
Twentieth Floor

- Is here. – Axel said as we passed the building I couldn't see the top of.

Martina parked and they were getting out of the car when I said:

- I'm going alone.

The two looked at me.

- I need to do this alone.

- Twentieth floor. Axel said.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my bag and got out of the car. It was already eight o'clock in the morning. I traveled almost an entire night and hoped from the bottom of my heart that Noah would already be there at that time, because incredibly Axel only knew the address where his brother worked and not his home.

I walked through the revolving glass door and into the huge glass lobby. There were so many people there, rushing back and forth that I stood there trying to find my way to where I was supposed to go. Noah's world was so different from mine… I looked for a sign that indicated the elevators. As soon as I found it, I headed there.