
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 77

He then walks up to archi who also does the same as the audiences and the mayor wait for the revealed for the future winner of the tournament event archi stops before zion who lift his head up to see him both weakly smiling at one another archi says this was fun they should do this again zion say he could've fought all day if it wasn't for the tournament stupid rules archi say maybe but they will never know would they zion smile before his aztlan form dissapears from his body and his eye's go back to normal he then fall's forward passing out onto archi chest planting his head on him archi grabs him by the arm lifting him up to show the people he's a true warrior who fought until the end with his own strength and no shortcuts lifting his right hand telling he has deem this kid a true samurai who managed to do what other's couldn't and that's wounding him severely to the point that it left a permanent scar on him to remembered zion wong until the end of his lifetime telling zion thank you for this amazing match appearing before liuu telling here he needs medical help now before he teleports next to his supervisor who tell him good job on the match but is that wound necessary.

He could hide it like the gunshot wound no says archi who tell him that he's done running from his weakness he is proud to have gotten this two scars touching them with his right hand before the mayor announces the winner for the seventh round and tell everyone that they will present the tournament's trophy to him during the fireworks tribute to end the festival for good telling everyone enjoy themselves until the nightime show liuu carry zion over his shoulder taking him once again to the infirmary room to get some medical treatment done to him to recover on his own as he places him on the bed the doctor whines again telling liuu to please think about his well being he has been treating this man for how many day's now will he come over to his office to just say hi to him and not bring the same wounded near death appreciate of his who each time he fights always is near death door zion opens up his eye's saying to liuu that he is sorry for losing the match against archibald who is known as the strongest he should've been way stronger than him liuu smiles saying he is already proud of him for doing his very best to bring good fortune to the wong clan name after all the year's.

They was called the weakest and not famous no more he did them proud holding onto his hand but zion passes out making the doctor get up from his coffee break telling everyone but liuu has to leave now this is very serious so go now pushing everyone out the infirmary room door then closing it in front of there faces saying goodbye kid's as the kid's all wait outside the room for the lights to turn green to let them know that the surgery is over back inside the room the doctor ask liuu lucky he is doing him a huge favor for this little secret of theirs he knows that this wouldn't have to happen if he wasn't from the wong clan would it revealing his real name as chisu wong an elder from the same generation as liuu wong but he left the samurai life for helping people instead of killing them for survival like the olden days he does remembered those don't he liuu say he does always but this secret can't be find out by no one he knows zion true secret of him not being human by thought it was a joke until he saw him fight and learned so fast compared to normal human's so he decided to check it out for himself that's when he realized he had a friend in the doctor job himself.

So now they know and have to keep this secret between them two cause zion never mentioned it to no one because it has to do something with the injustice order looking after him placing bounties on there head he knew that zion look familiar so he look him up and found out that he was in the worst prodigy crew who started trouble for the two former orders so thanks to them causing a huge ruckus now both order have form into one single one that is very we'll overpowered thanks to everyone supporting them for doing the ritual to help out the human race but he don't trust them one bit he trust zion more than them chisu ask why do he trust him more than a government that wants to help out humanity by forming bonds and alliances with the monsters to make a brighter future for the world they live on liuu say it's because he gave zion the true test of samurai that could decide if he's worthy enough to be apart of the wong clan but also to see what was inside his heart and knew he was right about zion so heal him up chisu who says okay just give him couple minutes telling liuu to leave as he does so a couple minute has pass making it close to an hour lau soon arrives with maya mom next to him.

Who ask them how the match went did zion win or did he lose everyone tells them both that zion did not get the chance to be the champion for the town of shadows but he's in surgery right now as they keep on talking to one another the red lights turn into green and that's when the doctor comes out telling everyone that he is in stable condition he just needs some couple day's of rest then he will be back to normal as maya ask the can they go inside and check up on him doctor say yes they can but but they will have to leave him here to keep an eye on him physical and spiritual condition up close so nothing bad happens to him is that alright with the guardian lau and liuu say sure as the whole gang come inside after doctor takes his leave for another coffee break they can all see how much more wounded he was compared to his matches before during the past few day's maya hold zion hand telling him he is strong and brave for being able to stand back up time and time again with no regret in his action after a while the mayor gets on the speaker telling please would everyone who was a participant in the tournament come out to the arena so they can have a very nice final event.

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