
One day I wake up in one punch man world

All the characters are not mine except some and MC. English is not even my third language so if there is mistakes, I apologize from the start. Gin (MC) dropped into One punch man world out of blue and the first sight he saw when he opened his eyes was the shrimp monster which is screaming "My name is the Keito. I become a shrimp monster because I ate ten thousand of shrimps in one go.

Zeremy_York · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Monster hoard

3 days later, Gin is practicing his lance skill which is none. He only practices one Kata which is to stab forward.

He searched for some lance arts but he didn't find anything that is related to it.

The lance he is practicing is the steel rod that he stabbed to kill the shrimp monster.

These last 3 days, nothing serious happen as he didn't even hunt for the monsters. He only focuses on training and he noticed that the cat monster meat is nearly finished. The result that is he can now able to lift up to 150 kg in each hand and he can deadlift up to 300 kg.

As he is pondering if he should hunt in the inner zone of the Z city again, his phone rings and he saw that the mission is being issued to the C- rank heroes that more than 150 wolf-level threat of monsters are currently marching to the villages between C and F cities.

After reading the message, Gin becomes confused because he is certain that there are no villages in the anime.

'But there is in reality so whatever the god floats' he thought.

The hero association is real this time as they are summoning all the C-rant heroes and forced them to fight them in this battle.

The monsters will arrive in the village 1 day later at 10 AM from the west so all the heroes will be stationed near the village.

The hero association already built some small tents and other necessary things for camping near the west side of the village.

C-rank 1 to 10 will be leading the group and each group will have 20 members or so.

Gin read the message and he thought the hero association in this world is really active.

In the hero Headquarters, the bearded worker is currently telling the board directors that this battle is impossible to win as there are less than 60 heroes who can kill a wolf-level threat in C- rank.

"Beard, you should give up, the news has already got the message and they are currently airing in their channels, we can't stop now and we really can't afford to stop now," said Sekingar.

"But, you are really going to let the 225 heroes in vain while we can send 20 or so B-level heroes to the battle," said Beard.

"We can't send any B-level heroes as they are currently stationed in the cities which don't have A-level heroes in groups," said Guiches.

The bearded worker can't talk back as he knew that the situation in the cities is really hard as there are fewer than 10 heroes who can win against the demon-level threat and currently tiger-level monster threats are attacking all over the cities.

As if the monsters are gone berserk. There are currently 32 A-level heroes and 105 B-level heroes. which are all stationed all over the cities. Only A-level heroes and a few B-rank heroes can the tiger-threat monsters alone.

The hero association has stationed the heroes that can fight the demon-threat monsters in 9 big cities.

The other cities are stationed by the remaining ones. So the monster hoard in the forest must be killed by C-rank heroes or not only the people in the villages will be killed but C and F cities will also be affected by the attack in every way.

While the board directors are discussing the current issue, Gin is currently watching TV while eating the last bit of the cat monster meat.

The Tv showed that all the cities are currently being attacked by various monsters and the most threat-level is wolf and tiger.

The doorbell rang and he saw that a man in the hero association uniform is standing in front of the door.

"Sir. Gin, the car for you have arrived and the time for the arrival of the monster hoard has changed to tonight so we have to bring you to the camp location immediately," said the man.

"Ok, I will hurry"

Gin heard the word of the man and he hurriedly wore his hero costume and went with him to the camp.

During the ride, the man only focuses on driving hurriedly and they also encountered a few monsters which are attacking the cities.

After 2 hours, later they arrived at the camp and Gin saw a lot of tents 50 men who are dressed in the hero association uniforms are listening to the plan of their leader who is currently explaining the plan for the attack.

Gin can see that they are really well trained. The man in front of him brought him to the tent which was number 8 and he saw that more than 20 heroes are currently in the tent.

"Ok, the last member has arrived so we will also start the meeting," said the hero named Red-boxer.

The Red-boxer is currently C-rank 8 and he is one of the named heroes. The named heroes are the heroes whose popularity is really good and they got named by the folks. There are less than 20 heroes who are named.

"In this attack, we will divide the team into three of 5 heroes team and one of 6 heroes team," said Red-boxer.

"We will divide the group by rank, there will be four groups 1 to 50, 51 to 100, 101 to 150, and 150 to 220," said Red-boxer.

We divided like he told and there are 3 persons from 1 to 50, 3 persons from 51 to 100, 7 persons from 101 to 150, and 8 persons from 150 to 220.

Then Red-boxer put the 3 persons from 51 to 100 and 1 person from 101 to 150 to his team. He made 1 member from every 1 to 50 rank a leader and the remaining 6 persons have to be a group themselves.

Gin is in a group of six which he is not quite happy but the hero association is giving full authority to the each of leaders from 1 to 9 rank of C.

"Alright, tell us the code name so that we can address it in the battle along with your ranking and my name is Green-bow. I am currently C-rank 180," said the man with the bow and arrow.

"Ok, my name is Frog. I am C-rank 175," said the man in the frog costume from top to bottom.

"My name is Ring-master and I am stuck in C-rank 169," said the man with both hands full of rings.

"Named Bell and I am an esper with the ability to manipulate sound produced by me," said the woman with the 2 big bells in each of her hands.

"You are ranked in C-rank 151 right?" said Green-bow.

"Yes, I am, and don't talk now as he hasn't introduced himself," said Bell.

The other three members looked at Gin and they wanted him to introduce himself quickly so they can talk to Miss Bell.

"My name is Lance and I am C-rank 190," said Gin.

"That is really low," said the Green-bow while grinning in mock.

The brows of other heroes also looked not good and they leave me alone and talk themselves.

Gin got up and went to an empty place to meditate. Yes, that's right, Gin is meditating. He started meditating after he got the meat of the cat monster.

While he is meditating, he felt movement from beside him and when he opened his eyes he saw that a girl is sitting beside him.

A girl is about 5, 2 and she is holding a rod that looked like a magic rod from the show while wearing a costume that looked exactly like a magic girl. She has blue short hair and she has the right proportion from top to bottom.

"Is it not boring to close your eyes and sit alone?" said the girl.

"My name is the magic girl Haruna".


"Lance? Is it your name? So short?" said Haruna.

"Where is your group?" said Gin.

"I quit my group but I still have to participate in the battle as the hero association said that as long as I participate in the battle, I can keep the hero status," said Haruna.

"What is your ranking?" said Gin.

"I am C-rank 225," said Haruna while smiling.

But Gin can see that she is really frustrated about the current situation and the case of quitting is not possible but she is kicked out of her team.

"Why are you want to become a hero?" said Gin.

"I want to make the children smile so I become the hero," said Haruna.

"My Hero activities are all community services which involve in the show which are made to collect charity for orphan schools," said Haruna.

Gin looked at Haruna and pondered the hero association knowing that there are some heroes that do only community service to become a hero but why are they sending this girl who can only do community service to this battle?

Haruna who felt his gaze on Gin becomes shy and turned her head to the other side.

"You should quit being a hero if the hero association makes you join this battle as this battle is not like others, there will be deaths and will be a lot of them," said Gin while staring at Haruna.

Her eyes become wide and she goes silent for a while she said: "I will not quit and I will also participate in this battle".

Gin looked at Haruna and he can see that she is serious about participating in the battle which may result in her death.

Gin stared at her for a while and he becomes silent. He thought she is really a girl with a great purpose of becoming a hero.

The reason she participated in this battle is also that she has realized that this battle is not something she can avoid and this group of C is the last line of defense to the villages.

Not like her, Gin is someone who becomes a hero because the salary is good and he also need to be a hero to take the monster meat. The main thing is he wanted to survive in this dangerous world. He is not like other novel or mange and anime main characters who isekai to another world and want to enjoy the joy of fighting.