
Omniverse : Fiction Holder

[ Don't drop until ch10 plz then you can do whatever ] Walk.... Void...... Power...... Strongest..... Beyond..... Omnipotent... Beyond that..... God of Imaginary, Fiction, Fantasy, etc Adventure Traveler ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ??? | ??? | ??? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| the picture not mine its on google, this is a fanfic so it doesn't belong to me the anime, etc. this is for fun. Mc is the 2nd strongest as the 1st being ... Also search the superpower/ability/power to know more info on google/safari/chrome/firefox/etc. -------------------------------------------------------------- MHA, One Piece, Naruto, Dragon Ball, Anime, Multiverse, overpowered, op, wishes but later.

chunibyotaken · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Beginning of U.S.J with some other things


Then after all the test, the results were :


1st Kenji Hayate

2nd Momo Yaoyorozu

3rd Shoto Todoroki

4th Katsuki Bakugo

5th Tenya Lida

6th Fumikage Tokoyami

7th Mezo Shoji

8th Mashirao Ojiro

9th Eijiro Kirishima


19th Toru Hagakure

20th Izuku Midoriya




After Aizawa revealed the results, some of us go to Recovery Girl to heal their injuries. Then we all finished school and go home.

On the way home, I heard people talking about the new vigilante his name is "Vengeance", as expected my vigilante persona is popular now and it appears on the news. People were talking about how cool and good looking "Vengeance" is, how strong, etc. I even have a fan-base and I have the largest fan-base aside from All Might in the country. I was able to get this popular because of my consistency saving people, my ruthlessness killing villains/criminals, and my looks, coolness, etc.

I then go back home and did the same as always (clean up->wear good comfy home clothing->eat dinner->exercise/train with my teachers->sleep n cuddle). There are some things between there because I watch YouTube or play games and have fun. Also I get the best quality with no ads because I own the company (┳◡┳).

\||-||/ Timeskip

I woke up with goodness all around me and with 4 people sleeping with me. I touched their bodies slowly while giving [ Meta Lust Inducement ] each touch. Now after a while of touching, my bed is wet. I cleaned it all up including them and me. I changed clothes and eat breakfast.

Then go to school with my car and the same as before happens. They all look at me while blushing intensely as I turn on [ Absolute Beauty ]. Then I-

After walking, I arrived at the big door 1-A. I opened the door and we said good mornings to each other then talk about things before the teacher finally came in.

\||-||/ Timeskip

Then its time for English class. It was Present Mic. Not really surprising since he's very...energetic. We studied about Past Participle and the questions asked by Present Mic was mostly answered by Momo, Deku, or Lida. But I knew the answer its #3 not #4, Deku. Why you ask? Because according to Mista, no 4 is very bad.

After English class finished, we ate lunch from Lunch Rush and I gotta say that its dog water compared to my top-tier summoned chefs. But its still good and-

(A/N : Don't waste food unless its inedible or its disgustingly inedible)

I ain't complaining. I got rice with pork cutlet and egg with something or Katsudon.

I got my food and sat with...no one as the seats are all full except one. So I sat there and with my [ Author Authority ]-

I made it so I sit with Momo, Kendo, Yui Kodai, etc (all the girls in 1-B and Momo).....hmmm. We introduced each other and I introduced myself with [ Absolute Beauty ] making them cu-fell in love with me. When we talked, they tried to be the one with the first lead, got all jealous. The boys were also looking at me jealous because I got dem girls.

(A/N : 🤢🤮)

When we finished lunch, we go back to our own class, said goodbyes, done. The next one should be the Trial of Battle. I will probably be with Momo as almost every MHA fanfic does it and since its a tradition, I will do the same. I waited, and waited, and waited and waite- "I AM, COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

"Its All Might!"

"I want you babies~ All Might. Gimme it"

"Wowwie, its sooooo amazing-"



Kaminari : "I can't believe it, All Might is going to be teaching us"

Izuku : "T-That's design is the Silver Age. Its amazing!"

All Might : "We will build you hero foundation through many various trials! Lets go to the Trial of Battle. We've also prepared your sended battle gear"

Kirishima : "Amazing, our own battle gear"

All Might : "Now, wear your costumes and go to ground beta" while posing his muscles.


I then changed take my costume filled bag number 19. Then changed my uniform to my costume. The costume is from Twin Star Exorcists. Just search it up on google you'll find it.

I then go to Ground Beta and see all of my classmates with their costume. Their costume is the same as original except for Momo, she has a Jotaro hat and a black coat without the arms. Its like a cape but not a cape and-

(A/N : You can imagine it)

she's looking at me since I was looking at her. Reactions the same, embarrassed and blushing. Then we complement each of us in our suit.

All Might : "Looks like you all maggot-are here. Now, again we will have a Battle Trial. The 'battle' will have two teams fighting each other. Each team is 2 people. There is a hero team and a villain team. 2 vs 2. The villain team will guard the bomb, the hero team will try to capture the villains or just touching the bomb. The villains team will win by able to defend the bomb the whole time or capture the hero team.

Also the teams will be decided by lottery".

I see although I've already seen it before. As I already said, I am going to be partnered with Momo and no complaints.

All Might : "Lets start picking the teams shall we! Lets see *grabs randomly* Team A, is Shoji and Todoroki-shounen-bla-bla-bla. Team C, is Kayate and Yaoyorozu-shounen. (idc bout the other teams)

Looks like the teams are all done. For the first round will be Team A and Team D. Midoriya and Uraraka-shounen vs Lida and Bakugo-shounen".

\||-||/ Timeskip

All Might : "The winner is hero team. Congratulations Uraraka and Midoriya-shounen for winning. Don't be sad Lida and Bakugo-shounen!!

The next team who will be fighting is Team B vs Team C. Shoji and Todoroki-shounen vs Yaoyorozu and Hayate-shounen!"

The plot changed. I wonder who did that......I just wanted a 'strong' opponent. Well whatever idc.

Momo : "Anoooo, Hayate-san lets start discussing our plan."

Kenji : "Uh yeah sure. *'though the outcome is obvious'*"

Momo : "Did you say something Hayate-san?" asked her suspiciously

Kenji : "No-no-no, you must've imagined it hahahaha-ha"

Momo : "...Sure. Well our opponent is Todoroki-san and Shoji-san. Their quirks are Half Cold-Half Hot and Dupli-Arms. It allows them to create ice and fire then arms that can transform into duplicates of Shoji-san other body parts like ears, etc. Got any plan, Hayate-san?"

Kenji : "We'll just beat them up. Thats our plan!" I said while making "Vengeance" sound and creating a scissor cutting hand sign.

Momo : ".....Hishishishi. Thank you, "Vengeance" or Kenji for ACTUALLY keeping your promise. I thought you forgot about..me"

Kenji : "Sorry, I forgot our promise. I was just uhh tired from the battle trial, you know".

Momo : "..There's no way your tired after all you can just negate your loss of stamina. Why did you lie? Its okay, I forgive you"she said as she made a sad face then an okay face.

Kenji : "Thank you for forgiving me, Momo-chan" while giving a smile and [ Absolute Beauty ]

Momo : "...H-Hm o-of course-' as she tried to hold back from something but-

that thing she tried to hide...got released after she finished her sentence.


(A/N : i am sorry)

-aaAhh" she moa-screamed and blushed intensely

Kenji : "Did you just-

Momo : "...*realized* I am sorry for my unacceptable behavior. I was just suddenly feeling...weird after seeing y-you smile.."

....I see. Thankfully no one is watching except me. Hold on a bit. <Clean> (nullified the 'thing' and the smell). There you go".

Momo : "*blushes bcus of what Kenji just said* (Thankfully no one is watching except me)~~~(Thankfully no one is watching except me)~~~Thank you, Kenji"

Kenji : "Of course, now lets go"

Momo : "But we haven't made a plan yet you know"

Kenji : "We did just now didn't we? The we'll just beat them up"

Momo : "....whatever. Lets go Kenji!"

Kenji : "yeaaAH!"


All Might : "Now, begin! Hero team vs Villain team!!!"


Me and Momo was in the villain team and Todoroki will probably do the same thing, freezing the whole place.


Did I just-oops well <Absolute Separation> to stop the ice going. Then I slowly walk to them while Momo does her own thing by creating things to defend the bomb. Each step, I used <Erasure> to erase the ice each step making it disappearing the ice around me as I walk. I also see an eye looking at me and retreating.

Shoji then tell Todoroki what happened. Todoroki frowned and get angry. He then use his ice full power but with <Erasure> it will not freeze me. After a while, I finally see them. Todoroki getting a little bit exhausted and cold from the ice he had released. Shoji just looking at me surprised on how I could survived that. Shoji can't spy on me as Todoroki had frozen the entrance nonstop. They also hear ice breaking each time.

Kenji : "Not bad, Half-guy. *brushes shoulder* You did well to Shoji. You know you guys did pretty good.....compared to no one"

Todoroki : "You Bastard! *Fwoshesss*"

I then just used <Erasure> to nullify his attacks. Then Shoji also attacks me with his [ Dupli-Arms ] but I just dodged them easily like Luffy to a Pacifista.

Todoroki : "Haah-Hah-Haah-"

Kenji : "I'll just end this. <Defense Penetration😳> (it breaks any defense to the lowest point meaning a weak ass punch from da baby can defeat anything as long as it hits but we not gonna kill them so just to the point of them unconscious)Gomu Gomu no Double Pistol-

*B-Bwah* *Grr-Bwah*

*Thump* *...Thump*

...Aaaaandd thats done".

I then grabbed a rope from Momo that she created earlier and tied them up. I go back to Momo while grabbing them. She looks relieved that I defeated them and we won.

All Might : "The winner is the villain team. Congratulations, Yaoyorozu and Hayate-shounen!"

We then go back to the rest of the group. I gave Todoroki and Shoji to a small robot that is going to Recovery Girl. Then the classmates congratulate me and Momo.

All Might starts to begin the next battle but I don't think that's necessary.


After that we all go back home, rest , etc. Before going back home, me and Momo go on a small date. We'd go on cafe's, walk around, and go on a dinner. In the end of the dinner, we are on the goodbye scene.

But we were awkward to say goodbye, then Momo suddenly kissed me and it lasted for a while. After we finished, we said our goodbyes.

I go back home, created "Vengeance" using [ Omnireplication ] to patrol and beat the villains, cleaned up, trained, have fun, then go to sleep n cuddle.


I woke up, seeing the sun flashing through me with cold breeze and the usual nice comfy good around me.

I do the usual and go to school but without the car, with Momo. We promised each other to walk together to school. So I teleported to Momo's house to walk with her. After waiting a 'while', she FINALLY come out..with her parents behind her. We said "Good Morning, Momo", "Good Morning too, Kenji". Then she introduced her parents.

Momo : "This is my dad and this is my mom, Kenji"

??? : "So you're her boyfriend huh, kid. Listen up, I will not give MY DAUGHTER TO YOU-


??? : "Darling, you can't say that besides she will eventually find someone. Hello, Hayate-san or son. My name is Charlotte Yaoyorozu." she said

??? : "whatever..But listen again, if you make her cry or sad, I will create and send a meteor you okay...Well my name is Yami Yaoyorozu. Nice to meet you." he said menacingly

(A/N : Yami and Charlotte. You should know who they are)

Momo : "Dad!"

Kenji : "..Of course. I will protect your daughter and live up to your expectations, dad".

Yami : "Well as long as you can do that, whatever and YOU'RE NOT MY SONE YET".

Kenji : "..yet huh"

Momo : "Well bye, papa, mama. We're going!"

Yami : "Be safe"

Charlotte : "Be okay alright"

Kenji + Momo : "I will protect and take car of her, Bye/Bye"


After talking, some romantic lusty moment, walking, we arrived at U.A. On the way to out class, there's a bunch of media in the entrance to U.A trying to ask questions since they know about All Might teaching in U.A.

Journalist1 : "What do you think about All Might teaching's?"

Kenji : "..(Trash) Its very energetic and loud"

Journalist1 : "I see"

Journalist3 : "What kind of lessons do All Might teach?"

Kenji : "Are you dumb? Its obviously about heroics stuff. Do you think All Might is capable of doing something el-

Momo : 'Sshhh, what are you talking about' "I'm sorry Kenji-I mean my...classmate is sprouting nonsense. All Might teaches about hero stuff. Thats all"

Journalist3 : "I see.."

Journalist2, Journalist8, [̶̗͈͛͑͌̆̍͠M̵̱͖̖̱̙̅̑̽̌͘͝ę̷̜͓̼̔d̴̠͕̝̫̫͑͋i̶̤̤̖̙͉̗͐a̸̪̱̼̱̺̒̂̆̇͘͘ ̷̘̤͖̼̙̦͊̍̐O̶̞̊̍̋͒͘v̸̢̳̫͎̱̐̚͝e̵͚͋̿ṛ̸̳͎̫̼͛̅̂ḽ̴͈̍͋͠ͅo̸̧̰͂á̴̛̙̞̺̾́͘͝d̸̨̧͉̹̗̬͐]̵̨̣̦̓͆̇̾

Kenji : "Shut up..." as I pressured them and give them a bit of Emotion Aura : Fear Aura as it was annoying

Media : "..."

Bakugo : "...(fck)"

Aizawa : ".....(such a drag)"

Midoriya, Lida, Uraraka : "....."

Shigaraki : "...(who the hell is that guy, how is able to make me....(fck) (fck) (fck) (fck)..."

I grabbed Momo and we walk towards the entrance, together holding hands. Unfortunately an oranged hair coloured girl was watching us, intensely and ???

We arrived at the door and opened up. We said good mornings to each other although Todoroki was a bit angry, weak sounded when we said "Good Morning" to him probably because he lost to us. We talked about the press and all that. Then Aizawa comes in and talked about stuff.

Aizawa : "Looks like you're all rested from yesterday's Battle Trial. So I took a look at you're all marks and evaluation. Bakugo, stop acting like a 7-year-old. You have a great quirk and you're wasting your own talent-

Bakugo : "..I know. Shut up"

and you, Midoriya. How long are you planning on destroying your arm? If you can't control or adjust your quirk then you'll not get far. But once you're able to control your quirk, you will be more flexible and stronger!"

Deku : "Yes Sir!"

Aizawa : "Now, lets move on the next thing. We are going to pick a class president".

Everyone except some : "Finally, something school-like!!!"

Kirishima : "ME, ME!! I wanna be class president. PICK ME!!"

Mina : "I'll do it! PICK ME, ME, ME!"

Aoyama : "Oh, you mean my position that's for me-"

Kaminari : "I wanna-"

Bakugo : "LET ME DO IT!"


Lida : "Be quiet everyone!!! The only true worthy leader will come from the choice of the people! Which is why we need to settle this by a VOTE!!"

Tsuyu : "We haven't developed many trust in each other since its too early"

Kirishima : "Besides, won't everyone will just vote themselves?"

Lida : "Thats why the person who earns the most votes will be the person perfect for the job and we can't vote ourselves. That's all right, right Aizawa-sensei!"

Aizawa : "As long as you get to decide who it is by the time, that's fine"

Lida : "Now, lets start voting by paper and we will put all everyone's paper in the box then we'll count who has the most vote. START!"


We then started writing a name for the person we pick as the best job for class president except themselves in their own small paper. I wrote "Momo" because of obvious reason and yes I wrote "Momo" not "Yaoyorozu".

I don't know why people from fanfics want Lida as the class president and not themselves and again I am sick of it. I then look at everyone's voting who, and I am not surprised. I am all-times passively using [ Absolute Beauty ] so the girls all vote me and the boys too except for Todoroki, Midoriya, Lida, Uraraka. Also I am talking with everyone and have great relationship, you could consider me as the core of the friends, etc in class 1-A, I just didn't show it.

Then its time for revealing time and the vote's are :


1. Hayate Kenji : 16

2. Midoriya Izuku : 3

3. Yaoyorozu Momo : 1

4. -


Lida : *mourns of grief* (w-what a one sided. I knew Hayate-san was a charismatic guy, but for everyone to vote for him when we haven't trusted each other because its too early to trust each other...I failed)

Kenji : "Looks like I am the class-president. Thank you, everyone. I will do my best to live up to your expectations and thank you for your votes!".


Aizawa : "So by the votes, the president will be Hayate and the vice-president is Midoriya".

Midoriya : "Wait! I think that Lida- /////[Author's Authority]\\\\\ Yaoyorozu-san will be better than me as the Vice-President. I feel like Yaoyorozu-san will be good for the vide-president position.

Aizawa : "Whatever, the president now will be Hayate and the vice-president, Yaoyorozu".


After studying the final non-good subject, we have lunch. Feeling a bit different so got the beef stew. I sit with the usual...like yesterday. To be honest, the people I sit are all yandere's except for Pony and Kinoko. How did I know? My powers and a human IQ.

With my powers, I created something like a affection level. So they are all at 90 except for Momo and Kendo, they're 100+. Looks like they're good at hiding they're true nature. Bet I'll get kidnap if I was alone and nobody was around instantly.

Also Kendo, was a bit weird and ultra-angry at Momo and ??? to me.

[ Affection Level :

0 = stranger

1-10 = something like a classmate or you know the basics of that person

10-20 = friend, you talk to them but not so often.

20-30 = best friend, you talk to them everyday, hang out, usually a one time thing for a year school.

30-40 = ultra-best friend, you talk to them everyday or not but you are like brothers but not really.

40-50 = lover

50-60 = close to marriage lover

60-90 = family / wife / husband / etc

90-100 = [Normal Yandere] : [Stalking, Kill 'Enemies', Stealing the things from the person of love : weared underwear, etc, Wants full control of the person, etc]

100+ = [???] : [Trap like a box, Kill things deem as 'threat', Made the person a slave, Unable to change the person feelings, etc. If so then that will die, Enjoy every part of the person, (even if you like yandere's then you will hate this type no matter what), etc]


Then when we were talking, all of us heard a noise *wee-woo-wee-woo*

Kenji : The Siren..huh

Present Mic : "Security Level 3 has been breached. STUDENTS!!! Please promptly evacuate!!"

Lida : "What's Security Level 3?" he asked to a random student



Momo : "Why is everyone panicking, there's All Might..and Kenji to protect me-I mean us"

Kenji : "Its probably because someone has infiltrated the school grounds and its U.A soooo and idk but looks like its just the press"

Kendo : "Ohh, I see its just the press".

Not really, though

Ibara : "Thank you, kami-sama"


Kenji : "...<Silent>"


Kenji : "Everyone, its fine. Its just the media. Look *points to window* its just them. Calm down! <Unmute>"

"Oh its just the media huh" "F*cking media" "What a drag" "Thank god its just the media" "*murmurs*"


Lida : "In the end, I couldn't do anything huh.."

Midoriya : "Thats not true Lida-san, you helped to calm down some people"

Uraraka : "Thats right, Lida-san. Don't be discouraged."

Lida : "Thank you, guys".


We then finished our lunch and go back to each of our own class but you can imagine what are they're reactions to that. I wonder how I made them yanderes, I reduced the effect of [ Absolute Beauty ] but I guess I underestimated it with my IQ as I am currently am turning off any smart, knowledge, wisdom things. I don't think I need to worry. After all, I'm the Strongest....

Its time for the U.S.J arc. I'll just stay with Momo, as I promised that I will protect her. We talked to each other (classmates). Then Aizawa arrived and we all shut up. He then explained that we were going to do a 'Unforeseen Simulation Joint' or USJ.

Aizawa : We are going to do the Trial of Rescue. Now wear your costume or not. Its up to your choice. The training area is also very far so we'll use a bus to go there. Thats all.

I will wear the costume ofc. I then changed clothes to the costume (TWSTREXO) and be the one at the last as always. Then I go up to the front of the class and make them sit in the bus by class-seat. All of them then has sit except me, Momo, and Aizawa-sensei. Aizawa-sensei then sit in the back to sleep and Momo, I go to sit together in the front. I then tell the bus driver that we are all ready and the bus driver starts to drive the bus.

Tsuyu : "Hey, Midoriya. Now that I think about it your quirk reminds me of All Might's."

Kirishima : "Wait Asui, All Might doesn't get hurt when he punches. But I'm jealous though, Midoriya's quirk can do a lot of flashy stuff with that".

Aoyama : "If we're talking about flashy and strong, its gotta be like Hayate, Todoroki, or Bakugo!"

Tsuyu : "Bakugo is always angry and pissed, so he's not gonna be very popular".

Bakugo : "What did you say!? I'll be popular than all of you trashes!" he said angrily

Tsuyu : "See what I mean?" as she pointed towards Bakugo

Meanwhile me and Momo is in a very bad position in the closed back seat. We are in the area of awkwardness but then she starts to lean her head towards my shoulder and put her hands on my leg then rubs it. Since she did this, I start to hold back my thing. Seeing my face, she giggled and continued to tease me more. She put her face near my ear and starts to tease me with her words.

I can't hold it back so I just let it be free. My thing then goes to go up and Momo freezes when saw my thing. She feels hot and breathe heavily while blushing after seeing my thing.

I lift her chin then we started kissing. "Hn-Mmmm~". After a while we finally finished and she started to breathe heavily. "Haah~Hah~"

Both of us then see each other then Momo pushes me to the wall and I started to use <Silent> but made it so that we can hear everyone but everyone can't hear us. Momo then starts to kiss me violently and each second we go faster and harder. She then puts her breasts in my chest, that made my thing go berserk.

She then takes my pants and slowly takes it down. Then my thing reveals it self, she was amazed and frozen a bit then made a very lusty smile. She takes my thing and gives me a handjob. With her soft hands and each time going faster and harder, my thing releases a liquid. *spurt*. I cummed 8 times, I breathe heavily and slowly look at her, seeing her body and face filled with my cum.

I go hard again, seeing seductively licking the liquid. She then takes off her skirt and underwear, making me see her pink thing. I gulped and looked at her questioningly. She then nodded, and I push her to the bench and rubs my thing on her. We then kissed, then she said "~Stop t-teasing me, hurry up and put it already~". I then put it immediately, making her moan. I thrust it each time and go faster, I then feel her thing closing my thing tightly but soft. She kissed me intensely in pain and each thrust I make as my thing is close to her womb, she would cum. I then said to her releasing the kiss with saliva connecting to our mouth. "I'm almost there, okay hold on". She blushed furiously and nodded. I then feel my thing got encased by her thing tightly with her legs wrapping me. I then feel the cum from my thing coming, I grabbed her breasts and massaged it. "I'm coming", I said to her *spurt* *spurt*. I cummed 5 times inside her and she also came too.

We looked at each other happily then we hear a sound. I got off her and started to wear my clothes back. She also did the same.

"Everyone, looks like we have arrived at the training ground" said Lida

I then cleaned up the mess we made and we kissed each other to finish it all of. I then go up to the front of the class with Momo.

"Looks like everyone is here...and also Aizawa-sensei. Now, please do your thing, Aizawa-sensei" I said as I looked at Aizawa-sensei.

"Thank you Hayate for your thing, and everyone, there will be the hero Thirteen and also All Might. Thirteen is already in the building waiting for you all and All Might will come later as he is late. Lets go"



I don't think I will write a R-18 scene ever probably because I don't think its good.

Thats it for this chapter.



Its a good chapter or no. Please answer-


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