
On The Wind Of Love

[Mature content / No rape. R18] In a world where supernatural beings and humans have no trust for one another. Divided is how they stand...or is it? Crown, a headstrong, spirited and adventurous woman has always found herself embroiled in trouble from a young age despite her good intentions. Her misadventures and recklessness often time leads to unexpected mishaps that one time threatens the feigned and very fragile peace of her people. There are many words to describe the werewolf Prince Zaccai of the House of Zeror. Enigmatic, devilishly handsome, kind but with a guarded exterior are but a few. He cannot believe his luck when three fated encounters with a human changes the trajectory of his life and the destiny of his bloodline forever. World's collide in the strangest of ways in this series that is a tale of romance, love, sacrifice and acceptance as Crown and Zaccai embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies, all while discovering what it means to truly love another. ___ DISCLAIMER All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Cover photo was designed by Me Source - Pinterest & Personal Photos of Me. UPDATES: Daily.

withlovetale · Fantasy
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59 Chs

casting a shadow

The night was still young when the door to the banquet hall swung open getting the gaurds that stood at the door on alert.

Noises and laughter died down gradually as the once former king of Tahu started to walk towards the banquet table. Everyone who had gathered to honour the new kings ascension to the thrown could see the bitterness on Lord Adni's face.

He wore a mischievous smile as he got closer to King Zadok.

Determined to exact his revenge for the throne he had lost and the son he had almost lost, he held in his hand a scroll.

"Congratulations on your win and ascend to the throne King and Queen of Tahu. May your reign be long," his voice loud enough for all to hear as the crowd grew silent.

"I bring news!" Abni announced as soon as he got to the table unfolding the scroll he held.

"...On the eve of your son's ninety and twentieth day, he must be and has to marry a human!"

Shockwaves swept through the crowd as whispers rippled through. The rhythmic music faltered and finally came to a stop as if the very notes were unsure how to accompany this unexpected twist in the celebration.

Sir Adin watched on helplessly.

"What!" King Zadok exclaimed.

The former king knew that such a marriage would be met with disdain, both from Tahu and all the other lands.

"You signed it in blood your highness," he raised the scroll up in the air and turned around to the crowd before turning back to the ones he came for.

"What! You did what!" Queen Lieve finally found her voice.

"This must be a mistake. I would never do such a thing to our family."

Prince Zaccai found himself caught in the web of Adni's vengeful scheme.

"Your son brought this on your household and he almost killed my son!"

"You asked for it!" Zadok was in front of him in a flash. "How dare you?" He growled.

"My house is the reason our kind is in power today!"

"Go to hell Adni, how much longer are you going to bleed that cow! Last I checked your house was the reason for the divide, the reason for countless lives that were lost, children made fatherless, lineages forgotten, history wiped out. Your house was the reason I lost some of my family you powerdrunk son of a dog!"

"Don't you dare! I should have ripped your head of in the ring years ago!" Adni shot back.

"I will make certain your bloodline never seats the throne again." King Zadok fired.

The guests watched intently, their curiosity piqued, and their glasses of wine forgotten in their hands.

"With what? Your soon to be half-blood grandbabies will never stand a chance--"

Queen Lieve had heard enough and she didn't know how much more she could take in. So when she delivered a punch to Lord Adni's face sending him across the room. She hadn't been in full control of her actions.

Lord Adni stood up, blood spilled from the side of his mouth. He licked the wound as a deep laughter erupted from him.

"Oh beloved Queen, how can I forget your amazing strength. You always had a warriors heart, my Queen," He raised up the scroll that held signatures of previous agreement and read out loud.

"If the house of Zeror should in such instance ascend the seat of power and order. As punishment for the young prince Zaccai entanglement with the humans he shall be married to one their kind on the eve his ninety and twentieth day." He paused, letting the words sink.

"Failure to do so will see to the Zeror forfeiting the throne for the next two hundred years. Not like you stand another chance after this rule anyway."

"That is preposterous!"

"Your fancy words can't save you now Zadok."

"Father! I will accept the punishment as it's deemed fitting by the former king." Zaccai announced from where he sat.

He walked towards the his parents.

"All in agreement from the house of Royals please step forward," he spoke like sir Adin had taught him to.

"Zaccai what are you doing?" His mother asked.

"Only a year over ninety and he thinks he's something special," Abni scorned.

The two house of Royals stepped forward in the vote

"Then it is settled. It is done."

"You have no idea what you just got yourself into young prince."

"I believe you Lord Abni. I have never been married before so how can I possibly know."

"How dare you try to mock me!"

"Raise your voice again at my son and I will end you." Lieve said rather calmly.

"You may leave now, as I am sure your son needs more care." King Zadok added.

"Your precious bloodline, will end with you, young prince." Lord Adni said at last before turning on his heels to leave.

It was then he sighted his son, Bigvai. He shook his head at him before finally taking his leave.

"Have a lovely celebration!" He shouted on his way out.

The former king's plan, born out of spite, succeeded in casting a shadow over the new reign, even before it had fully begun.


"You accepted to such deal. Why!" Queen Lieve rightly asked later that night after all was over and they were back in the confines of their home.

"I had no clue my queen." he went on to explain how the agreement had been signed. "It was his plan all along, he decieved me, knowing I was ready to do anything to save Zaccai. I would never want our lineage to be sullied!"

"You already did that but now my poor son gets to suffer same fate!" She accused him.

Zadok fell silent. He had once betrayed the love they shared and had a human in his bed. The result of that was going to hunt him till his last days.

"Mother, father. Can I enter?" Zaccai knocked.

"Sure my love."

"How bad can marrying a human be?" He asked sincerely because from his point of view that was a fair punishment.

"Well for one you will be the last Zeror to ever seat on the seat of power. Your children cannot ever stand in a ring with the other house of Royals, they will never be strong enough. And living with a human wife. . . You may--"

"May what mother?"

"Kill her. You may kill her son."


"You were close to a human during your transition, yes. But you weren't fully formed on both sides, the desires you had during your training is nothing compared to what you would have now. This is different. That's why those of us who choose to live under the curse do so by avoiding them. We avoid them my love. You should have never..." she paused as she didn't want to make Zaccai feel more guilty than he already did.

"Okay mother." He couldn't think of anything else as he had heard enough. The thoughts of him killing Crown or any human looked impossible but he knew his mother was sharing the truth.

"Good night mother. Father." He turned and left. His mind suddenly blank.

"Sir Adin!" The queen called.

"I want to first thank you for all you have done for Zaccai, you will be greatly rewarded. But now the true work begins..."

I am aware of that your majesty."

"Make him better, make him the best. Make him strong, make sure he's never found wanting or lacking across every field and in everything. And... Make sure, truly make sure he never leaves Tahu to see this child or any human at all until it is. . . time for him to..." Her voice broke. she was still saddled with disbelief at the turn of events.

"Understood your majesty."