
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


Megan was at home checking on some wedding dress catalogues while waiting for her package to arrrive. Ryan was at work on a weekend so she was taking her alone time at home to rest and not worry about anything. That was her plan until she recieved a call from her mom, a very unusual thing to happen.


"Hey Megs."

"Ahh, are you okay?" She had to ask because again, her parents weren't the kind to call her randomly. She was used to receiving emails from them first before she would initiate a call to talk. She remembered telling them of their engagement right after Storm left that day they got engaged so her parents totally knew everything that was happening in her life. So she had no idea what the call was about.

"Of course I am darling."

"Okay. That's good. Then,what's with the call?"

"Nothing. I just want to know how you're doing?"

Megan's eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm good."

"That's nice. And Ryan? Are you with him?"

"No. He's working right now."

"On a weekend?"


"And you? Are you at home?"

"Yes. Mom? What's going on?" She couldn't help but asked after all the very random and continuous questions she had given her.

"Well, it's good that you're home."

"What?" Then she heard her doorbell rang. "Excuse me, mom. Someone's at the door. I'll just check on it." She stood without waiting for her mom to answer and when she opened the door, she couldn't believe what she was seeing you right before her very eyes.

"Hi, my darling Megan."

"Mom?" Then she glanced at the man standing behind her. "Dad?"

"Hi, baby girl."

"Oh my gosh. What are you doing here?"

"Visiting you, of course." Her mom said and walked closer to give her a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek. Her dad followed when her mom let her go.

"Oh, wow. This is a very surprising visit." He stared at her dad. "Dad, you left the company?"

"Your siblings are there. I'm pretty sure they're doing a good job."

"And you're okay with that?"

Her dad had always been a hands-on president of their company. She couldn't remember a moment that he left China without any reason except business. They could barely convinced him to go on a trip with them because he was afraid that the company would fall without him, even with just a day or two of him out.

"Well, I guess I'm okay for now. But I'll feel much better if you will let us go in."

"Huh? Oh!" Then she remembered that they were still outside her apartment. "Yes. I'm sorry."

Megan opened the door a bit wider and let her parents got in as she helped them with their luggage.

"Do you want anything to drink?"

She asked as soon as they settled in the couch and she placed their luggage on the guest room where Storm usually slept when they had their over nights.

"Water, please."

"Okay." She quickly brought them glasses of water in the kitchen and sat across from them in the living room. "So, are you really here to just visit me?"

She asked after they finished drinking their water.

"Yes. And your father suggested it."

"Really?" She looked at her dad with a very surprised face. "Dad?"

"Dad!" Storm called out his dad as he followed him to his room when he walked after a very awkward silence in his pad. Seconds of just staring and trying not to breathe happened when his dad suddenly showed up and he saw his mom standing in the middle of Storm's living room. He actually thought he would see his parents screamed at each other or something even worse but luckily, it didn't. He actually had no idea what he would do if it happened. But his dad walking out was one easy thing to resolve. "Dad!"

He called again and stopped his dad from closing his door.

"Go back to your house Storm."

"I will if you go with me."

"And why would I?"

"Because..." His dad looked at him as he tried to find the right words to answer his question. And he realized he actually didn't know why. He had no idea why his mom was here. He glanced at his opened door and was hoping that his mom would actually come out and save him but five seconds last and she didn't. "Ahmmm..."

"You didn't even know why." He looked at his dad again. "Cut it out now, son."

He once again tried to go inside his rented room but Storm quickly stopped him.

"Dad, wait. She was looking for you. She flew all the way here and looked for you. Doesn't that mean anything?"

His dad sighed and came closer to him.

"It does, maybe. But I don't want you to worry about it. This is our problem. I'm sorry if I have to put you in the middle of this and tell you now to not worry about it. I just really thought I needed to let it out and you're the best person I could think of that day. I'm really sorry."

"No. That's fine."

"Thank you. Now, again. Your mom and I will talk about it but just not today. I don't think I can yet."

They looked at each other and his dad gave him a sad but reassuring smile.


"Good. Now, go back to your mom."

"But do you need anything? You look like you're-"

"I'm good. I'll just call for food delivery."

"Are you sure?" His dad nodded. "Okay."

His dad tapped his shoulder twice before he got in and closed his door. Storm sighed and slowly walked his way back to his own pad.

Abby and Michael had their lunch in his dining area after Michael convinced her that he was already strong enough to walk and go out. He even ate a lot which made Abby satisfied. After taking his medicine, she prepared them each a cup of tea and stayed in the living room after playing the Boys II Men album on the vinyl record. The airconditioner was off because Michael was still feeling a bit chilly despite the warm weather outside. But since his fever continued to subside, they both became confident to seat next to each other.

"I'm sorry."

She heard Michael said.

"Hmm? For what?"

"For being here taking care of me rather than being in Japan and I taking care of you."

Abby smiled and looked at him.

"That's totally fine, babe. That's a missed chance but I'm actually okay."

Michael furrowed as he kept his eyes on her.

"Let me guess, you didn't want to go, did you?"

"I do. I want to go."

"Apollo didn't allow you?"

"He did, actually." He saw a bit of surprised look on Michael's face. "He just said he'd call you for some conditions."

Michael laughed a bit and that made Abby chuckled, too.

"Now, that's not surprising."

"I know."

"So, what's making you hesitated?"

Abby stared at him while thinking of the right words to answer him when her phone suddenly rang. They both looked at her phone sitting on the table and saw the name and the photo flashed on the screen.

"Nice timing, bro."

Michael reacted and they exchanged smiles before Abby took it and answered.

"Hey, Pol...Ahm, he's doing fine." Abby's forehead wrinkled and Michael noticed the confusion in her face. "You two will what?...Why?...But-?...Ammm..Can you ask Tia Amy to do it?...Thanks."

Abby ended the call and put her phone down before she looked at Michael who was curious all through out. "My brother and his girlfriend are coming over."

"Oh, didn't you tell them I'm sick?"

"I did. And that's why they're coming over and staying for the night."


Megan's dad wasn't as open with his feelings as her mom who never forgot to say 'I love you' in her messages and calls. All their lives, they learned to understand not only how important business was to him but also how inexpressive he was. So learning about his idea of visiting him not just for a day but a week to spend time with her and Ryan was very extraordinary.

"You're really going to stay here for a week?" Her Dad nodded but Megan was still not convinced. "Wait, did you already retire without telling me?"

Her mom laughed while her dad's face furrowed with confusion.

"What? No. What made you think I did?"

"Because I know you, dad. You're one who can't stay away from the company for so long."

Her parents exchanged looks before they faced her again, her mom still smiling.

"He was, darling."


"Yes, was. But ever since his only girl got engaged, he started to slow down and spend some time thinking."


His dad cleared his throat and sat properly. She looked at him and for the first time since they came, he saw his dad smiled at her.

"Thinking of how I could spend some more time with my only baby girl and only kid far from me before she starts making her own family."

Megan's heart melted as she felt tears about to fall down her eyes after hearing what her dad said. For a non-emotional kind of cold father, that line was the best and sweetest thing he had ever said out loud to her.

"Oh, dad." Megan couldn't help but walked across the living room and hugged him. "You have no idea how that made me feel."

"I hope that's a good feeling."

Megan chuckled.

"It is, of course." They let go of each other after a few more seconds of embrace and his dad quickly wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"Save the tears on your wedding day, darling."

She smiled and nodded as she tried to stop herself from crying.

"So, what time is Ryan coming home?"

Her mom asked.

"Ahmm, not so sure but definitely not so late. Want me to call him?"

"Of course. And let's surprise him with the best Chinese dinner ever."

She smiled big with what her mom said and immediately grabbed her phone to call her fiance.

Abby and Michael were standing in front of the door still startled to see Krizle and Apollo on the other side as soon as they opened it. Apollo was carrying a bag which Abby believed was where their clothes were while Krizle was hugging paper bags which smelled like food.

"Mind letting us in?" Apollo finally asked and the couple immediately stepped aside to give way for the other couple to get in.

"How are you doing Mic."

Krizle asked while walking to the dining area to put the paper bags down.

"I'm good. Thanks." He sat back on the couch and Abby followed Krizle in the dining area to help her prepare the food after she closed the door. "I got one gorgeous and excellent nurse."

Abby smiled at him and then to Krizle whose eyes were also on her now.

"I bet you do." She said and they exchanged smiles.

"So, what made you come here?" Michael asked Apollo who was now sitting on the couch across from him holding a glass of water he immediately got from the refrigerator.

"You and her. Mostly her." He answered.

"And by her he means Abby." Krizle added. She and Abby were now cutting some fruit they brought in the kitchen island.

"Because?" Abby asked.

"Because he's afraid you wouldn't want to leave Michael alone since he's sick."

"And?" MIchael asked looking suspicious at Apollo.

"And Krizle and I have nothing to do this weekend so might as well come here and check on you."

Michael's eyebrows furrowed, unconvinced with his answer but Apollo didn't flinch.

"He even brought some DVDs to watch from my house."

"Oh." Abby looked at Krizle with excitement in her face. "Did you-?"

"No." Apollo cut her out and answered the question he already anticipated. "I didn't bring your favorites."

Abby frowned at her brother but looked back on Krizle who kept her eyes on her and nodded, not to agree with Apollo but to answer her unfinished question. Abby's face enlightened but their silenced intrigued the guys so they both stared at them and the smiles they saw, surprised them.

"You did, didn't you?" Apollo asked Krizle.

"Of course, I did." The girls exchanged victory smiles as they continued peeling the fruits and cutting them. The guys was left bewildered but they knew they couldn't do anything but sigh.