
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 8

As david is being hug super tight by steffy her breast are all up in his face making him lose conscious and think naughty thoughts thing's about her boobs he regains conscious and hugs her back so it won't seem awkward in his part after they let each other go he tell steffy that it's time for them to go back home and have a good night rest so they can wake up for school tommorow she agrees with him as they both hold hands taking her home safely without any accidents happening as they depart she grabs david hand turning him around face to face steffy getting closed to his lips merely inches from each other she closes the distance between them feeling each other hot breath they finally kiss slowly with a burning passion that leaves them both out of breath as they say their goodbyes david watches her go inside safe from harm he flies off to his home base takes a quick shower then head to sleep early so he won't wake up late and miss the school bus as he tries to go to sleep he feels uncomfortable so he stands up heading to his monitor trying to pass time watching funny videos or playing video game.

Time passes by but david seems to be awake and not getting tired from endless video watching as he stands up he get up he decides to go to the kitchen room grab himself a glass of warm milk to see if it will help him fall asleep as he finishes drinking it he gets irritated at himself for not feeling at least a bit sleepy at all so he decides to head to the training room for a while so his body can be tired from working out he leaves the kitchen and walks to the room as he does david spots someone sneaking out his room in the middle of the night as he tries to figured out who it is the light from the hallway shines in his face and he gets a good idea who it is and calls him out saying elijah as he turn around he is surprise by seeing someone else awake around this time david explains that he can't seem to fall asleep even thoe that's the one thing he wants to do right now but he decides to train for a bit maybe being able to pass out when he land on his bed elijah ask him if he would train him so he can get a good grip on his attribute powers and his combat skills.

As they both side by side they arrived at the training room he calls out to neo asking if he's pretending to be asleep it gets quiet for a minute but neo respond to his question with a attitude saying that he's just wants to know what it feels like to fall asleep and dream but he will never be able to be make it a reality but hopefully he will be able to understand the joy of it before he gets old david and elijah look at each other feeling kind of bad for him not being able to do normal humans things so they told him that one day it will come true he just has to be patient for a while before they are able to make a cyborg body for him elijah ask neo if they can get transported to the virtual world neo makes them a portal to the other world they enter it thanking neo again for his help as they get comfortable they decided to have a huge battle with nothing holding back.

As they both changed their outfits thanks to their wrist gadgets they turn up there power at the same time using the full power of aztlan force form without holding back or worrying about destroying the base as they begin running at each other getting faster and faster until they meet in the middle of the battlefield throwing a powerful punch that breaks the ground below them sending them crashing back from the full force of the punch attack as they both get up looking at each other with a smirk that let's them know that this fight was worth it and that they have to keep on going no matter what elijah tell david that he will show him one of his very own attribute attack hopefully he will know what it is as he looks at elijah waiting for the attack to be thrown at him he tries to remember as many attributes that he knows of to not be surprise by any of his attacks as elijah raises his arm he makes a dagger sword out of his own attribute power leaving david feeling a bit confused because he has never seen a power like that in his life.

As elijah prepares to swing his arm at david throwing a blade made of his attribute power but he decides to watch it for a bit to see if anything about it makes him remember what kind of power it is but david tries to cut it down with his air saber weapon to test out the power as he swings the saber making contact with the attribute blade he is caught off guard by how the blade eliminated the saber with ease he jumps backwards trying to get some distance between him and elijah finally getting some distance from him david tries to gather his thoughts and remember what happen when his saber got erased by elijah attribute slash attack as this happens elijah charges toward him preparing another slash attack making his entire arm into a sword dagger weapon for close combat attack david summons another air saber adding a bit of haki to the blade so it won't get erased like last time as they both clash their weapons causing strong shockwaves that cracks the ground as elijah see this he smiles to himself saying that he won but david just laughs saying to not count him out yet he see that the saber is still intact he ask david how is it possible he explains that he figured out his attribute the first time they clash with each other.

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