
One and Only You

Hers is not a complicated life. She actually has what people see as a perfect one. She was born rich, like so very rich. She has loving parents, sweet brother, thoughtful grandparents, and kind relatives. She has loyal and fun best friends. She owns a successful shop and an elegant home. She has what a lot of ladies her age wants in life. And yet, she has not experienced what most girls her age already have. She hasn't gone on a date with a guy she can call boyfriend nor has cried a river of tears after a real break-up with a guy she, again, can call boyfriend. She hasn't had a boyfriend. She has never been in a relationship because apparently, her 13 year-old childhood crush and 22 year-old first heartbreak aren't counted as boyfriends. They are just the boys she used to know. All she has ever wanted to have before she turns 30 and ever single person in her life knows that is to be in a real relationship. Even him. Him who has kept her real feelings for her - his childhood crush, his first love, his best friend's sister - for like forever. Him who has seen her grows up to be the woman that she is now. Him who has witness her cry on sad moments and smile on happy ones. And when they get their chance in love with everyone around them approving it, her fears rise up and a girl from the his past shows up, troubling the relationship they both desire to have. Will she be able to let go of her fears and be able to have the only thing she has ever dreamed of? Or will the dream just fade like the memories she work so hard to keep and remember?

missrainlover · Urban
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


The four of them got ready for their movie night after enjoying the dinner that Apollo and Krizle bought. The ladies insisted on washing the dishes so Apollo just took care of the popcorn and the remaining fruit that the ladies sliced earlier and put them on the coffee table. He also prepared a bottle of wine from Michael's collection but only brought two glasses, one for him and the other for Krizle. Abby prepared a glass of warm water for Michael and iced coffee for her. During dinner, they agreed on watching Notting Hill and Avengers: Endgame to satisfy each side. Abby gave Michael his medicine and watched him take it before she sat next to him and shared a blanket.

"Do you know the best thing about this movie?" Michael asked while watching the final scene of the movie.

"What?" Abby and Krizle asked Michael with excitement then he and Apollo exchanged glances before they answered at the same time.

"The ending." And they laughed while the two girls frowned at them before they hit their boyfriends' chests.

"I'm sorry. I was just joking." Michael said and held Abby's hand to kiss it. "It's a really good movie. Julia Roberts is beautiful and the song choice is really good."

"I agree with him."

"You better do." Krizle said to what Apollo just said.

The two guys smiled at their girlfriends to appease them before Apollo stood to replace the DVD with the copy of Endgame.

They continued to watch and before the end of the movie, the two girls excused themselves to wash up and left the two guys enjoyed the rest of it.

"How does it feel?" Apollo asked while keeping his eyes on the TV.


"Having someone to take care of you."

Michael smiled.

"You should know. You have one, too."

"I do." They were now looking at each other with an evident happiness on their faces. "I always have them. And even during those years when Krizle and I weren't together, I have Abby to take care of me when I was sick. And I know how good she is at it."

"She is."

"And you're lucky you have her."

"I am. Very much. And I thank the Lord every day that He made us happened."

"Good." They smiled at each other and fist bumped before they went back into watching the final scene of the movie.

Abby and Krizle, on the other hand, were already on their pajamas and were just trying to dry their hair with a towel. They were sitting on the opposite sides of the bed.

"Kriz." Abby broke their silence.


"Apollo was worried that I'd do something other than staying here for the night to take care of Michael." Krizle stopped with what she was doing and turned to face Abby who also just stopped rubbing the towel on her hair. She looked at her waiting for her to just say yes. "Wasn't he?" Krizle smiled at her and nodded. "I knew he was."

"You know him very well."

"I do. I just didn't expect he'd think of this."

"But are you really not going to go home?"

"Maybe. I was hesitant to leave him even though his fever continues to subside. I feel like I still have to keep an eye on him or just be around in case he needs something."

"I understand."

"But I also feel a litte uncomfortable with that thought. I have never been inside a house of a bachelor and despite being in a relationship with him, my heart still can't stop pounding hard and fast."

"And that is exactly what's in Apollo's mind the whole time, too."

"Hmm?" Abby's eyebrows furrowed then he sat properly, lifting both of her feet on the bed and faced Krizle.

"He trusts the two of you whole heartedly but he still has that older brother concerned. He knows you'll choose to stay here to look after Michael but he also knows that you might not feel too comfortable. So he asked me to go with him here. Luckily, I don't have anything to do for the whole week."

"Oh." Abby didn't expect that one from Apollo.

"I know, right? You two are the sweetest siblings I have ever met."

And the girls exchanged smiles.

Megan's mom surprised Ryan with a very delicious Chinese dinner as soon as he arrived. She and her dad welcomed and surprised him with a big hug and a congratulations before they led him to the dining area. Megan's parents weren't at all strangers to Ryan despite not really being with him a lot of times since he and Megan were in different places almost the entire course of their relationship before they got engaged. But Ryan made sure that he wouldn't lose contact with them to also make them feel that he also cared for her family. He would message and video call whenever they have time and sent them gifts on special occasions. So her parents always had that soft spot for him.

After dinner, Megan and Ryan cleaned the table and washed the dishes while her parents freshen up and fixed their things in the guest room. They went out after an hour where they saw the engaged couple waiting for them in the living room. They had a quick talk before Megan's dad asked Ryan to continue their conversation in the balcony. They brought with them the glass of wine that they were drinking.

"How's the meal?" Her dad asked.

"It was good, sir. I enjoyed it a lot."

"I'm glad you did." Then he cleared his throat and looked at Ryan. "Are you staying here for good?"


"Are you staying here, with my daughter, for good after you got married?"

"Yes, sir. I'll be staying next to her, here, for good."

"Can you promise that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Can you keep that promise you just made?"

"Yes, sir."

But he looked at him firmly first to make sure that he was sincere before Megan's dad smiled at him quickly and brought his eyes back on the outside scenery.

"Good. That's the only thing I want to make sure before you tied the knot. That she won't be alone and feel alone."

"She won't, sir. She won't be anymore."

"Thank you."

The two guys looked at each other and had a toast with their glasses.

Storm, on the other hand, was having a very quiet and awkward dinner with her mom. After making sure that his dad had already gotten his own dinner in the other room, he sat on his dinner table where his mom was waiting with the food that she made. And yes, his mom could cook despite living a wealthy life all of her life. She had learned to do so before she got married and even more when she had her first born. Dinner with his family before they moved in to the States was what Storm used to look forward to because that's the time that her mom would cook for them. And she was a good one which also inspired his brothers to go for culinary school. He did, too actually but his passion was more into wine making and alcohol mixing.

"Are you not going to ask me what happened?" His mom broke the very long silence around the table where they were now into finishing the bottle of wine that Storm served after they had their dinner.


"Why not?"

Storm cleared his throat after a few seconds of hesitation.

"Because Dad already told me what happened and I don't think I'm ready to hear anymore details about it."

"I see." Then her mom sipped some more wine before she continued. "Are you angry at me?"

"I'm trying not to."

"Is that why you can't look at me in the eye?"


Then another awkward silence.

"Don't you want to at least-?"

"I have a lot of questions, Mom." He interrupted his mom with a tone in his voice he couldn't recognize. He had never interrupted his parents nor raised a voice to them no matter how pissed off he was because he respected them more than anyone. But the situation that continued to run in his head despite all the distraction was forcing him to do so. "I do. And I wanted them answered as badly as how Dad wanted his to be acknowledged. So, no. I don't want to know your side unless you and Dad talk. You owe him a lot more than an explanation."


"I'm sorry, I had to go to my bar." He gulped the remaining wine in his glass and stood. "Excuse me, mom."

Then he left to his room and get ready leaving his mom in the dining area.

Apollo and Michael knocked on the girls' room after the movie ended. Abby checked on Michael's temperature right away while Krizle handed Apollo his blanket and pillow to sleep in on the sofa. But before letting him go, she first watched Abby asked Michael questions to make sure that he was okay. She smiled and sighed.

"This won't do." Krizle said.

"What?" Apollo curiously asked and the other couple looked at them with confused faces. Krizle smiled at Abby and Michael then glared at Apollo.

"You. You're my boyfriend so you have to share the bed with me and not sleep on the sofa." She pulled him inside the room behind her. "And you, two." She looked at the two people in the room across from theirs. "Stay there. Abby wouldn't even get to sleep well while thinking if you're doing okay."

"Kriz." Abby and Apollo called her out at the same time but she didn't seem to bother.

"Just don't do things we won't do. At least not in Michael's guest room."

"Oh, you better not to."

Michael and Krizle gave each other a smile while the siblings were still startled.

"We won't. So, you have a good night and we will, too." Krizle pushed Apollo further inside the room and waived at them before totally closing the door.

"Ahmmm..." Abby finally spoke and looked at Michael. "What did just happen?"

"Ah, you and I will be sharing a room tonight."


Abby and Michael stared at the latter's double king size bed. It is definitely big enough for the two of them and they both felt the nervousness in their hearts.

"Ahmm." Michael cleared his throat and swallowed. "I can sleep on the floor if you-"

"No." Abby cut him off right away. "You're still sick. You need to sleep comfortably, tonight."

"Okay. But never in your imagination will I let you sleep on the floor or on the sofa."

They looked at each other and Abby smiled at him.

"I know." And they were now exchanging smiles.

"So what are we going to do?"

"Well," Michael started as they glanced at the bed again. "The bed is big enough for the two of us and I'm definitely sure I love to share it with you."

Abby looked at Michael whose eyes were already on hers. They locked gazes for seconds while Abby was thinking of how nerve-racking yet romantic it was for them to sleep in the same bed and wake up next to each other. Then she smiled and wrapped her arms around Michael's waist.


"Okay? Okay, we'll share the bed tonight?" Abby nodded and she saw how Michael's lips slowly formed a big smile on his face. He held her cheeks with his hands and gently kissed her on the lips. "Thank you."

Abby's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why say thank you?"

"Because it isn't an easy decision. And agreeing to it means you really do trust me so thank you."

"Of course, I trust you. My family does and that's enough for me to know that I'm deciding right when it comes to you."

"That's wonderful to hear."

"Right?" They chuckled before they hugged tight and got ready to sleep.