
On The Wind Of Love

[Mature content / No rape. R18] In a world where supernatural beings and humans have no trust for one another. Divided is how they stand...or is it? Crown, a headstrong, spirited and adventurous woman has always found herself embroiled in trouble from a young age despite her good intentions. Her misadventures and recklessness often time leads to unexpected mishaps that one time threatens the feigned and very fragile peace of her people. There are many words to describe the werewolf Prince Zaccai of the House of Zeror. Enigmatic, devilishly handsome, kind but with a guarded exterior are but a few. He cannot believe his luck when three fated encounters with a human changes the trajectory of his life and the destiny of his bloodline forever. World's collide in the strangest of ways in this series that is a tale of romance, love, sacrifice and acceptance as Crown and Zaccai embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies, all while discovering what it means to truly love another. ___ DISCLAIMER All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Cover photo was designed by Me Source - Pinterest & Personal Photos of Me. UPDATES: Daily.

withlovetale · Fantasy
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59 Chs

a man is dead

"I told you I was going to protect you and yet you ran away again," he wiped blood from his face and cursed. "You want to go home so badly. Let's go." He held her free hand and in seconds Crown found herself at the edge of her village.

"Go on. Go home." He said releasing her hand he held, some more blood had rubbed off on her. His demeanor told her he was daring her to. Her chest heaved with pent-up emotions.

"You don't mean that." She voiced her thoughts.

He wiped his face some more, "Oh, I do. Go on, and when you do, realise that I will come for you. Not as your husband but as the prince of Tahu, and you will answer for the death of one of my own."

"What! I didn't—"

"Is he dead because of you? because of your stubbornness and unwillingness to trust me and obey simple instructions. Is he?" his voice thundered.

"You knew I never wanted this marriage. I never consented to it, and you expect me to obey your every command willingly when there's a possibility that my life is at risk in your hands?" She shot back.

"That much is true! Is that what you want, to hear me admit it, done. But you could have married that chum of an idiot you had been promised to and your life would have still been in danger. Or are humans incapable of hurting one of their own?"

"You don't know him!" Even she didn't know him but he was him and that had seemed enough.

"I know enough!" His frustration was evident. "And to think I was trying to save you. That's all I ever do, save you!"

"What?" Confusion rose to the surface. "What are you—?"

"What does it matter? You've lost the right to ask me for clarity on any matter."

"This involves me!" Their voices echoed.

"You've been nothing but trouble since the day we met and now a man is dead because of you!"

His word was a painful strike, and it was like as if a spell had been cast, as Crown seemed to visibly shrink. Trouble always seemed to find her and now there was blood on her hands.

"I didn't ask for this, I just... I just wanted to save myself from—"

"From me?" he removed hairs away from his face staining them with more blood. "Our marriage is meant to be a union, not a prison."

"You lied to me about that!"

"I will make no apologies for that!" He raised his voice even higher as he felt his last patience snap. He followed her scent when he didn't find her in bed and knew she had escaped again, his anger had turned to fear when he saw being attacked. He was feeling grateful that he hadn't arrived late to the scene. And just like the first night he had attacked her, her words had the power to control his desires, like an antidote. That was a mystery he needed to solve.

Crown wasn't sure what she felt, everything was too messy now, and the pain from her wound was hurting badly. Even if she ran away, someone was dead and someone had to be behind it. Zaccai may have been the weapon but she was the reason behind it.

"Who's there?" a voice from one of the homes not far from where they stood asked.

"Goodbye. I will be back with my soldiers two days from now. Say hello to my father and mother in-law while you enjoy your true last moments of peace." Zaccai turned as he headed back into the forest.

The voice that asked was now heading towards their direction with a lantern.

She watched him leave and hated what she was about to do. "Wait!" She called out. "I will go with you."

He stopped without turning back to her.

"I will go back, with you. What does it matter what happens to me now." She said sadly. More than running away, she couldn't bear the thought of her family finding out the recent trouble she had just caused. "You can take me back, do whatever you want with me. I don't care anymore."

Still not turning to her, he said, "You are my wife, Crown, and the sooner you accept that, the better. I will not tolerate your attempts to escape again. You have a duty and you will fulfill it."

"Forgive me for not wanting to be a pawn in your games. I will return with you and accept my fate but know this..." She winced as a sharp pain cut her short. Her wound was now throbbing, it was a nasty cut. Zaccai did his best to ignore it, he really wanted to come to her aid.

"In this marriage, my respect cannot be forced, and love cannot definitely be demanded. It must be freely given, and I will not be forced into it." She continued.

He turned to her then. "I've never forced you to care, all I did ask was you stay beside me, and be safe for as long as I can keep you safe." Out of habit, he licked off blood off the corner of his mouth. Crown gasped at his action.

"And stop being rude to me, it's uncalled for." He added walking towards her and pulling her to him. "Let's go home now." Crown shut her eyes tight knowing what came next. Moving at his speed was nauseating.

They vanished just as the voice that headed their way got closer.


She found herself back in her room. Every hope of her leaving Tahu was now depleted.

She felt sorry for the dead man that laid in the forest, but Zaccai seemed unfazed.

"Sit down." He ordered. She obeyed, taking a seat by the cushioned window. He tore off her dress gently where the wound was and was going to clean it with his tongue when she stopped him.

"What are you doing?" She asked as the pain got more intense.

"Stay still."

"No. Get a towel. You are not an animal."

He raised his head up to stare at her face. "You called me a monster moments ago." He held her shoulder. "Stay still princess, you are in pain."

"A man is dead because of me," she replied bluntly, pushing him back very gently.

"I can spin the story around. No one has to know and it will be our little secret."

"It's a heavy one, I don't think I can bare the weight of the guilt I will feel for days to come. Can you?" She searched his face for answers.

He thought about what to say. "I do not know princess. I only wanted to save you from him. He was never going to stop until you were dead. It was either him, or you." He said honestly.

"You chose me? Why didn't you attack me? You withdrew, and you. . ." Her voice trailed off as she remembered the werewolf from nine years ago had done almost the same thing.

He gave her no answer.

"It hurts." She allowed her tears fall. "Everything hurts." She wiped her eyes hastily. "And you were right, I am nothing but trouble. Always have been all my life." She looked really sad in that moment and vulnerable. It was his first time seeing her so, and she also seemed to forget she didn't like him so much to let that side of her out so freely.

Without thinking it over, he bent his head and kissed her lips.

Do you think Zaccai actions to protect Crown was justified?

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