
on the first day after being expelled from the national football team,

it's a Chinese novel So i Will do Best and if anything wrong plz tell me Chen Yufeng time-traveled into the body of a young player from the youth training of Stuttgart U17. However, due to the intervention of a related party at the beginning, he was expelled from the national team by the head coach of the National Football Team U17! Frustrated, Chen Yufeng chose to permanently retire from the national team and stay away from this smoky environment! The most powerful football system is activated, and the starting reward is a long-range shot that must be entered into the card. A long-range shot must be scored within ten minutes of playing! Since then, an alternative has emerged in football

Legend_Man_1262 · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 59-Tang Xinyue: I Will Go To The Chariot Kingdom With You And Be Your Personal Manager


China Football Association.

Several people who were watching the live broadcast of the press conference couldn't sit still again!

"Look, look."

A fat old man sneered and pointed at Chen Yufeng in the live broadcast, "Shameless and causing trouble!"

"He also said that he would not join the national football team. This is because he didn't know. We have now blocked his opportunity to join the national football team!"

"Even if he tries to get in without a public apology and has a bad attitude, we won't let you come!"

Several other officials of the Football Association were also breaking into cold sweats. After today's press conference, the public opinion wave seemed to be stirring up again.

Their Football Association will become the target of crazy attacks by fans...

"Also, what do you mean if you fall in the same place, you won't fall again?"

"What do you mean?"

"To be honest, with the character of a player like this, it will be a problem for the national football team to come!"

"Shameless! After scoring a few goals in the Bundesliga, I really think I am a big name! If you have the ability to join a wealthy team!"

The fat old man kept cursing. He, who had always been in a high position, could not bear to hear such remarks directed at them by a junior.

So he was very angry.

But he has no choice. Now the public opinion is one-sided, and he can't explain clearly when he stands up.

"I think, no matter whether he comes in the end or not, we should just make a show of inviting him, right?"

A younger person hesitated for a moment and said: "I always have concerns. If the fans throw the blame on us, it will be really difficult to do it."

"Don't stick to your cold butt with your hot face. You are used to being scolded by the fans."

Someone beside him shook his head and said: "Besides, it doesn't matter whether we do this or not. As long as Chen Yufeng doesn't come, the fans will target us no matter what.

"Oh, let's just blame Zhu Ming, that turtle grandson. He did this. I'm so tired!"

The others also shook their heads and said nothing more.

"Who is that person who posted the video?"

The fat old man suddenly turned around to face the crowd and said, "It's the one who posted the explosive video."

"He is a reporter, an independent reporter, his account name is Purple Moon."

Someone explained aloud.

"Do some public relations and find a way to give this account to the vassal."

The fat old man waved his hand, "Damn it, in such a critical period for domestic football, there are people like this coming out to stir up trouble. It's really unsettling and well-intentioned!"

"She...has announced that she will permanently stop updating.

Someone said something slightly embarrassed.

The slightly fat old man was suddenly stagnant. His emotions were not vented, as if he had been punched on cotton.

He let out a long breath, then gritted his teeth and said: "Then go and do the next voice translation!"

"For players with bad records like Chen Yufeng, the national football team will never recruit him in the future!"

"He doesn't want to come! We don't want him either! Let everyone see this clearly, don't just let him enjoy the glory!",

This is a somewhat superior decision.

But seeing that the fat old man was so angry at the moment, no one else dared to say anything.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk out the door, ready to make this statement.

They were ready for another round of scolding.


Inside a football club.

The fans were all looking at the TV set high on the stage, which was playing the live broadcast of Chen Yufeng's current press conference.

This incident has had such a huge impact recently.

It is normal to have this in the football bar.

At this time, the press conference was almost over.

The fans actually had no interest at all from the beginning.

The reason was naturally because he heard the news that Chen Yufeng no longer wanted to join the national team.

At this moment, everyone sitting at the table was chatting about this matter, sometimes sighing with regret.

"My heart is broken. My child is really heartbroken. I can understand it, but I feel really sad."

"Oh, what the hell is going on?"

"I want Zhu Ming to die. Just because of greed for money, we have lost such a damn good player!"

"No, I won't be reconciled if such a good player doesn't join. Why don't we think of a solution?"

"What can I do now? If I were him, I wouldn't want to come here. He has done nothing wrong, but he just messed with him like this. We people have even scolded him on the Internet.

"Damn, there is always a way. I decided to leave a message to the Football Association people every day starting from today!"

"That's right! Let's take care of the mistakes they made! Anyway, if Chen Yufeng doesn't come back, we will all blame them!"

"Yes, so do I!"

The fans chatted and finally unanimously decided that the Football Association would leave a message below to put pressure on the Football Association every day!

They don't believe it, those people from the Football Association can't be recalled!

This was their mistake in the first place. Go and apologize to Chen Yufeng, and the matter can be easily discussed!


At this moment, a hilarious voice suddenly came from the bar: "Hahahahahahaha!!"

This laughter is not like a normal laughter, but has some mockery and irony in it.

For a time, many eyes were cast on the person who made the laughter, and they were a little confused.

"Everyone, please open QQwangwang! Go and see the message at the top."

The man who made the laughter shouted, pointing out a clear path for everyone.

Others quickly opened the Qiaowangwang APP and paid attention to the pinned message.



"Fuck hahahahahaha!"

"Cow vs Cow !!"

The next moment, the entire football bar burst into laughter, as if everyone had seen the news.

The owner of the Football Clearance Bar was a little surprised and took a look at the QQ King.

After seeing the pinned message, he suddenly understood.

[Football Association: Statement: Regarding Chen Yufeng's misdeeds, 'big name', 'arrogant' players, the national football team will not recruit any players in the future. ]

The owner of the football bar had a black eye and turned off his mobile phone.

It's normal to just laugh.


In the bar, there were shouts and cheers, and the fans' emotions were aroused.

"Football Association, you never disappoint!"

"Another confusing operation is out! Niubi!"

"This is really awesome, brothers. People have already said that they are not going to go. How come you are so shameless to come out and make this statement? Are you looking for trouble for yourself?"

"Hahahahahaha, it's so hilarious, brothers!"

* it's really, I'm sorry for them if you don't leave a message!"

"This is a fucking situation. Why don't you lower your profile and admit your mistakes to others? If you don't do this, who will you blame?"

After experiencing the initial cynicism, these fans felt both sad and angry.

They once again swarmed under the official account of the Football Association and started typing on their keyboards.

It can be seen from their expressions that if Chen Yufeng does not enter the national football team in the future, this kind of trolling will continue.

Moreover, if Chen Yufeng performs better and better in the future, he will dominate Europe.

Every time a goal is scored, they will loot and whip the body!

They really can't understand why domestic football is always so confusing?

Around 5:30 p.m.

Chen Yufeng, who had finished all the press conference, walked out of the office building.

After leaving, he sent a message to Tang Xinyue and asked Tang Xin what she wanted to eat.

His current weekly salary is 20,000 euros.

There may not be a few places in this city that he can't afford.

Tang Xinyue's message was quickly sent over, talking about a very quiet lobster restaurant.

Chen Yufeng agreed, took a taxi and walked directly to the address mentioned by Tang Xinyue.

After arriving at the place, Chen Yufeng walked through the door and found that Xin Yue was already inside.

After not seeing each other for many days, Tang Xinyue's face looked a little more tired than before.

Maybe it's because I've been running accounts recently and I'm very tired.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Yufeng walked over, opened the bench, and sat opposite Tang Xinyue.

Tang Xinyue smiled slightly and said with rare tenderness: "Did the afternoon press conference go well? I didn't have time to watch it.

"It's okay, no surprises." Chen Yufeng replied.

Tang Xinyue smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

The atmosphere became immersed.

"Well, thank you anyway."

After a while, Chen Yufeng's words broke the silence.


"I actually can't figure it out. We haven't had much interaction before."

Chen Yufeng looked into Tang Xinyue's eyes and asked: "Why do you want to help me with this? It doesn't do you any good at all. On the contrary, it costs a lot..."

"Yeah, it's a lot of hard work, and my job is gone."

Tang Xinyue smiled. She seemed to like laughing today, "Maybe I just feel sorry for you, and there is no other purpose."

"Maybe I was a little impulsive, but I just felt that if I didn't help you this time, I would regret it in the future.

After hearing this, Chen Yufeng nodded and continued: "What about your future work..."

"I see that your account has been stopped. You probably don't want to be a self-media anymore."

"Yes." Tang Xinyue's expression suddenly changed, as if she had been waiting for Chen Yufeng to ask this question.

She tilted her body, rummaged through the bag next to her for a while, found a book and took it out.

"I'll go to Germany with you and be your personal football agent."

Chen Yufeng was stunned when he heard this, and then turned his attention to the book that Tang Xinyue took out.

[Self-cultivation of football players' agents]

He suddenly felt confused. It turned out that the woman opposite him had been planning his next move.

Sure enough, my sister is indeed a sister, and she knows more than him.

And the agent...

He actually lacked one, and he never had time to find it.

Now there is one who is my compatriot and a beautiful sister.

What is there to refuse...


Chen Yufeng agreed, then seemed to suddenly remember something and said: "By the way, do you know German?"

"Ha ha..."

Tang Xinyue felt a little amused. She smoothed her hair in front of her forehead and said, "Then do you guess why the King of Football at that time sent me to Germany to do your interview?"

"And not only German, I am also very proficient in English. I can do some basic business without any problem."
