
Once Upon A Happy Ending

Chaos is a prince Hope is a princess There parents set them up for an arranged marriage. Hope is madly in love with Chaos but he doesn't feel the same way.

Ems_imagination · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


With the consistent knocking on the bedroom door. His father came out on a hurried rush. "What! What is it?" He said opening his door his night shirt just barely over his head. Chaos stood in front of him with his arms crossed. King Caspian looked at Chaos and sighed, half annoyed and half frustrated. "What do you want chaos?"

"Oh nothing I just wanna know why you didn't tell me your marrying me off!" He raised his voice as his sentence ended. The king rolled his eyes at his son. He figured he was going to find out soon enough but he hoped to tell him himself as hope of less of a tantrum. "Chaos..."

"No father. I don't want to hear anymore bullshit I'm sick of ALL of this." Chaos said feeling his cheeks and the tips of his ears heat up with the anger that was filling him. "Chaos you are a prince please act that way." His father tried but Chaos was angry with him and probably wouldn't listen to him.

"I don't care if I'm a fucking prince father! Im a person just like you! I'm your son! You shouldn't be marrying me off!" Chaos's breathing was very heavy and quick. He didn't know whether to cry or to just keep yelling.

"I'm no-..." the king started but chaos was already on his way out to the stables, where he knew he could find Mayhem. He didn't want to talk to anybody else right now.

"May- mayhem!" Chaos said running to him already out of breath from running so far. Mayhem had been hosing down and cleaning supplies when Chaos came running to him. He dropped the bucket and the hose he was holding and ran the rest of the way to Chaos. "What happened? Are you alright?" He said grabbing onto his shoulders and looking him in the eye.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay." He put his hands on his knees, as mayhem back up. He was trying to catch his breath when Mayhem asked, "Well then, what's your problem?" He said with a slight chuckle. He walked back over to the hose and bucket. Chaos followed when he gained his breath back.

"I- I am so mad." Chaos said through gritted teeth after waiting for Mayhem to finish what he was doing.

"Why?" Mayhem turned off the hose and turned to face his friend. "My father..." Chaos trailed.

"Oh wow, I would have never guessed." Mayhem scoffed a bit.

"I'm serious Mayhem. He's making me marry the Hope girl." Chaos whined. Mayhems eyes widened as he heard this. "Really? Like an arranged marriage type thing?"

"Really really. And I'm not sure I ran away before I could hear my fathers story. It's probably some bullshit story of how I have to take care of my kingdom." Chaos hopped onto the stone wall that the nozzle to turn off the hose was on. Mayhem leaned against the wall. "You know you really shouldn't curse."

Chaos narrowed his eyes at mayhem. "You sound like my dad now."

"I'm just sayin'," Mayhem shrugged and chuckled. "Uuuuggh, what am I supposed to do, Mayhem."

He turned his body so that he was now laying on the wall. It was just wide enough for him to do that and now Mayhem jumped up to sit on the wall. The wall was cold to the touch but it was a good kind of cold. The one you could get used to after a while.

"I don't know." Mayhem shrugged. "Maybe you could actually talk to your father instead of running away from him."

Mayhem wasn't looking at him but he could feel his glare. He was looking off into the distance, but he had a smile on his face. Chaos almost never saw mayhem without a smile on his face and was starting to wonder what he would look like.

Chaos sighed and looked up to the night sky. "Maybe, I just wish he didn't see me as something else he has to rule over."

"I wish I could relate to you, Chaos. I really do." He sighed deeply. "But I'm literally the opposite of you. I have no... value to anyone really."

Chaos turned over on his stomach, looked at his friend and furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't say that. You have value to me. Your my friend." He said kind of annoyed that he would say something like that.

"I know." Mayhem looked over to Chaos and smiled slightly. "But... sometimes that's just not enough. Don't get me wrong. I love being your friend. I just feel like I need to find my purpose... somehow."

"Oh..." This kind of hurt Chaos to hear him say this but he wasn't going to let Mayhem know that. "I get you."

"Anyways." Mayhem shook his head as if to clear any unwanted thoughts from his mind. "Are you going to talk to your dad about... the Hope situation."

"I w-." Just as Chaos was about to say something it started raining. The boys both looked at each other and laughed. They ran into the stables into an empty stall. There was a extra towel in there from when Mayhem was washing the troughs that they used to dry off.

"What were you going to say earlier before you were so very rudely interrupted." Mayhem chuckled.

Chaos scoffed. "I was going to say I was going to talk to him tomorrow." He shook his wet hair to get it out of his eyes. "Tomorrow? Why not tonight?" Mayhem questioned.

"Ehhh because it's raining."

Mayhem put Chaos in a headlock. "It just started raining." He laughed.

"Yeah, well..." he said struggling to get out of the headlock. He was pushing his arm away when Mayhem let go. Chaos stumbled backwards but Mayhem caught him by his arm and didn't let him fall.

Mayhem laughed. "Hey you wanna sleep out here in the stables like we did when we were younger." He turned around in a circle like he was looking for something.

"Uh, sure. yeah! that'd be fun." He sat on a hay bale drying off the rest of his hair with the towel. Chaos could get away with being absent from the castle for tonight because he knew his father left him alone whenever he got really upset like he did.

"Alright I'll go grab my blanket. Dad should still be in the castle, on duty." He said leaving the stall. Chaos nodded and Mayhem left to go to his house that was not to far from the stable.

While Chaos waited for Mayhem to return. He braided three pieces of hay together. His mother taught him how to on one of her dolls she had from when she was a little girl. He remembered the day when he saw his mother's hair in braids and wondered how to do one.

Mayhem came back holding two pillows a blanket and a lantern that was lit. "Took you long enough." Chaos teased.

"Oh hush. I wasn't even longer them ten minutes." Mayhem smiled dropping the things on the floor. When they would do this when they were younger they brought snacks, multiple blankets, a sheet, and clothes pins to pin the blankets to the sides of the stalls to make a fort.

"Just one blanket?" Chaos set up his pillow across from the hay bale he was sitting on.

Mayhem nodded. "I'm sorry. Your highness I know your not used to sharing, but you'll have to deal with it." He set his pillow up next to Chaos's and spread out the blanket out over the two of them. "I only have one blanket, my other one ripped in to many places to be useable anymore." He said laying down flat on his back. Chaos laid down next to him on his own pillow that he had brought out for him. "I could get you another one. I mean I could get Isla to make you one."

"I don't like asking you for things, Kay." He looked at him from the corner of his eye. Chaos propped himself up on his elbow to look at Mayhem. "Yeah I know... but hey your not asking me. I'm... asking you if you want me to ask Isla to make you one."

Mayhem scoffed and pulled the blanket over chaos's head. "Same difference. Now just go to sleep." He said turning on his side, closing his eyes.

Chaos huffed and laid on his back, looking at the roof to the stables.