

Chaos saw his guest walking with his father they stopped at the rose bushes. He took his time walking over to them and ran his hand through the lavender path that was planted along the way.

"Hello, Chaos. You clean up well. Nice to see you all dressed up now." King Herod said.

Chaos's father turned to face him and sighed after seeing what he had chose to wear instead of what he wanted him to wear. Chaos chuckled to himself.

"Nice to see you too... again." He folded his hands behind his back. "King...Herod." He added. "Your father was just telling Queen Anne, Hope , and I about your mothers garden. Especially the roses." King Herod said smiling. "Yes, Rose was very fond of roses." Father chuckled. "And not just because of her name." He smiled just as he did whenever he talked or thought about his wife, Chaos's mother.

"Well I can see why, they are very lovely." Queen Anne said admiring them. After a moment she went to pick one. Chaos's eyes widened. She stopped. "May I?" She asked.

"I-" Chaos started but his father cut him off. "YES, you may." The king side eyed his son. Queen Anne smiled and picked a flower cutting the stem with hand shears left out on the ground by someone.

After she picked the thorns off she placed it in her daughters blonde hair. The rose making her green eyes pop and pulling her outfit all together with her white dress and dainty diamond earrings.

Chaos didn't like anyone touching his mother roses, except Darcy who was their maid Mary's daughter but Chaos's mother treated her as her own because she never could have her own daughter. He frowned. Her roses were the only thing he vividly remembers about his mother and they were her prized possession when she was alive. He wasn't going to let some strangers ruin that.

Princess Hope seemed to see Chaos's reaction and frowned herself. "Thank you, King Caspian and Prince Chaos. You're hospitality has been a gift so far." Queen Anne said as she turned to face them again. "You're welcome." King Caspian smiled. Chaos just nodded.

The group started walking again, going to other flowers in the garden and King Caspian telling the three what he could remember about the flowers from what Queen Rose told him. Chaos trailed behind the group and was looking at the ground kicking up the dust. Then he heard a voice coming from behind the greenhouse. "Psst...Chaos." The voice said. Chaos smiled at the familiar voice.

Chaos walked off the trail that his father and his guest were walking and walked into the greenhouse. "Hey, Mayhem." He carefully looked around. Mayhem ran into Chaos from other end of the greenhouse. He tackled Chaos to the ground with a thud. "Ow," he chuckled. "Get off me."

Mayhem was Grangers son and Chaos's best friend. Even their mothers were best friends and they grew up together. They even shared a birthday though Mayhem was older then Chaos by a year.

Chaos pushed Mayhem off him and stood up brushing himself off the best he could. "My fathers going to kill me." He looked down at his white t-shirt now tanned from the dirt and dust on the ground of the greenhouse. "Eh, you won't be missed." Mayhem said with a chuckle. Chaos playfully punched his arm. "That's a lie you'll miss me."

"Mmm, I don't know maybe." He said smiling. He dusted himself off as well which was no use. In fact his clothes were already previously filthy from working outside all day. Chaos scoffed. "Anyways... why's that royal family here?" Mayhem said clearing his throat and looking at Chaos. "I'm not sure. Who knows?" He shrugged. "I tried asking you father but he said something like 'it's not my place to tell you.'" He said mocking Granger a bit. "Pffft... sounds serious if you ask me." Mayhem replied.

"When is it not serious with my father." He picked a strawberry from the plant and put it in his mouth. "You're right. It's probably nothing. And you know that wasn't washed right." Mayhem looked at Chaos and raised an eyebrow. "Oh wow I couldn't have guessed." Chaos responded sarcastically with a chuckle.

Mayhem and Chaos were in the food plant greenhouse. It had every kind of food the grew in the dirt. The palace also had four other types of greenhouses but Chaos's favorite was the exotic greenhouse. It looked like a jungle and was easy to hide in. Over crowded with vines and large bushes it was hard to find someone in there unless they were being looked for. He remembered one day his mother, him and Mayhem were all playing hide and seek one day and they couldn't stop giggling so it was very easy for his mother to find him.

"So do you wanna maybe avoid your guest and your father and come feed the animals and groom some horses with me?" Mayhem asked.

"Anything would be better then hanging out with the four of them." Chaos smiled. "But my dad will be looking for me."

"Eh, who cares. He already going to kill you for the white shirt. Come on let's go." Mayhem turned to leave. Chaos chuckled and followed after him.

They went to the stables first to get the animal feed then over to the goat pen. Mayhem told chaos that he always fed the goats first because if he didn't they'd just follow him around bleating until he gave them food. Then he fed the chickens and collected the eggs. When they were finished feeding all the animals except the horses they went to the stables once more and put horse feed in the bucket for the horses.

They had five horses but Chaos's favorite was a horse named Apollo. He was an Australian stock horse with a coppery brown coat and whose legs looked like they'd been dipped in black paint. His mane and tail were also black and he had one foot that was white. Apollo would whinny happily whenever Chaos was around him.

Mayhems favorite horse was also an Australian stock horse but her name was speck and she was grey with white speckles. She looked as if she was spattered with paint. She was a sassy horse and liked things a particular way.

"Hey, Chaos?" Mayhem called from across the stables as he was brushing Speck. "Yeah?" Chaos responded.

"Do you ever think about not being a Prince?" Mayhem asked.

"Oh yeah all the time. Especially after my mother died." He sighed a bit and the horse sighed responding to him. "Do you ever think about not being...well, uh what you are?"

"Yeah. I think about it all the time. I've thought about running away before too."

"Really?" Chaos put the brush down and the horse let out a big dramatic blow. He started petting the horse. "Yeah..." Mayhem stoped brushing and scoffed.


"....Nothing." He continued.

"What? You can tell me." Chaos pleaded. Mayhem shrugged. "I just wish things were...I don't know a little different, I guess."

"Me too." He said walking out of the stall Apollo was in. Mayhem walked out of Speck's stall and looked to the sky. "Looks like it's about dinner time."

"Yeah...dinner..." Chaos was not looking forward to having dinner with his father and being questioned all night. "Hey, do you think that family's still here? Uh, king Herald or whatever." Mayhem asked.

Chaos chuckled. "King Herod. And yes probably they sound like they are from over seas." He said as they started walking back to the back entrance of the palace. "Interesting." Mayhem said. Chaos nodded.

When they got to the door of the castle, it opened without Chaos even having to tell the guards to open it. A frantic Granger greeted them. "Chaos, Mayhem. Where have you been? You're father has been looking all over for you." Granger said kind of out of breath. Chaos knew by father he meant himself. His father would be looking for him he would send someone else to do it.

"Sorry Father. I just wanted company while I did my work. I didn't mean to-" mayhem started to say.

"Chaos come inside...and get changed before your father sees you." He kept he eyes on Mayhem glaring. He pulled Chaos inside and let the door close.

Chaos looked back at his friend as the door closed. "Sorry." He mouthed and continued to his room to get changed into something less dirty.

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