out the trash. "Mom, a little help?!"

"Linka, sometimes babies cry for no particular reason. Just keep Leon company, sweetheart. You'll need to know how to properly take care of babies when you're older." Rita walked away with that.

Linka cursed under her breath while Leon kept crying in her arms.

"It feels like, all Mom wants from me is to be her mirror image. And that's a very high expectation. I'm sure most of you female readers can relate." She lays back on her bed with a sigh.

"LINKA, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE! BREAKFAST!" Linka was pretty sure everyone within a 2 mile radius heard Lynn's call. She folds the photo up and puts it in her skirt pocket. She runs downstairs and into the dining room where all of her brothers and her mother were seated at the table already. Lynn Sr. places her breakfast in front of her with a "good morning, honey." She immediately scarfs down her waffles.

"Don't chew with your mouth open, Linka. You know better." Rita scolds. Linka responds with a quiet annoyed groan. Out of this whole table, she was singled out to be scolded? When Lynn next to her was doing the same action.

"Kids, this almost slipped my mind." Lynn Sr. announce after he sat down. "It's Take Your Kid to Work Day at the office!" All the siblings cheer enthusiastically.

"Dad's I.T job always has the best TYKW days, readers!" Linka says. "And with all eleven of us there, it's going to be epic!" She takes a sip from her orange juice afterwards.

Rita nudge her husband, as if to remind him to mention something else.

"Ow!" He rubs his arm. "I mean, it might as well be Take Your Son to Work Day. Linka, you'll be going with your mom to the dentist's office."

Linka spits out her orange juice onto Lane's pancakes, who was sitting directly in front of her.

"Orange you upset you wasted your juice?" He laughs. "Get it? But seriously, gross." He pushes his ruined pancakes away from him.


"Linka, taking your child to work is supposed to be a learning experience. It's not to fool around in a respectable environment!" Rita explains.

"But we like making fools of ourselves at Dad's office!"

"To build a work ethic…"

"I'm eleven!"

"And to see firsthand what your parent does to feed and clothe you!" Rita exhale and softens her tone. "You'll see it's not so bad, Snow White."

"Ugh! This is so unfair!" She slams her head down right onto her food.

Linka watched from the door way as all ten of her brothers pile into the family wagon. Her eyes in a sad gaze and her arms crossed. Rita's inside calling for a cab. Lynn Sr. stands next to her.

"Think of it as a good mother/daughter bonding experience." Linka stayed silent. "Well, just know the day won't be as fun without you."

"Hurry, pops! We don't wanna miss the doughnut cannon!" Luke eagerly shouts from his window.

"I'll bring you back a jelly-filled!" Lynn Sr. says to Linka, just as excited as Luke. He gets in the driver's seat and revs it up. He pulls out of the driveway.

"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya, Snow White!" Lexx says to his sister.

"Try not to have too much fun at the dentist's office!" Lynn mockingly adds. All ten of them laugh and continue to as they are going down the road. Once they were out of ear shot, Linka slams the door and fumes on the couch where her mom is waiting for the cab.

The first thing Linka noticed when she and Rita walked into the dentist's office was the patients in the waiting room had really bad dental work. One girl had braces and head gear. A grown man was missing all of his teeth.

A short woman in a white coat opens the door to let out her last patient, who's left cheek was swelling and red from having a tooth pulled out.

"Ok, Tyler, the pain will go away in a few days. In the meantime, here's a lollipop." She gives him the treat and turns to her assistant.

"Ah, Rita, good morning."

"Good morning, Dr. Feinstein. You remember my daughter, Linka."

"Of course! Let's see those permanent teeth of yours. Open." Linka opens her mouth wide and Feinstein sees some plaque building up. "Have you been flossing?"

"Every night, ma'am." Linka answers then shuts her mouth.

"Riiiight." The dentist says in a disbelieving tone.

Later, Linka is joined by Rita and Feinstein in the examination room.

"What Mom does is she helps Dr. Feinstein with the patients and hands her the the tools." Rita says as she and her daughter put on surgical masks and gloves. "So you're going to be doing the same."

"Ok." Don't worry, kid. You're Linka Loud! You can make anything fun! The white-haired girl thought to herself.

The patient steps in and takes a seat. It's a kid who needs his braces tightened. Rita inspects the inside of his mouth. Linka stands by as her mom removes the ligatures. She imitates the sounds of a siren.

"Quick doctor! Inject him with nitrous oxide! We need to operate immediately!"

"What?!" The boy sits up, frightened.

"No, we're not going to do that, Jimmy." Rita reassures the boy. She turns to her daughter. "Linka, can you please stop?!"

"But Mom, you work well under pressure."

"The patient has to remain calm during this procedure." Rita turns back to Jimmy and removes his arch wire carefully. "There. Now you have to floss your teeth. Linka, hand Jimmy the floss."

Linka hands Jimmy the floss. As he does this, Linka sings to herself.

I am your dentist

And I enjoy the career that I picked

I am your dentist

And I get off on the pain I inflict!

Linka points a drill to his face, causing him to jump.

"Goodness gracious!" He cries. The scare made the floss scrape against his gums. "Ow!"

"That song is highly inappropriate! It mocks the whole profession!" Dr. Feinstein says.

Linka can't tell, but Rita is gritting her teeth behind her mask. "Linka, why don't you go to the supply room and grab some extra scalpels?" Linka leaves the exam room without another word.

In the supply room, Linka rummages through the closet. "I don't know why she's mad. I was just keeping myself entertained." She grabs a handful of scalpels. "If the guys were here, they'd understand." And guess who she sees when she looks out the window. The sight alone makes her drop the tools.

From the wide windows on the building across the street, she sees Loni and Loki engage in a suction cup dart war with the two Lynns. The twins are pushing Levi and Leon around on office chairs and laughing. Lane and Lars are zipping on a zip line over cubicles. And Luke has the doughnut cannon and is firing doughnuts everywhere.

"Doughnuts and a zip line?! No fair!" She screams, outraged.

Rita enters the supply room. "Sweetheart? Turns out we actually need those scalpels. What are you looking at?"

Linka points at her father's office. "See that Mom?! That could have been me too! But you were so adamant about dragging me here! I missed a whole day of fun!"

"Let them waste the day, Linka! Take Your Kids to Work Day is supposed to be a learning experience!"

"Well, I rather be learning how to get behind enemy lines in a suction cup dart war! You just had to singled me out, did you!"

Rita gives her the death stare. The stare that all parents give their children when an argument is on the rise.

At the I.T office, the eldest Loud brothers are ducked behind a table they had propped up like a barrier.

"Status report, private!" Loki demands.

"Sir!" Loni salutes. "Lynn was last seen in the coffee room, Dad is behind cubicle 3, and Lane picked up the extra dart gun. He can attack us from above. Sir!"

"Then let's move out! For honor! For country! For… Linka?"

"Ooo. Good idea, Loki. Shoot one for Linka."

"No, look out the window." Loki points at the mother and daughter scene in the dentist's office across the street.

"Huh. Guys! Come check this out!" Loni calls behind him. The rest of the family joins them in watching the scene unravel.

"This can't be good." Lynn Sr. says.

"What do you expect me to do, Linka?! Apologize for wanting to spend time with you!"

"Haven't you've been paying attention? Every time we do stuff together, we do stuff you want to do! I never get a say in it! You never listen! You never care!"


Dr. Feinstein enters. "I hate to interrupt, but everyone in the waiting room can hear you. Rita, back to work."

Rita nods and gives her daughter one last glare. "We'll discuss this at home."

A cab stops in front of the Loud House that evening. "They're here!" Lynn calls out from his spot at the living room window.

"Ok, boys. We approach what happened in their argument slowly." Lynn Sr. tells them. Rita unlocks the door and heads toward the kitchen. Linka stomps over to the living room couch, sits, and lays her head in her arms on the left arm rest. Luke sits next to her.

"Welcome back, sis. Uh, I saved you a jelly-filled." He holds up the doughnut. Linka puts her head up briefly to grab the doughnut and squeeze the jelly out in her fist. She drops it on the carpet and puts her head down again. Luke looks back at his brothers, slightly wide-eyed.

"Should I stay or should I go?"

Rita comes back to the living room after taking an Advil and drinking some water. "Lynn, you know what your daughter did today? She gave me attitude just because she missed out on Take Your Kids to Work Day at your office!"

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT!" The rest of the family jumps at the sudden booming of the girl's voice. She stands and walks toward her mother. "You're always telling me how to live! Trying to make me be like you!"

Rita scoffs and put her hands on her hips. "I teach you proper etiquette and life skills!"

"You taught me how to be a boring housewife! Your mirror image!" The brothers gasp loudly at this. Rita was turning pink, her anger beginning to boil.


"Just listen! That's all you had to do! Just listen to me and know that I'm not interested in this type of stuff! I mean, my name means mannish in Hungarian! I like to do stuff with the guys better! You think I genuinely want to know how to clean and sew and crap like that?!"

"You're acting like a baby!"

"And you, ma'am, are a dumb broad!" Tears prick at the corner of her eyes.

"How dare you?!" Rita screeches. Full on red with ire now. That caused Lynn Sr. to hide behind his sons.

"You were never there for me! You only need me when it's convenient for you! You weren't there for me when the boys were having that huge brawl or when I admitted to pretending to be bad luck! I will not look up to a woman who doesn't have my back!" She points a finger at her. "I am and will never be like you! AH!" Linka screams when Rita clasp her hand around her wrist. Her nails dig into wrist. Linka looks into Rita's eyes and sees fire.

"Linka, I have 10 sons and one daughter. Not 11 sons. I teach you and expect you to act like a proper young lady. And if you too much of an ungrateful brat to see that, then that's your business!" She drops her arm. Linka let the tears flow from her eyes. Tears drop on the nail-shaped marks on her wrist. Rita takes deep breaths and unclench her fists. The fire in her eyes extinguished. She instantly is crushed by the wave of remorse as she realized she made her little girl cry. Tears pool up in her eyes, her heart hammering in her chest as she drops to her knees in next to her.

"Linka, I-"

The eleven year old girl stands abruptly and runs to the front door and opens it so quickly, she could have tore it away from the hinges. Standing at the doorway, her knuckles turning white from her grip on the door knob, she stares dead into her so-called mother's eyes and yells three words. Three words that made Rita feel less of a human being.

"I HATE YOU!" She slams the door shut. It caused a tiny crack above the door frame.

Rita stares at the door with an open mouth, wide eyes, and a tear stained face. Her chest rising and falling to calm herself down. She couldn't cry anymore; not in front of her boys. She tore her gaze from the door and look down at her hands, specifically the one that scratched Linka. Her initial thought of not losing herself to her emotions in front of the kids, out the window. She breaks down. Hugging herself, her back is bent over, like she wants to make herself nonexistent. She couldn't be bold enough to look at everyone else.

Everyone else was frozen in their place. What could you do in this situation? They couldn't look for Linka cause what would dragging her back do for them now? And now they're seeing their mother or wife, who they thought as a strong and compassionate individual, break down like a child who recently lost their parents.

Loni, in his good-hearted nature, made the first move. He kneels down in front of his mother and put a hand on her shoulder. She makes no response to his action.

"Don't worry, Mom. Knowing Linka, she didn't run away for good. She just went to a place to cool off. She'll forgive you. She'll be back."

Loki comes to right side and her arm around shoulders. "In the meantime, let's get you to bed." Loni follows Loki's example and loops her left arm around his shoulders. They pick her up but she's weak in the knees. They catch her before she falls again and carries her to her room. Rita is muttering to herself; praying that Linka is safe.

Linka ran three blocks away from her house. She stops in the middle of sidewalk, hands on her knees. She blinks away tears to clear her vision. She catches her breath and as she does she hiccups. She looks around and finds herself in a familiar neighborhood. She makes a right and walks down a street she knows like the back of hand. As she walks, she takes out her phone and dials a number.

"Hey, Linka."

"Claudia, is your trundle bed available? I'm coming over right now."

"Have you been crying?"

"I'll explain when I get there."

"After I told her off, I ran out of the house." Linka tells Claudia. Laying on the trundle bed in Claudia's room.

"I see. And how is your relationship with your mother?"

Linka sits up and see Claudia is seated like a therapist. "Claud, what are you doing?"

"When I take my problems to Dr. Lopez, this is how he helps me."

"Oh, ok." She lays back down. "Anyway, our relationship is twisted! She has this unachievable expectation of me being just like her! This is exactly what I was talking about six pages ago! I hate it!"

"Linka, are you saying you hate your mother?"

"That's what I said before I left the house."

"Do you mean it?"

Linka sits up and put her hands in her lap. In doing so, she feels something thin in her skirt pocket. She pulls out the photo from the beginning. Both of them are smiling brightly to the camera. Rita had her arm around Linka's shoulders. It feels so fake to Linka now. With a deep frown, she tears it right down the middle. Claudia nods slowly, understanding the motion.

Then her watch beeps. "Hmm, looks like our time is up."

"What? Can't I stay over?"

"Huh? Oh sorry, I'm so used to hearing Dr. Lopez say that."

The next morning comes around and still no Linka. It's safe to guess that she went to a friend's house after the fight and stayed for the night. What boggles Rita's mind is when or if Linka will come back. It puts the Loud mother in a dispirited mood. Her eyes of a somber color. She doesn't speak much at breakfast because every minute she's glancing over at the empty chair. When breakfast is over, she takes all the dishes to the sink and denies help from her sons. After that, she mops the kitchen floor and vacuums the living room. All attempts to keep her mind distracted.

Meanwhile, the brothers and Lynn Sr. accumulate in the eldest brothers' room. Loki bangs his sneaker against his desk.

"I call this meeting to order! Something has to be done about the mother/daughter issue."

"And immediately." Levi adds. "It's unnerving to see your maternal forebearer disconsolate."

"You heard what Linka said, she hates her!" Lexx says.

"Oh, son, that was just in the heat of the moment." Lynn Sr. tells him. "I'm sure Linka didn't mean to say that. She was frustrated."

"Right. And the time to just sit back and do nothing is over!" Loki says.

"So, what do we do? Find Linka and tell her to come back?" Lane asks.

"I'm afraid her pride wouldn't let her." The father answers. "Rita called her three times last night and she didn't answer."

"We have to bring them together somehow!" Leif says. "I mean, the times she spends with Mom are not all that bad. We have to remind her of that."

Loki rubs his chin and smirks, an idea's formulating. "You're absolutely right, Leif. And I think I know how to do that."

"Before you tell us your plan, we need to know where Linka is." Lynn says.

"Our best guess is to check with Claudia." Luke answers. "Does anyone have her phone number?"

"I still do! From the time she needed my help to behave around Loki." Loni says.

Loki nods at this. "Good. We're gonna need her help too."

Strange. Rita hadn't heard a peep from her husband or her sons since breakfast. What have they been doing all day?

"Oh, honey! Can you help me clean the attic?" Her husband calls for her for the first time today. Rita sighs and puts down the rag she was using to clean the T.V. She meets Lynn Sr. up in the attic.

"Why don't you start in the right side of the attic where that old baby crib is at?" He suggests. That's very specific. She goes over there and finds a note attached to the crib. She picks it up and it reads:

On the darkest of nights,

Your little girl would wake up in a freight.

She only ran to you.

Cause your lullaby helped her see it through.

What's more is that there is a cassette tape in a player attached to headphones. She put on the headphones and pressed the play button. It was a recording of her voice singing a lullaby years ago. She was pretty sure Lynn Sr. was present to record this in secret. As she listens, She flashbacks to a time when Linka was a sweet, little three year old.

Thunder and lightning shook the Loud House in the dead of night. Little Linka was jolted awake in her small bed and cried "Mommy! Mommy!"

Rita came into the linen closet quickly. She scooped her little girl into her arms. "Oh sweetie, what's the matter?" Another booming noise was made the child scream again. She cried into her mother's chest.

"Shh. Shh. I'm here, princess. I'll always be here." Linka looked up at her with glassy eyes. Rita gave her a tired smile and sang:

Hush now, my baby

Be still, love, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked in my arms

Sleep and remember my one lullaby

Know that I'll protect you from harm

With no more tears left, Linka smiled up at her. She steadily relaxed in her mother's gentle hold.

Rita takes off the headphones with her voice caught in her throat. Lynn Sr. comes up from behind her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"You sang the most beautiful lullaby. You know what, I'll finish up here. I think I hear Leif calling you."

Claudia was walking downtown with Linka. The former requested to go to the pharmacy for some products. She did had an ulterior motive. Loni had texted her earlier.

Loni: Hi Cassandra! I'm sure Linka told you about her mommy problem, but the guys and I have a plan!

He then called her and explained the plan in detail while Linka was in the shower. Before they left the house, Loni texted her first instructions.

Loni: When you're at the pharmacy, take Linka to the female products aisle. There's a note for her.

Claudia leads her friend inside and into the feminine hygiene products aisle. Linka and Claudia look around and the former picks up a note attached to a package of pads.

Apparently, the note had been left alone since Lars stuck it onto the package an hour ago. And no employee or customer thought it was strange that a note speaking in rhyme was attached to a random package of pads. Cartoon logic, ladies and gentlemen.

Anyway, the note reads:

When puberty first hit, it was a scary and dark stage.

You felt like no one could understand about coming to that age.

But who guided you through the baby steps of adulthood, your mother.

During that time, would you go to another?

Linka bares a deep frown as she flashbacks to her and Rita shopping for her.

Linka looked strangely at the blue package in her hands. "Pads?"

"Yes, so there's no mess." Rita went ahead and put aforementioned package in the cart. Along with some Advil and chocolate bars.

The preteen blushed a deep red as she looked down at her blue jeans; a first for her. "This is so embarrassing."

Rita let go of her cart and kneeled in front of her. "Sweetheart, like I said before, there's nothing to be ashamed of." She combed her hair with her fingers. "It happens to every girl coming of age and it means you're blossoming. You'll see after your first month, you'll learn to live with it."

Linka smiled a small one. "Ok, I trust you."

"You ok, Linka?" Claudia snaps her fingers in front of her friend's face. Linka snaps out of her trance.

"Yeah." She didn't admit out loud, but the note left her with tightening feeling in her chest especially the last line.

Rita walks to the backyard and sees the twins under the tree with her forthcoming novel. "Boys, where did you find that?"

"Hey, Mom!" Leif greets. "Lexx and I just finished the first chapter of your novel!"

"You have a bright future as a best-selling author, ma'am." Lexx hands her the yellow book and Rita reads another note attached to the back cover.

The best writing is from personal experience.

The fact it's based on your child makes it your best book, period.

Your creative writing is quintessential.

Glad Linka was there to help you reach your full potential.

"You're just saying that."

"Don't be so modest, Mommy." Lexx says, playing up his acting skills. "An adventurous young woman with white hair? What's not to love?"

"Who was the inspiration?" Leif asks, as if it wasn't obvious.

Rita smile sadly. "Your sister."

"Really? How'd that happen?" Lexx asks.

"Last year, Linka had my original notebook destroyed during her dentist's visit."

"… So, I jumped into the cement pit and grabbed the notebook. But it was too late." Linka finished explaining to her mother about the stupidly wild goose chase she had to endure. Ending with the book utterly destroyed and with blocks of cement on her feet.

"Linka, you lied to me!" Rita said, sternly. "You snuck out and ruined seven years of hard work!"

"I know. I'm really sorry."

"But in all honesty, you might have done me a favor." Rita said in a calm tone. Linka looked up at her confused.

"I was initially writing about a bored dental assistant who talks to her pet fish." She points to Fisher, the guppy in the waiting room fish tank. "It was going no where. But your experience has given me a better idea: I'm going to write about a courageous thrill-seeker with white hair."

"Dr. Feinstein?"

"No, silly. You."

"Aww! Thanks, Mom!" They hugged.

Sometime later, Linka's feet was free by a drill and she and Rita walked home.

"So tell me again how you chased down that garbage truck." Rita asked, she held her notepad and pencil.

"I have a better idea." Linka answered.


Linka and her mother were riding down the street on roller skates. Linka held onto a rope tied to a horse and Rita held onto her shoulders; a reenactment of Linka's book-seeking adventure. Rita couldn't have thought of a more fun way to end the day.

"Hang on, Mom!" Linka shouted. "WHOO-HOO!"

"That's basically what happened."

"Wow. That sounds awesome!" Lexx comments.

"Yeah, Linka and I learned a lot from each other from hanging out together. Well, before recently." Rita says in a downcast gaze.

"Hey. No tears, Mom. I got an idea! Why don't we get some ice cream at the park?" Leif suggests.

Rita raises an eyebrow at the random request. "I don't know."

"Come on! We gotta get you out of the house! Plus, some of the guys are already there." Leif holds his mother's hand and drags her to the front yard and onto the sidewalk. Lexx trailing behind, sending a text to Loki that they're on their way.

"So, why are we at the park again?" Linka asks the young African-American at the gates. Loni had texted Claudia before hand to bring her to the park.

"We need to enjoy the first days of summer, Linka. When was the last time we went to the park together?"

"Claud, as a kid in this day and age, would rather play in the hot sun or watch EyeTube videos in an air conditioned room?"

"Ok, I see your point. But we're doing this anyway!" Claudia takes her by the arm and pulls her through the gates. She brings her to the picnic table area. On a table under the shade, there was a note folded in half that reads in bold text "Reserved for Louds" on the table. Before Linka can question it further, Lane and Lynn come up to the table. Lane is holding two silver platters and Lynn is holding two cups of strawberry lemonade.

"What's up, little sis?" Lynn says as he and Lane set up the table.

"What's going on here?" Linka asks, suspiciously.

"Calm down, Link. It's only a lunch at the park." Lane answers.

"Why are there two plates?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"In the meantime, why don't you wait for that person." Lynn sits his sister down. "Oh! And this is for you." He attaches another rhyming note on the lid. Lane, Lynn, and Claudia walk away with that.

"Are you sure this phase of the plan will work?" Claudia whispers to the brothers.

"Claudia, I'm not just sure, I'm berry sure!" Lane laughs. "Get it?" The other two groan at this. The three of them sit at a table at the east side of the area.

The note Lynn gave Linka reads:

This should remind you of one of your biggest fails.

A cake for Mom's birthday, how that plan derailed.

This should also remind you that the both of you aren't perfect.

You're different but balance each other out; you have that special effect.

Linka opens the lids on both plates, it's strawberry shortcake. No doubt from the bakery nearby. Linka instantly flashbacks to that messy day.

Linka wasn't into cooking. She knew it was one her weaknesses. But she wanted to make something for her mother all on her own.

She brought a sloppily done strawberry shortcake to the dining table. The top layer of the cake was sliding off the bottom part. It's even worse when the candles were already on top were lit. The frosting wasn't evenly spread and was dripping.

"Happy birthday, Mom!" Linka said. Her family just stared at it oddly. Rita blew out the candles before they fell to the floor.

"Oh, hell no. I am literally not eating that." Loki said.

"Thanks, Loki. But your opinion means very little to me. I wanna know what Mom thinks." She cut a large piece and placed it in front of her. Rita hastily picked up her fork and grabbed a small piece of it. When she took a bite from it she immediately gagged on the taste. She forced it down her throat.

"Mmm… it's very…"

"You hate it, don't you?" Linka is not the kind of kid that wants her news sugarcoated.

"At least you tried, baby girl."

"Don't worry, Linka. A good chef take criticism to improve their work, not personally." Lynn Sr. said.

"Thanks, Dad. But if we're being honest Mom, this would be the same result if you bake this." That got her a handful of cake at the center of her face. Her brothers laughed at her.

"Rita!" Lynn Sr. scolded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That must have slipped off my fork." Linka laughed at that.

"Oh, it is on!" Linka grabbed a chunk of the cake and threw it at Rita. She leaned to the right to dodge it and it hit Lynn Jr. in the face.

"Uh oh."

"FOOD FIGHT!" Lynn exclaimed. He wiped the frosting from his face and threw it at his sister. The family grabbed a handful of the sloppy cake and started pelting each other with it. Cake got on the floors, walls, and furniture but everyone was having too much fun to notice. Linka's face lit up when she saw her mother was laughing the hardest.

Linka smiles at that moment as she takes a bite of her slice of cake. Waiting for whatever her brothers had planned.

"Dude, I'll play anything else!" Luke argues with Loki. The two of them are at a different picnic table a few yards away from Linka's table on the west side. They're seated with Levi, Lars, Leon, Loni and Lynn Sr.

"What's wrong with it? It gets the point across nicely." Loki says.

"What's wrong-?! I outta hit you with my ax for that! It's christian rock!"

"Hey, don't threaten me! I didn't write this chapter. We're not changing anything! We already so far ahead in the plan!"


"The twins approach with mother!" Levi announces when he sees them through his binoculars.

Lexx and Leif pull Rita toward the picnic table area. "We have a nice spot for you!" Lexx says.

Rita smiles at him and let the little boys lead the way. She had to admit it was nice to be under the summer sun. Yet, her smile falters when she stands by a table with the strawberry shortcakes.


The young girl snaps her head up. "Mom?"

Lynn has his palms on the table, ready to stand to break up a fight. Instead, the female Louds just stare at each other.

"Hiya, Link! Nice seeing you here!" Leif says. "Mom, you can sit down while Lexx and I get the uh, ice cream. Help yourself." Rita reluctantly does so and the twins sprint off to the table where Lane, Lynn, and Claudia are.

"Was this planned?" Rita asks.

Loki does a motion for Luke to play. The rocker rolls his eyes at him. He carries his ax and his amp to a vacant table. He sets his amp on the table, plugs the guitar in, and strums. He sings out loud.

Cause we all make mistakes sometimes

And we've all stepped across that line

But nothing's sweeter than the day we find

Forgiveness, forgiveness

And we all stumble and we fall

Bridges burn in the heat of it all

But nothing's sweeter than the day,

Sweeter than the day we call

Out for forgiveness

"Oh, it definitely was." Linka mutters.

Rita eats another bite. "You know, this cake reminds me of…"

"When I made you that cake on your birthday? Yeah. In fact, I've been having flashbacks of the good times we had from the notes that was left for us."

"As did I."

Linka takes a deep breath and pushes her cake aside. "Mom, I've said some harsh things yesterday." She gravely addresses the elephant in the room. Luke stops playing altogether. The family and Claudia lean into the scene. "But I don't know if I can apologize unless I'm certain of one thing." She gulps down the lump in her throat and stares at her mother with glassy eyes.

"Are you ashamed of me?"


"Does my non-girly attitude embarrasses you? Is that why you were so adamant about changing me?"

Rita stands up and Linka looks scared for a moment. But relaxes when Rita sits next to her and holds her tightly in her arms. Her fingers comb her hair gently.

"Linka, I don't ever want to hear that question again. I know you aren't the world's perfect daughter and you're more of a tomboy than anything else. But I don't care about that. You're my first and only daughter; I'm proud about that. You'll always hold a place in my heart. I promise you that no matter what you say or do, I love you unconditionally."

Linka lets out a quiet sob and couldn't stop herself. She wraps her arms around Rita's torso. Crying into her chest and staining her shirt.

"And I didn't mean to force those activities on you or mold you into a copy of me."

"I'm so sorry!" Linka says through hiccups. "For what I said! I take back everything! I love you!" Rita presses a few kisses to her forehead.

"All's forgiven, baby girl." Rita whispers. "And I love you." She says again. They just hold each other like that. Rita calming her daughter down and Linka crying her heart out. But, feeling the warmth her mother radiated, it became tears of joy somewhere in the mix. This must be what forgiveness feels like, Linka says in her head. She smiles against Rita's wet shirt.

From their table, Lynn and Lane high five each other. "Mission accomplished!" They say together.

From his table, Loni gets a little teary-eyed himself. "I love happy endings."

"I'm literally a genius." Loki says. Levi rolls his eyes at that statement.

"You did a great job with those poems, son." Lynn Sr. tells the goth.

Lars shrugs. "It's what I do."

The next day, back at the Loud house, Linka is in her room looking down at the recently taped together portrait of Rita and herself. She smiles brightly at it.

"Order has been restored at home, readers. We know that mothers can be annoying. And you can grow up to be or already are her polar opposite. But a good mother never gives up on you. A mother's love deserves the highest amount of respect. Also, my Mom and I will find some things that we enjoy doing together."

"Linka, hurry! "The Dream Boat" is on!" Rita calls from the living room.

"Like that. Coming, Mom!" Linka runs down the stairs.

AN: The 27th is the one year anniversary of this story. Thank you to everyone who followed, reviewed and favorited.

Songs used in order:

Dentist - Steve Martin from the movie Little Shop of Horrors

Deliver Us (the River Lullaby part) – from the Dreamworks movie, The Prince of Egypt. Singer: Ofra Haza

Forgiveness – TobyMac ft. Lecrae