
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 43

Any information about this village or the criminal known as david aztlan to no one and he means no one understand the naga says yes sir he won't reveal nothing good says erik telling the pack to go back home and stay in their cave now go all the naga leave quickly nagi begs her pack to not leave her behind she is their queen begging she don't want to die here erik ask general azul to send some guard's hidden to keep an eye on the pack so nothing here leave the village and return to his master jester azul say yes sir leaving at once with some soldier's erik walks up beside the naga elder asking her does she know why he is truly here nagi say to help her out right no says erik he is here to keep a promised to an old friend he made so he is going to keep it like that grabbing her whole head with his barehand using his right hand to begin crushing her skull and brain slowly so nagi can see her life die away slowly telling her don't mess with his friend nagi begs for her life saying she is so sorry for hurting his buddy she won't do it again but her eye's only see a cold emotion on erik face scared for dear life saying she can be an asset to him please to don't kill her like this crushing her head more harder before.

Nagi yell out in pain screaming from the top of her lungs before a loud crack is heard stopping the nagi elder scream for good erik drops the dead body of nagi on the ground skull split into many pieces leaving only a bloody spot with brain tissues on the floor erik say to azul mission is done here head back to the ship when he is done with objective azul say yes sir going back to david wakes up back in the same pitch black planet the empty realm asking empty is he going to keep him waiting or are they gonna talk cause he has places to be as a black goo start to form a humanoid figure it tells david that he is here already he was doing some errands in the other realms so what's up why is he here again wait don't tell me your dead again he had so much hope for him no says david he is just separated from his body but he will go find it right now so bye but empty stops him from moving at all making him scared for his dear life but empty just laughs saying he won't keep him here he can go back if he wants he hasn't gotten strong enough yet to make his life have any meaning to it david ask so he won't try to trap his soul here at all empty says yep he want to keep on watching his growth from his personal realm.

To see if he has any potential to be a entertaining friend to have david say so has he been to earth at all or no since the last time empty day yeah he went to have a chitchat with his two deity friend's in the planet god and goddess of bible to see why they haven't left the planet alone if they created mini deities to watch over the human race for them but only the goddess of bible listen to his word leaving the planet itself for other amazing things to see but god is a really stubborn fool who just has to have his fan's pray for him and give him tribute in his name but he just left them to keep an eye on things leaving his twin sister alone with him so they left the planet together to see other galaxy's and solar system with other life forms to help grow in advancing so she is far away for the time being but god or chuckus whatever he wants to call himself has his claw deep into his home planet for his own twisted sake so he better not make an enemy outta him or he will regret it he has legion of followers who would do anything for god blessing to eliminate him of the planet earth completely david says fine to making enemy of god or his church followers.

He never like church anyway same say empty saying it's just a trick to mess with weak will human who have nothing better to do or need guidance in life they are free to do whatever but they call out to god how sad that's why he stays in the shadow david ask then why does he talk to him if he wants to stay alone in the shadow so no-one will bother him empty say he is different he has gotten his attention like no other mortal in the universe he is gifted by the gods but he has walk his own path that most people will follow without a second thought so he wants to see how his future will play out in the end that's the fun part about him david ask empty that he finally realized that empty is not his true name is it empty say nope he just changed it to match his own realm he's real name is for later when he beats him in a match so for now he will call him empty snapping his finger saying go back to his body before it rot waking up back in his body he looks around he is back in his room cover in bandages saying so he actually made it out alive thinking about his mom making him feel alot better knowing she is here pointing to his heart always saying I love you mom hope you continued watching over me.

He gets up opening the door being attack by his best buddy rynx who is crying tears off you saying he is awake finally hitting him on the face saying about fucking time he got up taking a whole week off resting only david hugs his buddy rynx saying is he hungry cause he is rynx say hell yeah heading to the kitchen to be caught surprised by everyone saying congratulations he is part of the naruto village now dragging poor wounded david to the table feeding him huge stack of food saying he made this village proud to his selfless act david say he is sorry to paros and milled for causing trouble in the first place he won't do it again he promise both look at him before saying he is still a kid so of course he is going to make some bad mistake in life but he made it up by helping the villagers in the time of need all laughing alongside a happy david who takes a big bite of the pancake stack everyone enjoy the breakfast food all together making david feel at home once again eating like a part of a family holding onto alexa hand telling her thanks for the revive alexa turns her face away from him saying of course she was gonna do everything in her power to save him.

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