
One and only || Andy Watson ||

Andy_Watson_ · LGBT+
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12 Chs

An old friend

I looked up and saw the path full of dried leaves under the tall trees. It was the same which I saw in my dream.

That dream where I saw Linda taking me somewhere to an abandoned factory, where I saw a racing track, same as today. I didn't pay much attention to it. Though that dream left me to a shock for some times.

But when I think back, that dream and the incidents that happened today are quite similar with each other. Or more precisely to say....they make sense if I put them together.

When I got there at first, I remember very clearly that there was someone with the name, Ryan. He was a racer there. Judging by the look of the track where Raven took me....they seemed same. As well when she mentioned the whereabouts of her adopted big brother....they have the same name.

But then...

When I was running through those woods with Linda, I remember there was presence of someone else. In that particular moment of the dream, I couldn't remember much afterwards.

Raven dropped me in my dorm. I went back in my room. I was tired without doing much for the entire day. But when I entered in my room I felt there was someone also. I looked around but saw that the outside was dark because of the gathering of dark clouds. The sky rumbled and the room lightened up for a split second by the lightening. I understood who was there as they spoke.

"It has been a long time huh?....Ash."

I groaned lowly. A rear moment of my dream, which I couldn't remember came clear in front of my eyes.


Only this word came out as I saw that figure grinning at me.

"So, you actually remembered me..?" She brushed aside from the window which she was leaning at and came at my direction.

"Welcome..." She whispered in my ear.

I remembered a moment of that dream where I lost Linda suddenly and Bella appeared. But why all of it feels connecting to each other? This is strange....

"Why didn't you reply to my massage?" I was lost in my thoughts when Bella spoke with a pouting face. She was much shorter than me. Almost same or a little more than Howth.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Huh...?! You left me on read!" She stomped as she started looking for her phone. She shoved it in front of me.


It was the same day when I dreamt of that. I got a little shocked.

"Oh....I actually I didn't pay much attention to it when I read that." I replied with a straight face as I looked for my phone. Actually I to say I didn't even read it. Just mistakenly opened the chat.

"What do you mean you didn't pay attention?" Her voice was cold. I glanced at her with a straight face.

"Got any problem with that?"

"....nah nothing." She walked to the window again.

"But still...don't you think you're actually forgetting your 'old friend' after meeting your new ones?" She leaned at the window.

"Don't say things that doesn't make sense." I sat down at the end of my bed.

"Oh yeah?" She kept on looking outside.

"It's going to rain soon why don't you go-"

"You aren't the type who will give someone something important...." I got cut as Bella spoke. But she stopped midway.

"What nonsense are you even saying? you came here just to spout nonsense?" I got up as I went to her. She remained silent. I saw her face was blank, as well as her eyes. Just like those dark clouds who are going to burst with rain at any moment. But instead....

"You still haven't recovered your habit of forgetting things huh?" She turned as she smiled brightly at me.

I got shocked by her words.

"Huh..? What do you mean..?" I stared at her.

"...See? You also forgot about it..." She looked in front while keeping the smile on her face.

I glared at her. "Will you leave or not if you don't have anything to do here?" I walked to my bed again.

"You know what Ash....James died. That....he was actually got hit in head and it was pretty serious." She leaned at the window frame.

"That...what are you talking about? I talked with him just some hours ago." I really didn't know what she was talking about.

"Though I dunno if you're talking about someone else..." I looked at my phone again.

"Wh...what do you mean..?!" She looked pretty shocked as she looked at me.

"That's...just a friend of mine whom you forgot again." She said as she looked down while clenching her fist.

"Ash..." Bella looked up at me.

"Please try to cure your this old habit...or clearly to say...this kinda... disease." It looked like she glared at me. I frowned from her puzzling words

"Get clear to your point." I crossed my legs as I put my phone down.

"Do you even know how many times is it after 'that' time? You kept on forgetting things whenever you felt like it's too much for you. Do you even remember that?"

That's the time when I was out of words. I got too much shocked to utter a single word. "What do you even mean?" I said.

I saw Bella mumbled something but I couldn't hear it.

"Nothing too much. Are you not planning to go back to your house? How much long are you planning to stay here?..."

"I don't have any plan to go back there. If you really worried about it...go live there yourself." I stared blankly at her

"Unbelievable..." I heard what she mumbled this time.

"Why are you keep on running? Can't you actually tell that you're running away! Your mother was really worried about you that time.... when she also figured out about your this habit.....But she also told me that I'm the-

That I could be able to cure it...." Bella said lowly those last words.

"What do you mean by that? You sound like there was a particular reason for me to become like that." I scoffed. Bella looked at me.

"I didn't expect that the side effect of your status will actually be like this."

"What do you mean this time?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I neither knew that you'll forget things which you'll find suffocating or too much hard to accept. Especially.....I never knew that a Alpha like you even existed." Her voice slightly trembled as she spoke.

To be continued....