
A King's Lament

Those men who survived the hellfire reached Don Filippo’s granja after three days of unceasing travel. But there, in Don Filippo’s domain, many had seen the catastrophe unfold from miles away. Though far and uncertain of its range of fury, many had already fled from their homes and moved very far from the approaching danger that might engulf them no sooner. The faded screech of the dragon was no help as everyone began to feel the rising panic.

Don Filippo opened his doors for the struggling men. The old right hand of Delombre had heard of the two kings’ war but chose not to dwell on the battle as he only had his thoughts for the safety of a few of his folks. Immediately, servants prepared a large meal and remedies for the exhausted guests. No sooner, men had their hearty fill and finally rested on a place allotted for them.