
Once Upon A Christmas Wish: A BTS and TXT Fanfiction

Contains a LOT of fluff and cuteness! Park Emerald is a single mother and works as a stylist for TXT. She is content with the life she has, just her 6 years old son and her amazing 5 dongsaengs(TXT). But what will happen when her path crosses with Mr. World Wide Handsome a.k.a. Kim Seokjin of BTS? Will love sparkle or will they crash and burn? Can a worldwide star date a single mother? What's inside? Seokjin's dark side. Yoongi with a kid. Hoseok's life advice. Namjoon's wiseness. Maknae line being hyungs. TXT being BTS's babies.

iamzebanaaz · Celebrities
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Emerald's P.O.V.

It was the morning of 25th November. The day that will now forever be instilled into the minds of millions of people as BTS just snagged up a Grammy's nomination for Dynamite. I was in quite a giddy mood so I decided to bake a cake to congratulate them. I asked Jade and the babies if they wanted to help and they were more than enthusiastic too.

It was two days after the fateful day at my babies' dorm where met BTS. For the past two days, I've been making experimenting with different baked goods and sending them to both the TXT and BTS's dorms. Jayden had become fast friends with the rest of the BTS boys and from what I saw the younger ones tried their hardest to get him to spill whatever secret he and Yoongi had going on.

Even I tried knowing but was proud when I got the answer as, "Eomma you said that when someone trusts you with their personal thoughts you shouldn't spill them to other people. But I promise it's nothing bad. That Ahjussi is nice."

I admit tears welled up in my eyes hearing this response. My baby really was the most sweetest and considerate person.

I also learned that Yoongi was the friend Jayden had made the day we moved here which was about a month ago. I had thought that it was someone his own age so I hadn't asked him much that time. Now I was curious to know more but didn't ask anything more.

Yesterday Yoongi had knocked on my door and quite shyly asked if he could go for a walk with Jayden. I melted at the cuteness inside before agreeing. Who cares about the age difference as long as my baby kept good company I was fine with whatever friends he made.

I didn't know much about BTS but I've listened to their music and Yoongi's. The thoughts they expressed through their music were reassurance enough that just like my TXT boys, they were good people to be around. I firmly believe in the saying 'You are who you know'. Age doesn't matter, your mindset and thoughts do.

I've witnessed Jayden being bullied by kids his age for having a single mother who was never married and it was the worst kind of pain I had ever felt. Kids these days were too cruel but do you ever wonder where do they get these thoughts and mindsets from? Their elders. The ones who talk about stuff like this in front of kids. So it's really not the kids' fault. They are just learning what their elders are teaching them whether intentionally or not. I don't want my son to be like this so I take special care about how and what I speak when I'm in front of him.

"Noona, are you okay?" Yeonjun's voice shook me out of my thoughts.

I gave him a reassuring smile, "Yeah Junie, just thinking."

"About?" Kai inquired.

"Life kiddos, life." I smiled softly at them.

They both looked at me curiously, probably waiting for me to elaborate but I just shook my head at them. "It's nothing you kids need to concern yourself with. Let's just get this batter into the oven quick. The others will be back soon." I grinned.

The rest of the boys along with Jade were on the shopping run since I didn't have any stuff left to decorate the cake.

After a few hours of hard work, the cake was ready and we all were seriously proud of our work since it looked gorgeous!

We carefully made our way to BTS's apartment. Soobin, Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Jayden went in first so they could get all the members together. Yeonjun, Kai, and I waited outside. In my hands was the cake and Yeonjun and Kai both had a party popper in their hands. Once we got the signal from Beombyu, we all went inside.

Both boys shielded me from the view as we went in. Once in position, they popped the poppers and we all yelled "Congratulations!". The boys moved aside and I was visible to the boys now along with the cake.

"Woahh!" The reaction with BTS was as usual always instant. They were shy, amazed, and thankful. Aish, what's with these two bands wearing their emotions on their faces. One look and you could tell what they were feeling at that moment. Or maybe it was just me, I could always tell with one look as to what a person was thinking.

"We wanted to congratulate you on getting the Grammy nomination." Soobin shyly explained as he pointed at the cake.

And I could see the 7 seven dying from the cuteness.

I put the cake on top of the table and grinned at them, "Congratulations to you boys. I may not have followed your journey to this moment but over the past years, I've heard enough from these five to know that there's no one out there who deserves this more than you all. I wish you all good health and more success."

A series of thank yous and lots of pictures later we were enjoying the cake which I'm proud to say tastes even better than it looks.

Jayden was as usual close to Yoongi and I could see everyone's curiosity at their bond.

"So, how are you boys planning to celebrate?" I asked.

Everyone shrugged.

"How about we all have dinner together? I'll cook." Seokjin offered. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I'll help you." I offered.

"No." He was quick to deny.

"There are 13 people here. You want to cook this much food alone?"

"Not 13, 13 and a half! And, from what I remember you were the one who denied my help that day when I offered. If you can bake for 13 people alone then I can cook for 13 people alone."

"Technically I accepted your offer to help."

"Didn't really seem like it when you made the cookies and walnut cake without even telling me."

I looked at him in shock and disbelief, "Are you giving me attitude right now Kim Seokjin-shi? What are you? A baby?"

He looked offended at that, "Yah, I'm one year older than you."

"Your point?"

"That he's old!" Jungkook interjected.

And once again we have the comical scene of an angry wide-eyed Jin. I'm afraid he might burst a vein.

"Yah, Jeon Jungkook!!" The loud yell made everyone laugh and the maknae ran away from the living room.

We stayed for a few hours before the boys had to go to the Big Hit building for a VLive. We all decided to meet back there in the evening for dinner.

Such an emotional day.