
Omniverse Traveler: Spiderman Harem.

After living his entire life bedridden was rewarded by his action that helped many and given the power to travel through any reality without limit and accompanied by a Female Goudere Venom reincarnated as the most beloved by sadist author, Peter Parker also known as Spider Man. Warning: It's large harem with little character development. Also I won't do smut and just mentioned small mention but won't go into details. World - Marvel - Claymore - Then back to Marvel

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 3 - Debut

People were tied on the ground while masked robbers started to open the safe and steal the money. Everyone was shaken in fear and uncertain if they would be hurt or not. Peter was on the robe having camouflage himself that hid his present to the robber observing his surroundings inspecting the number of robbers and what threats they post. He saw that only around 5 people immediately went into action where he first descended close to one who was looking at the hostage and instantly knocked them out with a precise strike to the head.

The hostages were shocked at what they saw and uncloaked himself where he gestured for them to quiet as he took the unconscious robber webbing him up. They were unsure if they should trust him but they didn't have any choice and believed that he was there to save them. Peter cloaked himself and went to where the robbers were finding ransacking the vault full of hard cash.

'Dear, are you the one making me feel calm and collective?' Peter should be scared seeing his fighting criminal and have the risk of losing innocent people's lives.

[ I am, It would be bad if you get panic attack, Darling~. ]

Venom simply provided the best for him and Peter appreciated what she did. He proceeded to web them without taking his time taking the robber by surprise. Peter wasn't that talkative compared to the previous peter.

"W-What the!?" The robber shouted as Peter revealed himself showing his menacing presence that caused them to shake in fear who silently sizing them up. He had sprouted spider legs behind him pointing the sharp part at their neck.

'Dear, can you change my voice that is both menacing but unrecognizable from my normal voice?' He didn't want anyone tracing his identity and getting the people important to him hurt.

"You're lucky none of the hostages are harmed or you would have received more than simple webbing." Peter pressed the blade spider legs into the robbers neck quivering in fear.

"If you ever thought of doing a crime again then I'll hunt you down and make sure you won't get another chance." He got closer letting them know he's not lying, giving them another chance to live and change their life because he's not going to let them go, turning the robbers into food. The robbers were horrified and instinctively nodded! Who in their right mind would mess with superhuman, anyway!?

"Good…now then." Peter's eyes glinted and began to infect every robber trying to see through their memories hoping to find more information about them. He wondered if he should head to the Prototype verse and copy the Blacklight virus to increase the power of Venom.

'They're nothing more than small-time criminals huh? Fortunately, none of them have a justifiable reason for doing this.' He saw they were doing the robber out of their selfish desire and would have let them go if one of them had good reason like Sandman who robbed because of desperation for his daughter. Peter decided if he ever met sandman would help cure his daughter in exchange into becoming an ally since he could use him.

"W-Who are you?" One of them asked while Peter paused for a moment and looked at him.

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman." He said while the robbers cursed him. Friendly!? Screw you! How the hell is this friendly!?

"Well, I would have to chat but can't let the people keep waiting." Peter left them in the vault believing the webs he had couldn't be easily removed and made sure the webbing can be easily cut by normal tools since he could strengthen it how much he wants. Arriving outside where he helped unite the hostage where the people were relieved that a hero had come to save them.

"You are all safe now everyone, I'll leave you all to handle the police for me." Peter untied one of them and the guard helped the others as they all thanked him for saving them.

"Tell us, what is your name? Is there any way we could repay you for saving us?" One of the people wanted to give him something for letting them have another chance in life because everyone was afraid that they wouldn't ever get out of the situation they were in.

"Well, you can help me by helping people in the streets and providing them with the best help they need." Peter can't exactly take money without exposing himself nor his consciousness would allow him to believe they could use the money for other people instead. Not to mention, he could open portals and find some way to get money.

'Wait, what if I steal a Mother Box and bond with it? Wouldn't I have an upgraded Infinity Gauntlet?' Peter portal creation can form any reality that he wished and decided to gain an extremely powerful supercomputer. He smirked under his mask while Venom simply was happy instead of being jealous since it would help her beloved.

"As for who I am, I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman." Peter said as the hostage was amazed by his generosity and selflessness seeing him open a portal that took him to another place. He left them be and could see that he can decide if the person is able to see through the other side of the portal or not.

He camouflaged himself then looked down standing on top of a nearby building looking at the scene where the hostage slowly got outside with their hands in the air considering police could have mistaken them for being the robber. They were led by the guard as the police immediately went to help them and when Peter, confident they were safe, left the scene to swing through New York. Peter enjoyed the wind then went to the tallest tower then sat on the ledge while enjoying the views.

From the fight, he realizes he's not thinking outside the box with his portal creation and goes ahead and opens the dimension where it's full of food.

"Dear can you take human form?" Peter knows that his version of venom was the same level as Necrosword or even better. Venom immediately appeared beside him slowly shapeshifting into human form until she became a young woman with black messy long hair reaching the floor with straight bangs and two long cowlicks, dark red eyes, and large black disheveled angel wings on the back.

She was wearing a black sailor dress with red stripes on the sleeves, her black tattered skirt tainted with blood splotches all over and red untied ribbon on the neck. She also wears a red webbed choker on her neck, black nail polish, and black boots with red shoelaces.

"How do I look, Darling~?" Venom asked, taken aback, that she took the same appearance as Tsurugi Kenzaki from the Blue archive game.

"I'm very happy, you looked gorgeous." He complimented that made Venom blush and extremely happy. She wrapped her arms around his arms pressing it between her buxom.

"Hehehe, would you like to have a taste of me?" Venom asked licking her lips and Peter smiled then leaned closer giving her a deep kiss twirling their tongue. She moaned in delight before slowly pulling back and feeling moist from their kiss. It's only been a few hours since he arrived and already gotten a kiss from a beautiful woman with whom he shared an unbelievable bond.

"Sweet~ well, as much as I would like to continue, how about we eat some lunch?" Peter suggested and his woman nodded as he opened a portal that led to a different dimension to give him some food. He took some Mexican rice, cheesesteak, fries and soda while giving something similar to Venom but had phenethylamine. Once they stuff their belly with food and Venom returns into his body.

"Hmmmm, can you make me a sword similar to a Necrosword." Peter wanted to use a sword because it looks like school and always wanted to learn how to wield one. He also thought it was possible to head towards the Klyntar and become the Onyx King but still need to have the power to combat against Knull who should be imprisoned within the planet. Peter has a wide range of versatility but finds it more fun having swords and stuff. He never experienced being a child and going to live his power fantasy and not going to stop him.

Venom then formed a sword within Peter's hand where it had the same shape as a single edge sword with red orb in the hilt. He felt one with the sword and didn't find any problem swinging it as Peter smiled inspecting the weapon.

"This is simply badass hehehe." Peter could care less if people see him act like an Otaku nerd because he finally has the freedom to do what he wants them to enjoy it to the fullest.

[ How about we head to another world? We can hunt some monster without holding back. ]

Venom suggested seeing they still have a few hours left and Peter doesn't plan on solving every crime in the city. He may be heroic doesn't mean he has a hero complex and risks every moment of his time for them.

'Good idea, but I want to get a mother box first.' Peter thought of an idea and his desire then opened a portal reaching out to a small cube exuding endless power where it immediately connected into him that perfectly synchronized and instantly felt the same way as he does with Venom.

"Can you speak?" Peter asked, looking at the cube who suddenly projected a person and was shocked to see a familiar face that was Cortana.

{ I am, partner. You may call me Cortana. } The mother box or Cortana said who hover around him and find it interesting having someone like Peter obtain her. She understands everything about him and can see through the infinite, past, future and present.

'It's to meet you, Cortana. Hope you get along with Venom." Peter said holding his hand where it hovered over and Venom made the sword before into a black blood at his other hand.

[ So long as we do the best for our beloved then we will certainly get along. But if you think of betraying him then I won't hesitate to tear you apart. ] Venom calmly said but her intention was clear and Cortana giggled.

{ Easy now, I promise I won't bite. } Cortana happily said teasing Venom.

"Don't worry, you're going to be my partner in crime like Venom here. Now, can you hack into the internet for every information then start making a company for me." Peter said having supercomputers that far outclass Jarvis and Ultron.

{ An easy enough task. I promise you'll get a large company and spread its influence in a matter of months! But what kind of project should we start with? } Cortana didn't hide her excitement. She has the advantage of providing better technology than even Tony Stark and solutions to help every mortal problem. Cortana was a mother box and a tool for New Gods that higher dimensional entities that it was easy to create things from lower dimensional creatures.

"Simple games would be enough then we can work on technology. Also, try to make a bank account for me and steal money from the corrupt and politicians that won't be noticed, then invest them in companies that will be huge in the future." Peter was spreading his influence and becoming rich. Money and status is power therefore it's best to have both.

'Seeing there's going to be Shit ton of enemies in the future like the Skrulls, Celestial, Galactus, etc. It's ideal to start preparing.' He thought to himself that seeing his company could help in the aftermath of every fight.

{ Done. Anything else for this afternoon? } Cortana sarcastically said looking at Peter who shook his head opening his phone where he saw notification then immediately checked to see his bank had billions of dollars and couldn't help but whistle.

"This is enough. Now, I think we should head somewhere to hunt." Peter said, opening a portal having decided to head somewhere to fight creatures that needed to be eliminated.