
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 41

He can handle this fool alone reid say what about your injury cass then speak saying yeah aren't you in pain right now he needs to tell stumpy to heal him right now or it would cause bigger problem during his fight ethan talks saying he has this power up form right now that's burning through his energy and stamina so he's already in constant pain without break but he will endured it for the fight victory eddy say to all three of them that plan number one will be all three of them will distract grungy while ethan handle thing's with turner so do try to end it fast for their sake ethan says no promise eddy and cass groan in pain while reid knows what's needs to be done here today as ethan power up even more in his aztlan force shocking all three friend's who's standing behind him whon can only do nothing but stare in appreciation for the amazing form saying nice as ethan say let's go charging toward the opponent's while the three friend's watch while following him closely behind grungy is the first to attack so eddy, reid, and cass jump out from the shadows jumping on top of grungy face knocking him to the ground with all there slime armor strength distracting him for as long as they can.

Beginning the longest beat down they are ever gonna endure in there life ethan and turner clash in the middle with there strength causing the sky and earth shake violently hitting one another turner stretches his leg hitting ethan on the stomach with his foot where ethan then fire's a haki coated fist at turner face and stomach making him back up in pain saying not bad kid getting started clashing all over the destroyed city eddy punches grungy across the face while reid and cass hold him down without letting go as grungy try to move out the way reid and cass plant there feet onto the ground itself planting down spikes around where they stand so grungy won't think about leaving to help out turner eddy uses all his energy to land a powerful blow on grungy stomach making spew out blood from his mouth blood falling on the tan color slime warrior grungy grows four tentacles claws out his back stabbing through all three slime warrior who are taking down grungy as he smiles saying nice try but with there strength alone they will not be able to handle him or keep him back for long reid punches and cass kicks grungy over and over again until he fall's to his knee.

Saying this little punk's won't let go of him moving violently he grabs hold of cass face lifting him off his feet over his shoulder before slamming him onto the ground hard pummeling cass over and over again digging him deeper into the ground then he grab reid by the throat squeezing it hard making him unable to breathe until grungy slam reid whole head onto the ground grungy charges toward eddy who gets punch on the forearm blocking by him eddy says fuck that hurt alot more than usual grungy jumps up in the air where he fires multiple slime arrows at eddy who uses the boulder he found to protect himself taking cover he then launches both arm's at grungy wrapping around him so he can't move no more reid enlarge his hand and cass enlarge his foot punching and stomping all over a tied up grungy who gets bloody to a pulp but grungy don't give up just yet he smile proudly saying thanks for the warm-up he will now show them his true slime power transforming his already slime armor into an evolved version of it former self growing bigger and taller along with spikes showing up all over his body and a growing tail now as all three friend's see this stumpy warns them to stay clear.

This is not a normal transformation ethan and turner can sense the massive energy spike that grungy is giving off turner smiles in delight saying so it is possible to evolved past there normal self good he will try it out later ethan punches him on the head saying no he won't before turner stretches his leg side kicking ethan on the rib knocking him crashing to a nearby tower landing on a meeting room table standing back up he see his phone saying it's just now turned one pm so he has a whole ton of time before night hits ethan flies toward turner who goes after him swinging his leg while ethan throws a punch blowing up the sky around them from there raw energy colliding with one another after couple minutes has pass back with grungy versus the trio warrior's eddy is seen getting tackle to the ground by a big foot stepping on him grungy laughs maniacly saying is this all they can muster up together what a shame looking around spotting reid and cass beaten up and knock out already from exhaustion grungy say he won't be able to test out his new power with this bunch of weaklings in front of him as he is about to fly toward ethan fight with turner reid and cass stand back up.

Stretching there arm at his feet so he won't leave as a way to say they ain't done with him just yet eddy wakes up enlarging his whole fist punching grungy on the face but it doesn't seem to do anything to him grungy say fine he will now kill them foreal before he was toying with them his alright opponent's but no more now they die by his hands smiling at them three making the trio feel there whole spine shiver from his bloodlust he's giving off stumpy tells them to run while they can no say all three friend's who stand there ground seeing grungy rip the arm's around his feet and blow up the big fist like nothing saying so they at least have a warrior spirit but without the warrior body they can't match up to nothing like this teleporting behind all three warriors without them noticing at all eddy sees who's behind them turning his hand into a blade swinging across grungy who just stares at it come down to him but he's faster than that now punching cass on the stomach hard that it breaks the armor protecting his addomen being sent crashing toward the nearest tower's until he hits a wall he can't go through falling to the floor where he's put out of commission for good now this time.

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