
24. Chapter 24: And Pale Was He

Chapter 24: And Pale Was He

            "I need to send a letter to a friend of mine in Mildenstowe" Draco said, pushing the sealed envelope over the counter to Crunther.

            "Mary Ludlow? Ne'er heard o' her." said Crunther, reading the address. He shrugged, "The mail coach is leavin' tomorrow at six in t'mornin' I'll see yer letter gets on it. Takes a couple o' days, countin' stops, to get to Mildenstowe."

            "Thank ye"

            "And how's your lady this morning?"


            "…very well, thank you Crunther" said Hermione, appearing behind Draco and smiling at the innkeeper.

            "G'mornin, Mistress Malfoy. Where're ye two off to t'day? 'Tis your last day here at these lodgings."

            "Actually, we were going to go up to the old Morwyn place."

            Crunther shook his head, "I tell ye there be nothing there. Ye are wastin' yer time. 'Tis best ye steer clear of that place, people say it's ill luck."

            "Mother Morwyn was a friend of my mother's," Hermione said quietly. "I promised her I'd stop by if I ever came through Aldeburgh."

            "Aye, well then ye be careful. I still say ye are wastin' yer time. 'Tisn't more than a burnt ruin that place. Much better for two young people to spend the time in the fields or by t'rivers. I could pack you a lunch."

            Draco and Hermione exchanged glances. "Why don't ye pack it for us anyway, Crunther?" said Draco. "We'd be very grateful."            "Surely. I'll just get Mother Crunther to get something together. Ye just wait here." He lumbered off to the kitchen and left Draco and Hermione alone.

            "Did you give him the letter yet?"

            "Yes. The mail coach leaves tomorrow. It makes several stops along the way but it will reach Mildenstowe in two days."

            Hermione nodded and squeezed Draco's arm. "I hope she gets it and nothing goes wrong."

            "Nothing more can go wrong" Draco said cheerfully. "I have a feeling we've been through the worst of it…think about it Hermione! In two weeks, we'll be home!"

            Hermione smiled, "I wonder if they missed us?"

            "Weasel's probably pining away for you. Didn't you two have a 'thing' back in the Sixth?"

            "We did not have a "thing". Anyway, that's all in the past…or the future…oh, whatever. And anyway, may I remind you, Mr Malfoy, that you are going to have to explain to the Zabinis this whole situation. Even if Blaise doesn't flip her wig over it, I'm sure Mr Zabini will have a lot to say about it."

            "That pompous toad doesn't scare me."

            "Draco, what are the consequences of breaking a wizard engagement? You never told me."

            "Oh! Well…"

            "Here ye are" said Crunther, emerging from the kitchen with a covered basket. "There's cheese and bread and a flagon of ale in there."

            "Thank you" said Draco, taking it from the innkeeper.

            "Take my advice and don't picnic up at the old Morwyn place. 'Tis a wretched ruin now…go to the stream or the fields."

            "Yes, thanks."

            Offering his arm to his wife and feeling her take it, Draco set off for the old Morwyn place. They had picked up enough information from the townsfolk to be pretty certain of its surroundings, both felt just the slightest bit nervous at what they would find there.


            Time and time again, on their many dates since the time he had given the brooch before the Wizengamot hearing, Ron had tried to broach the subject of Blaise's engagement to Draco. But Blaise had always managed to change the subject and cut him off. On this day, he was determined not to let her do so again. No, it was much too near Samhain for this kind of fuddling about.

            "You've got to talk to her Ron" he heard Harry's voice echo in his memory. "You guys are getting pretty serious…"