
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 8

Help out the duo team with entering the underground base and delete any save video feed as he searches through the security camera's he sees nothing but normal business man and woman working hard at work with him not being spotted by the camera at all so he takes a copy of a key card to enter secure and restricted area with no worries and also helping out the second team by deleting themselves from being saved by the camera who caught them entering the base as he makes sure nothing else get saved like something bad happen today he walks out the security room as soon as the security officer's leave the bathroom from his long needed break from eating spicy food today as he hides in the corners to not get spotted moving around the fat security guard who is still groaning in pain from the toilet break saying he needs to drink his stomach ache medicine fast without turning back gabe takes this chance to move around quickly with such smart precision to not get spotted within the camera ranged doing so he searches through the building top boss officer or anyone who serves under him that know what he does in his passing time.

But comes out short just normal business stuff that have no interest to him but once he start snooping around the main boss hidden cabinet compartment he finds a whole lot of information talking about his dealing along with other high class members from both cities texas and austin accepting deals with the warlord speck secretive who charges them before taking them to a we'll hidden empty factory where they can do anything they want to the lower class citizens they paid for as gabe say jackpot he hears footsteps coming toward him so he takes a gamble sticking to the ceiling with such silent movement as to not get stuck the door swing wide open seeing everything in his office like he left it before he goes to take a seat in his chair before lifting his computer where he begins to type a secret message to an unknown person through his own email telling the other person that he wants to pay for another service like last time will he have time to help him out or are they busy with the other person relying no they can continue on whenever he's ready to be pick up just send the address to meet and they will send one of the officer's.

To pick up the money in person and let you chose your target they have many options this week they will send him a picture list so he can chose from as the boss says thank you for your service they will be in contact later on today the other person say okay keep me posted before leaving the group chat with the boss deleting his conversation and messages with him closing the computer he then grabs his coat telling his secretary that he will be leaving for the day so he might or might not return he'll let her know soon she says good day sir before watching him leave through the elevator doors as gabe takes this chance to get down from the ceiling saying that was hard talking to his crew member's through telepathy saying he has found one of the middle class member's who been participating in this horrible fun saying he will make contact with them soon so they have to keep an eye on him good thing he planted a small energy orb on his coat so they be able to track him down wherever he goes ryan and yuri say what they found a full party list from the boss personal email before it got completely deleted that says business grand ball that has.

Over fifty member's being invited and all agreeing to go this coming night so they have to act fast soon or else more innocent people will get severely hurt from this little gathering of theirs as they all say that's they have everything they need now to see where or with who will the building ceo meet in person later on before the party meet up starts so now time to go back home as they all fly away from the building and austin city one of the officer's for warlord speck rust lord see the three fly out the building he was just contacted from in a hurry letting him know that they might have stumble on to something greatly important so now he has to tell the boss about the worst prodigy crew involving themselves with there organization as he leaves jumping off the nearby building landing into his motorcycle turning it on along with some raiders in there cars following him back to there base in the junkyard as he mounts off his bike walking toward the huge base along with tons of raiders doing there own thing's like fighting one another or goofing off as he enters the building he see the big open room with warlord speck and X-lord sitting in there chair.

Across from one another talking about the losers they was fighting against yesterday with X-lord saying they can't be out in the open like they we're in the past since they didn't have to worry about the worst prodigy messing with there business now they do with officer rust lord bowing down calling out to them saying he had urgent news about the worst prodigy member's who are digging into there business and might have found out what they do entirely warlord speck say speak old friend as rust lord explains that this morning he got a message sent by one of there not new customer who have been asking them alot about another meet up soon after he was down with the last job just last week speck say so it's customer number sixty who want another round of torturing lower class people when does he want to host it rust lord say tonight with X-lord saying what no way the way thing's are going right now they are out in the open with both the station captain and worst prodigy crew out there looking for them so they have to stay hidden from now on but speck say they aren't that strong with rust lord saying he did managed to be evenly match.

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