
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 51

By the figure aura with him spinning his body in circle to gathered more momentum to his attack using the hammer as oscar see this he uses his haki skill to see into the future and dodge the hammer head just in time to land a punch on the armor figure stomach area but it does nothing to effect him as he just clean his armor like nothing at all he then punches fast at his enemy oscar that tries to dodge but was not fast enough to do it in time getting smash on the cave wall hard that leaves him like smush potatoe as he fall back on the wooden platform to give him footsupport he sees tilor charging at him full speed with the armor figure lifting up his massive hammer up in the air to smash him into a pulp but oscar dodges it just in time to launch multiple force shots at the figure that blows him up on the face but does nothing to damaged him so he get grab by the figure using his right hand who brings him face to face to talk with tilor who seems to be smiling saying so boy will you show me your real strength or is this all you got as oscar tries to say something the figure interrupts him by squeezing his rib causing him to scream in pain.

As tilor see this he can't help it but laugh at his pain he is currently going through right now as he tell his armor figure to calm down on the squeezing he still has to interogate the boy for any worthwhile information that they can pass through the boss as oscar is seen to be huffing for air he instead lift his hand to give him that finger saying you not getting anything from me asshole standing strong on his ground tilor say okay your choice don't ask him for forgiveness as he turns back to being serious he sends couple commands to the armor figure telling it to attack him with no rest as he plunges oscar body on to the rock wall that causes him to get his clothes a bit torn but nothing major as that happen over and over oscar takes this chance to use force bite on the figure hand that makes it let go of him giving him enough chance to get some long distance from his arm reach before launching a huge force roar attack toward tilor and the figure blowing up upon contact as the smoke clears out revealing both enemy to be safe and sound from the powerful attack as oscar see the enemy in front of him he begins working up a plan to deal with the armor figure first.

Then tilor will go back to using his wall and shield in close combat giving him a better chance to attack with no waste in energy as tilor makes the first move he fire's multiple aura shuriken at oscar who sees beforehand coating his hands in haki energy destroying them with ease as he then closes the gap once again he uses advance haki to deal good damaged to his enemy by passing through the figure tough defense as he swings his right arm launching a few force fist barrage at tilor who still has no idea what is going on as the fist passes through the armor figure heading toward tilor who then smirks saying not a bad idea kid but he has already see this happen couple minute back destroying them with just a single glare catching oscar in total shock before the figure swipe his hand to the right side sending him crashing to a nearby wall hard before falling deeper on to the small mineshaft plus cave system hitting the hard ground he groans in pain saying not good at all he has advance foresight anything he does or think will be caught by his aura sensing skill already as he looks up staring up to see what tilor is planning on doing next tilor creates.

A few bombs launching them towards the mineshaft ceiling to collapse the cave on itself before he realizes what's going on as he causes the first wave of explosion to start a chain of events causing the whole cave wall to start to break apart one by one falling on to the floor with oscar still looking confused on what's going on he suddenly gets a premonition that show the cave collapsing on itself with tilor taking his leave already as he begin to fly up trying to find a way to escape seeing ton of explosions going off at the same time with rock's and ore falling on top of him he begins to fly even faster heading straight through the ground floor instead with his own physical energy covering him in tough armor as he make it out reaching the topside in one piece getting backhanded across the backside that sends him crashing through the snowy field by the armor figure who has been waiting for him to escape saying not bad boy you are one lucky bastard surviving battle after battle with no lifelong consequences how does he do it oscar gets up saying he was just born like this putting his fist next to his chest feeling his heart beating faster from enjoying himself.

In this fight he show off his fighting stance saying come on armor figure you might be tough but his knuckles is tougher showing them off to him who start to run at tilor command heading straight for him also as oscar waits patiently he uses his observation haki to see into the future to see an opening to attack as he moves left and right not getting touch by the armor figure fist and aura hammer at all as oscar closes the gap in one quick swoop he kicks the figure abdomen armor that pushes back tilor and leave him dumbfounded by the sudden growth in power and skills with oscar saying this is where he loves to be fighting until the end he will not lose without leaving a severe scar on him as both warrior stare one another with conn and tion taking out the incoming soldier's one by one while the monk's inside the temple shooting down anyone getting close enough and formu leading them toward victory while oscar is busy handling the first officer tilor and his overwhelming power and strength without backing away as oscar creates a huge force pulse attack above his head that has haki and aura energy combined to do more damaged to the armor.

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