
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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917 Chs

Chapter 56

On his back with hammers on each extra hand beggining to swing all over the area where he at currently doing his best to not get caught by the enemy who have started showing off his true colors he has created two force swords for the start of his counterattack as he begins to repelled the dual hammer strike with ease he then closes the distance by adding more energy to his body making him even faster that he land's a strong upperkick on tilor armor figure that causes him to stumble a bit but he attacks faster back sending oscar through the mountain side causing him to get stuck against the rock wall while trying his best to escape tilor tell the figure to unleash everything he has now don't let this punk surpass him as he crosses the two hammer handle over one another gathering a ton of energy before he let's it out sending an X shape slash attack toward oscar who say no way getting caught in the huge blast that destroys the whole half part of the mountain with oscar along getting the attention of conn who say his buddy name outloud while cutting down another enemy monk getting worry for his energy signature starting to go down but as.

The smoke clears out revealing a ok oscar who say not bad he almost had him cleaning up the debris on his shirt shoulder saying my turn charging toward the armor figure landing a strong right hook on the side of his helmet that causes him to fall straight to the ground with tilor yelling out orders to get up and fight harder as oscar teleports all over the figure landing a bunch of strong close combat attacks that start to crack the armor defense leaving more opening for the opponent to take as his victory but the figure fights on he uses his left hand to smack him across the field face first into the snow as he get up feeling the wing get stronger as night time passes by he uses this to his advantage to fire a few force shot attack at the air to get them blown all over with no clue for tilor to notice as he does changing his stance he flies to meet tilor face to face firing a few punches cover in haki that will let him do some serious damaged to the enemy who's thinks he's safe just cause he is behind some tough wall nope that is not the case landing a few punches on him cause tilor to get caught off guard getting push against the figure wall that forces him to stay in place.

As he keeps on firing more and more punches at him tilor tell the figure to help him out now as he about to make a move the same force shot that was fire couple minute back hits him all over the face dealing some pain to him giving the perfect chance to delivered a strong blow to the figure for good as he jumps up toward the sky adding all haki and aura energy to his right foot as figure looks around tilor tells him watch out above you as he looks up in time to see only a foot hit the top of his head that causes a small crack to appear on his head before it start to spread all over the armor figure body breaking him down shattering the whole impenetrable defense that tilor was talking about as everyone watches this go down leaving a proud smile on everyone face except tilor and his men who start to doubt their victory over the enemy as oscar land's perfectly back on the ground staring at tilor who is still shock by what just happen to his armor figure as oscar takes this chance to delivered a few good punches on his face then land a strong upperkick to his real chin sending him flying backward as he crashes on the snowy ground he stands back up.

Seeing his enemy come straight for him at super speed but he will not go down so easily like he hope touching the bare ground with his palm that summon multiple aura spike out the ground trying to pierce oscar anywhere on his body for serious pain but he moves smart with his haki skill telling him where to step and where not to before he uses both feet to double stomp him across the chest pushing him back through the battlefield crashing into a nearby boulder as oscar starts walking toward tilor who hasn't realize what's going on yet stuck in his own reality world everyone in formu temple begins to cheer outloud saying they did it but the trio knows damn we'll that oscar hasn't power down at all saying the real battle has just started as oscar is about to swing his right fist at tilor face to end him before it can reach tilor he catches the fist with his own hand without looking up at all as he catches oscar and tilor men off guard by him still being able to move around even from all the barrage attack he took with no shield or armor activated as oscar is about to retaliate tilor stands back up still holding on to oscar knucles with him smiling saying.

Thank you for the wake up call he needed to get his head back in the game time to return the favor as he begins moving swiftly stomping out oscar with his fast movement hitting him in the stomach with his aura palm attack that passes through his haki shield that he has on though oscar says that shouldn't be possible like no way as he tries to get away tilor say not so fast landing a fast kick on his face that throw him across the field landing hard on the ground he get up seeing tilor crack his knuckles one by one before telling oscar that he hasn't ever had that many opponent's who could push him this much into revealing his full power since his boss fotone even then he was not able to harm him even a little so he should feel honor as he stops in front of oscar who tries to punch him but get reflected back to his side in time to see tilor gathered both his aura shield and aura armor before merging with them himself instead of creating another armor figure he has accepted the strong defense and offense capabilities into him own body like a dual armor plating as he begin getting covered in both gray and khaki color armor his energy also rises along with his aura skills.

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