
On the Difficulties of Escape in Ancient Times

As the daughter of a gangster, Xiao Xiao was originally worried that she would not be able to marry into a good family. Unexpectedly, when the war broke out, she first worried about how she and her family could survive in the troubled times.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 30 Lin Xuan

Xiao Lian breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing this, raised her hand rudely, wiped the sweat on her forehead with her sleeves, and praised her: "Xiaosan, you are so awesome, keep up the good work."

  She originally wanted to shoot an arrow, but she kept shooting. Without determination, it was my sister who killed first.

  It's a good thing that my sister took action, otherwise it would have been my father who fell down at this moment.

  With this thought, she calmed down and aimed at the other rebel to shoot an arrow.

  Originally, she was frightened, but now that she saw how powerful her sister was, she became more competitive.

  It's a pity that the target was aimed at the other person's chest, but what he shot was the other person's shoulder.

  She was unwilling to admit that she was not good at archery. She only blamed the other party for moving too fast. She pretended to be calm and said: "I just want to strain his shoulders so that he can't hold the sword!"

  "Be careful of sneak attacks and cold arrows in the dark!" Then The rebels on the side were not careful about someone firing cold arrows at first, so they were easily shot.

  Now the rebels shouted a few times, and they became more vigilant. Xiao Xiao and the others did not dare to shoot arrows rashly.

  Xiao Xiao saw the chaotic fighting over there and the rebels were at a disadvantage. After hesitation, he whispered a few words to Xiao Dalang.

  Xiao Dalang took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "The rebels are coming soon. If you don't fight hard, you will be made dumplings."

  After saying that, he also rushed forward with a knife: "Come on!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, Forty or fifty more people rushed out with him, armed with knives and clubs.

  Perhaps everyone wanted to preserve their strength and be alone before, but they were more afraid of being besieged by the rebels.

  A large number of ants can kill an elephant, and a large number of people can bully a small number.

  Soon, as the rebels were defeated one by one, the remaining rebels became panicked and lost their previous vigor.

  I don't know who it was, but I took the opportunity to open the side door, and many people took the opportunity to leave.

  Xiao Youfu and the others also took the opportunity to run back one after another. Mrs. Liu smelled the smell of blood on his body and was so frightened that she said, "Where are you injured? What can I do? Where can I find a doctor now?"

  "It doesn't matter if it's a small injury. " "Xiao Youfu was almost stabbed in the center. Fortunately, he blocked it with his hand. Now his right arm was throbbing with pain. He could only endure it with all his strength: "Let's get out of here first!"

  Xiao Xiu's eyes lit up. With the help of the dead energy wind lantern, he could already see that Xiao Youfu's right arm was injured. He quickly took the knife from his left hand and said calmly: "Dad's right arm is injured. Mom, help me bandage it. I'll drive the car."

  Xiao Lian He also said: "I'm with the eldest sister."

  After the two sisters finished speaking, they started to drive away in the mule cart.

  Madam Liu quickly took out the golden sore medicine from the small package beside her. Xiao Xiao lit the oil lamp. Seeing that Madam Liu's hands were shaking, she simply asked Lin Xuan to help her with the oil lamp. She first found the white cotton cloth and then pointed it at the wound. After pouring the golden sore medicine all over the place, she quickly bandaged it up and said, "Dad, you can make do with it like this for now, and then clean it up carefully when it gets daylight."

  Now that the mule cart was being driven very fast, the carriage was bumpy, and there was not enough light, she Even if I want to clean it carefully, I can't do it.

  Xiao Youfu was still in pain at the moment, but the pain made him understand that he had saved his life.

  What surprised him was that his eldest daughter was also so capable. Even after he was injured, he could immediately step in.

  He had been kind to his younger brother and nephews before, just so that one day, if something happened to him, his younger brother and nephews could protect Liu and his daughters.

  But now he realizes that he was wrong. None of his daughters is worse than his nephews.

  Lin Xuan also wanted to go out to give directions, so she entrusted her sister to Xiao Xiao to take care of her.     After leaving through the side gate, the speed of the mule cart also slowed down.

  I don't know how long it took, but the sky started to get brighter.

  Xiao Lian looked warily at the mule carriage in front and behind, which was full of strangers. She got into the carriage with a little worry and asked, "Dad, I didn't see my second uncle or anyone from the Wu family."

  Xiao Youfu was not surprised to be separated. At that time, everyone rushed out in a swarm: "We have been walking for more than an hour. We were the ones who rushed out first. They should be behind. Ask that girl Lin if there is any hiding place nearby." Let's take a rest and wait for them."

  Now this mountain road can only accommodate one mule cart, and it is still circling. Even if it wants to stop, the vehicles behind it will be blocked.

  Lin Xuan was obviously familiar with this place: "After going uphill in front, there are woods and water on the left and back. It's suitable for us to stop and rest for a while."

  Xiao Lian felt that they had escaped, and she was in the mood to gossip. Lin Xuan looked at Lin Xuan curiously: "Why are you so familiar with this place?"

  Lin Xuan found the Xiao family last night and was unwilling to fall into the hands of the rebels, so she wanted to give it a try.

  But I didn't expect that the girls of the Xiao family are so powerful. Now they are thinking of making friends with them, and they don't hide it: "My father was originally the magistrate of the county. He had a quarrel with Zhao Qianhu before. After he was summoned to Fucheng , died unexpectedly after encountering an assassin.

  "My mother was weak and lingered on the bed in fear for more than ten days. No one was there."

  Seeing that the building was about to collapse, my aunt rolled up her body and ran away with her son.

  Instead, Zhao Qianhu took the opportunity to force her to marry him as a sequel.

  You know, Zhao Qianhu is a few years older than her father, and I heard that she has been married three times. Although she no longer has a wife, she still has a lot of concubines around her.

  It was a fire pit, and she didn't want to jump into it.

  But Zhao Qianhu secretly arranged for someone to keep an eye on the sisters and not allow them to run away or allow others to help them. He obviously wanted to drive her into despair and wait for her to come to her door automatically.

  In fact, the smooth magistrate and the iron-clad Xiaoshi came to office with their fathers. They were thousands of miles away from home and faced with wars. How could anyone remember them?

  It happened that the house leaked and it rained all night, and she was also sick a few days ago. When her sister was desperate, she accidentally bumped into Xiao Xiao.

  Thanks to the little money given by Xiao Xiao, Lin Long bought some rice and cooked porridge for her sister, which really brought her back from the hell.

  Lin Xuan was also forced by life, and originally planned to make peace with Zhao Qianhu first, and then look for an opportunity to escape.

  Unexpectedly, Zhao Qianhu was so proud of his face that he insisted on asking her to bring him midnight snacks in the middle of the night.

  Fortunately, she did go and happened to see the rebels attacking at night. She saw that the situation was not good and there was no other place to seek help, so she went to Xiao's house.

  After hearing this, Xiao Lian opened her eyes wide and exclaimed in a low voice: "So you are still an official lady?"

  "What lady?" Lin Xuan laughed and joked: "Now we are like the fallen phoenix, inferior to the chicken! Then

  he said seriously: "Uncle Xiao and Auntie, please don't think we are burdensome. If you are lucky enough to meet an elder, you will be rewarded generously."

  Xiao Xiao was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that they were really official ladies. Asked: "Where are you originally from?"

  "We are originally from Mingzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang." Of course Lin Xuan also wanted to trick them into going to Mingzhou: "It is surrounded by mountains and sea and has beautiful scenery. It is a good place to live. "