
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 43

His eye's opening wide from the pain he has received spewing out blood then getting kick in the stomach sending him crashing to the destroyed tower with his stretching leg as he returns his leg back to normal grungy gets back up flying next to turner side saying he is sorry for getting dispose of so easily turner tells him don't worry he is strong but this kid right here is way stronger than they expected him to be ethan gets out the tower slowly he stares up at the sky seeing both his enemy look down on him grungy say let's take him down turner both flying toward ethan who also flies toward them there fist clashing in the middle causing shockwave to be sent all over the sky ethan kicks turner on the face with his haki coated foot predicting where he was gonna split up at moving out before his attack landed first so now he has him in the rope elbowing him over and over again in the chest coughing up blood grungy appears behind ethan who is caught off guard turning his hand into a spike hammer smacking ethan across the skull making him bleed from his head touching the blood saying he's won't last long like this ethan grabs grungy face sending haki energy all over his whole body.

Causing him multiple damaged to his insides making his eye's bloodshot from the organs taking massive amount of damaged as that happens ethan then grab his leg spinning him in circle until he has gotten enough speed letting him go crashing through the debris turner kicks ethan on his back with his enlarge foot squashing him to the ground floor as ethan gets out saying that hurts seeing blood drip out his nose and head at the same time saying no no not yet feeling the drawback from using his aztlan form for a longer duration than necessary saying he just barely got used to forty-five percent of his form power now he's at forty-seven he won't hold on much longer his body failing him slowly staring at the enemy who are after him firing a huge slime blast at grungy eye's making him crash to the floor while he fights with turner the bigger threat at the moment as the fight goes down professor razor is seen watching from his own ceo building rooftop saying good weaken each other up then he will swoop in to take the victory for himself and be known as the city true hero giving him what he always wanted to rule over venomite city with his own rules and law's that everyone will obey.

With no question ask smiling at the bright sky the sun shining down on the battlefield letting razor know his win will be upon them soon enough continuing to watch over them from afar while staying hidden from there sensing skill ability ethan land's a hit on turner head breaking his head in two while he's trying to fix himself grungy merge his hand together to create a baton swinging it on his head throwing ethan back who composes himself soon dodging the final strike from grungy who then get kick on the face by ethan who then drags his body by the leg all over the destroyed city until he spots turner flying toward him as he see his chance coating grungy with haki to be used as a baseball bat hitting turner across the face blowing his head up into smithering and grungy taking good amount of damaged being let go off ethan then jumps up in the air firing a slime roar at them both blowing them up into nothing as the smoke clears out ethan see turner lift his hand up in the air turning it into a shield to defend him and grungy from the attack grungy calls out to ethan saying time for his revenge appearing before ethan grabbing his whole face in an instant pushing him through the building.

Crashing into any wall's they see using him as a rag doll ethan punches grungy all over the face until he let's him go hallway he kicks ethan back to the wall crashing through it turner show's up beside him who looks freak out for a moment turner hand turns into a blade slashing across ethan bare chest making him bleed but he dodge a deep cut so he barely made it out alive with a shallow cut saying that was close grungy hammers ethan to the ground breaking a few bones but he still come out alive and we'll standing back up he says okay he has enough time to understand how they move and fight time to counterattack flying toward the two enemy who clash with ethan all over the center of the city dealing good damaged on him and him to them as they split up firing a slime beam out his hand hitting them both blowing up spin kicking grungy on the face and he throws him to the ground while keeping turner in the sideline away from him as he holds both off turner grows many arm's from his back saying slime punch barrage along with grungy who also says slime barrage too firing the attack at ethan in such speed doing his best to dodge it he still get hit all over.

But he does his best to move out the way in coordination he then get kick by grungy hard making him flinch and not move for a bit who then move out the way getting fist barrage at close range by turner pushing him back to the ground digging him deeper and deeper to the ground floor while grungy fires multiple missiles barrage at ethan blowing him up with fist and energy attack after they stop to see how the opponent is doing ethan walks out slowly crawling on the floor to get too cover as he makes it out there sight laying on his back grungy grab hold of the debris wall lifting it off the way to see ethan better who's weakly dying from pain suffering and energy exhaustion plus multiple wounds he can't heal from just yet since he's busy fighting grungy fire's multiple slime bullets at him while turner turns his fingers into claws dashing toward ethan as a distraction ethan counterattack turner attack with his own close combat moves while he creates a slime dome around him and turner who are still fighter inside under fire attacking each other ethan pushes turner out his dome who gets hit by the attack dealing him some damaged but he has already regain his body parts.

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