
On My Way: The Demon King Made Me His

WPC #135 Winner Mature Content The clash between the heaven and hell has been nonstop. The fine line between the life and death has been serious and invisible. The after life has always been feared. But little do the world know about the life of the immortals. The love that is forbidden, The price they pay to live and protect the galaxy. But will the Water Princess Aqua and Demon King Huo go through the same, inevitable and dangerous. What choices will they make? Will the live wisely ? He took the crown off her head and untied her hair that fell down to her shoulders. Aqua stood up and faced him. "It still feels like a dream, a distant dream that came true, us, without objections," she said looking into his eyes. He stroked her hair and took her face in his hands. "We no longer will have hindrances, we will no longer have to hide, hurt, run away or die a second time, from the troubles," he said to her. This time his eyes glistened with tears. He was happy, extremely. She reached up to his face and kissed him. Her thoughts were all about him. He lifted her in his arms and carried her to their bed, placing her down carefully. She took his royal robes off while he slowly undressed her from the queen's dragon gown customised just for her. He could only see perfection in her. While she saw the whole universe in his eyes. He ran her finger on her face smiling at her, looking into her eyes, admiring her, as his heart pounded fast with love and desire. She kneeling on the bed, wrapped her arms around as he took her breath away, stealing everything at once from her, unfolding her, the whole night. Fire on fire. He laid her down and whispered, in her ears "I love you," then they said that to each other again. "For all the years yet to come and forever." The good turn evil but the evil always remained good, always misunderstood and hated the most. With love, struggle, sacrifice, life and death. The wrongs are turned right. Aqua through her three life times made it all come true. But still unsure about a future that's too far and dreamy. How will Aqua survive these obstacles? Will she let the Demon King have her? Remember to vote for me and review your thoughts!!

Aaliyah_Stark_ · Fantasy
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200 Chs

Chapter 187 Early War

Tai and his supporters set out earlier than the time the battle was fixed. Two days earlier. When Tai set out he had no idea that he is walking into the trap dragging the other realms along with him. His plan to surprise the Demon army before their preparations and launch and attack energised him. 

The spy King Huo appointed sent a raven from the border to the Demon's Castle immediately. 

"My lord, we have a raven," the guard knocked Aqua's bed chamber when Huo'er's bed chamber was found empty. 

"What is it?" Huo asked putting on the robe on. The maids who stood with the breakfast turned away and waited for him to get ready. He asked the people to close the doors and quickly helped Aqua get ready. 

"So Tai indeed did it, it going as we planned it," Aqua put on her armour and out her hair up. She had not worn them for a really long time.