
23. Chapter 22 and 23: Mary Culdon

Chapter 22/23: Mary Culdon

            Lady Katherine Granger shook with nervousness as she entered her husband's study. She decided it was best to inform her husband herself rather than wait for him to find out from one of the servants.

            "Good morning, Katherine" said her husband, going through a stack of parchment.

            "Good morning, Gareth. I …"

            "I have just received Baron Burnel's side of the marriage contract. Everything is most satisfactory. He will arrive later today, you remember. I am pleased everything is in order."

            Lady Granger shut the door firmly behind her. Her husband looked up in surprise at her – it was not her habit to slam doors.

            "Katherine," he said, looking at her grave expression, "What is the matter?"

            Lady Granger took a deep breath.

            "It's Hermione isn't it? What has happened to our daughter? Has she taken her own life? What…"

            "No…nothing of the sort, Gareth. Let me speak." said Lady Granger to her husband. "And you must promise not to interrupt me till I finish speaking."

            Lord Granger made an impatient gesture with his hand. "If it is about letting our daughter marry for love again, you can save your breath, woman. I am done with that old nonsense."

            "Will you let me speak without interruption?" Lady Granger sounded stern.

            Lord Granger was surprised. "As you wish."

            "Two days ago, I had a talk with our daughter which made me remember the past all too clearly. She said some things that could not be coincidence, Gareth. I went to Father Lorenzo and we tested her with Holy Water…"

            "Holy Water, but you know what…"

            "You promised not to interrupt me…Holy Water. She did not burn."

            "Did not burn!"

            "Yes. It is all coming true. I know we have tried touching her with it through the years, and always the result has been injurious in the extreme, but two days ago, her skin remained as fair and unmark'd as…as…the petals of a rose."

            "Do not remind me! You and your weakness all those years ago…"

            Lady Granger continued, ignoring her husband. "So you see, it is true. She is capable of love! She is no longer the creature we thought she was, she is now a holy, Christian child. You can ask Father Lorenzo, he saw it himself!"