
Once Upon A Happy Ending

Chaos is a prince Hope is a princess There parents set them up for an arranged marriage. Hope is madly in love with Chaos but he doesn't feel the same way.

Ems_imagination · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Dinner Party

"Why don't you ever listen or do as you're supposed to!" King Caspian was obviously anger at Chaos for not being at the dinner he had planned. Well Chaos was there for the dinner but not all of it.

Chaos quickly went to his room after Granger basically dragged him to it and stood outside the door while he got dressed. "You don't have to babysit me." Chaos called.

"You're father sure thinks I do." He chuckled. There was a moment of silence. "You know he wouldn't think so if you acted your age." Granger said.

"I just wanted to have fun and not have to be around boring people." Chaos opened the door and Peaked his head out smiling. "You're problem is knowing when the appropriate time to have fun is." Granger huffed. Chaos stepped out of the room wearing what he was supposed to be wearing all day. He thought it might help put out the fire later.

Granger looked at Chaos. "What?" Chaos questioned. Granger shook his head and fixed Chaos's bow tie that he had put on himself crooked. "Oh, thanks for that."

"Come in let's go." Granger said. "Before I get in trouble." He sighed. Chaos nodded and they both started walking rather quickly toward the banquet chambers. Chaos and his father never really ate together unless they had guest. Chaos ate outside, in his room or even out in the stables while he talked to Mayhem.

The large doors that had painted on them large lions that looked ready to eat anything in they're way opened as Chaos nodded. Chaos always had hated those doors they look to big and clunky. Plus he didn't like lions very much.

"And then...uh oh, hello Chase." King Herod was in the middle of telling a big dramatic story when they walked in and by the look on his fathers face he was not the best story teller.

"It's Chaos, Dear." Queen Anne corrected her husband.

"Yes, I know it was a crazy day." He said misunderstanding.

"No the child dear. His name is Chaos not Chase." Queen Anne pulled on King Herods sleeve to make him sit.

Chaos cringes at the word child. As much as he acted like one he felt that he should have more respect since he was eighteen.

"Oh, please forgive me Chaos." The king smiled. Chaos smiled and nodded back.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Son." His father said glaring at him from across the room. "Come take a seat and eat your dinner."

"Alr-...yes father." Chaos said folding his hands in front of him and went to go take a seat in the chair in between his father and across from Princess Hope.

He had sensed that putting on the outfit that his father wanted him to wear did nothing to help his case. He was going to be in so much trouble.

"So anyways..." king Herod began. "OHHHH look at that here comes second course." Queen Anne cur her husband off before he could return to his story. Princess Hope giggled.

Chaos looked at Princess Hope. She was a very pretty girl and had a voice like melting honey. When she did speak that was.

"Hello, Princess Hope." He smiled.

"Hello, Prince Chaos." She smiled flirtatiously back at him.

"Sorry if I seemed distant and..." He coughed. "...Rude today I really didn't mean it. I got carried away with... things."

Queen Anne nodded her head. "That's quite alright young one."

He tried the best he could at hiding the cringe on his face but he didn't know how good he did until he caught his reflection in one of the glasses set out on the table. It was a good job to say the least. He coughed again. "Uh...Eh hem lovely lamb we have here isn't it." He used his fork and knife to cut a piece off and put a piece of food in his mouth. He heard his father give off a disappointed sigh and they ate in awkward silence for more then a moment.

"So...Prince Chaos." Princess Hope began.

"Oh, um please call me Chaos or Kay...That's my nickname." He looked to his father for approval or some kind of something.

"Oh okay then please call me Hope." She smiled. Her father made a therapy clearing noise and everyone looked to him. "Oh...sorry." He said.

Chaos scooped up some mashed potatoes into his mouth and let his fork clatter to the table. As the fork fell it hit the edge of the plate and everyone turned their attention to him. "My bad...uh I'm sorry." He looked at his father. His father hated that he used commoner language as he called it and would have yelled at him if they were alone.

"They're already on a first name basis. Isn't that great Caspian." Queen Anne said after several minutes of awkward silence. King Herod nodded. "Mhm, great for the ma-."

"AHEM!" Caspian cleared his throat and interrupted whatever king Herod was going to say. Chaos raised an eyebrow. "Are you alright father?" He asked.

"Oh yes." He cleared his throat again. "Just um... yeah I'm fine." He looked at King Herod very intensively as if to communicate something to him only using brain waves. It seemed to have work because the two Kings nodded at each other.

Chaos began to think.

"Why are you guys here anyways?"

"Family trip." Queen Anne blurted.

"Business." His father said.

If it were possible to raise his eyebrow any farther he would have. This was the most thinking he had to do all day and now he was just confused. "I..." he began but he didn't know what to say.

"Just...Mind your business, Chaos." His father said. Chaos furrowed his brows and picked up his fork. His father sighed once again.

"May I be excused?" Chaos asked. He was annoyed and didn't want to be in his fathers presence any more. "Me too, please." Hope added. Chaos looked at Hope. She smiled when she noticed him looking at her.

"Um...sure. I guess. Chaos could show you around a bit more." King Caspian said. Chaos nodded just so he could get out of there faster. He didn't really want Hope following him around.

The prince and princess both got up from their chairs. Chaos reached the door first because his chair was closer to the door but he turned back and saw king Herod whispering something in Hopes ear.

They're definitely keeping something from me. He thought. He could just couldn't figure out what or why.

When Hope reached Chaos she looked up at him and smiled. "Where should we go?"

"I was going to check on Mayhem."


"My friend..."

"Do parents in this kingdom always name there children after...craziness?"

"Totally I have friends named Riot and Rampage too." He said sarcastically.

"Oh really?"


"Prince Chaos... Where are you going?" Granger called from behind. Chaos spun on his heel and faced him. "I was going outside."

"Your father instructed me to not let you out after dinner."

"Ugggh." Chaos drug his hands down his face. "But why not."

"Just because... go show the princess you sleeping quarters or something." Granger suggested.

"Fine. But tell my father that I instruct him to leave me alone." He turned to the hallway leading to his bedroom.