
A new blackmail

When I arrived at the location arranged with Martim Collins, the cafeteria in Zone A, I took a deep breath before entering. Martina had stayed in the car. He had said that I was to go alone. It looked like something out of a thriller movie, but it was real: the old man had kidnapped my dog.

I saw him sitting at a small table by the window, away from the others. When he saw me, he fixed his eyes on my belly and gave a wry smile:

- A baby...

I pulled out my chair and sat down, ignoring his words.

- I want my dog, or I go to the police. And I don't have the money to pay the ransom, if that's what you want.

- Who is the father? Noah or Axel? - he asked.

- It's none of your business.

- In the end, I'm a grandfather just like...

- Does that give you any kind of feeling? I asked.

- Yes... You are a gold mine, Megan Miller. He laughed out loud and took a sip of his coffee. – Can I offer you something to eat?