
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 41

Making the nagi elder scared for once in her life she tell her children to protect her now they must leave all together in order to survive but david doesn't let them go with how much damaged they caused to the village and the villagers itself they must be judge by the mayor himself of her crimes against them but nagi say not today she will leave here right now and maybe go reveal the information she has gathered here today about like one of the worst prodigy member's being alive and none other than the crew leader himself david aztlan how much money would they pay for that information she wonder giggling like a maniac but alexa shuts her up by throwing her spear at her side piercing her rib telling in pain telling her children to cover her now or she will die by this maggots in front of them the twins fire multiple attacks on the naga dome telling david to handle the nagi elder while they three hold off the naga soldier from defending the queen david says thanks you flying past them while grabbing onto the nagi elder and taking her away from her children pushing her with haki and air attacks until they arrived back the same place where david first kill his naga in the endless forest.

That made this attack happen to the poor village nagi grabs david both legs and spin him in circle until she let's go throwing him into a nearby boulder hard but david just complains about the pain for a bit before standing up and powering up to his base form telling the nagi elder he won't let her leave this place alive nagi tells him him it won't matter in the end she will have the last laugh even if she dies here today is not gonna no matter she already signal a nearby a top elite member of the brand new injustice order to come to her own coordinates so they be here soon whether he wins or she wins all the same nagi elder celebrates her victory before hand david but he just charges toward her leaving herself open like that landing a good punch on her face yelling out loud in pain telling david now she's mad firing gas from her neck hoodie all over the surrounding forest making a fog around them while nagi says he will died here today along with his precious friend's who are defending him from being overrun by her children david tell nagi to shut the fuck up she has no right to talk about his friend's like that she knows nothing about them they are special to him and that's all that matters right now.

She will go down by him today or he won't be able to face his friend's flying towards nagi to who defends herself from the punch attacks while doing any effort nagi ask is that all he got so disappointing she expected more from a warrior of his caliber bit he just a joke david tell her to just wait and see he will make her swallow those words of hers powering up to his limit in base form relying on his own power no form needed for this snake in front of him nagi spins herself fast and faster until she absorbs all the poisonous gas into the area to make david illusionate whatever he wants while nagi uses the chance to suck on his life force energy killing him slowly but david found a way to counter her gas using his own scarf to cover his mouth and nose making it harder for him to since he can't breath unaffected air around the area for the time being david say let's go attacking nagi with multiple powerful attack but she dodges them with ease closing up to david who she hits on the stomach hard making him breathe in some effected air clearly working faster than a naga gas spray as he begins to hallucinate his love one's by one his mother and grandpa yango even his own father and uncle.

No matter how much he hates them in the real world nagi is just beating the crap out of him harder and harder into the ground enjoying the nice one sided battle laughing like a maniac david back in his peaceful made up world he starts to suffer from physical and mental trouble little by little still not noticing nothing wrong with him and the world itself talking to his friend's and family being happy and joyful than in his whole entire life his mom walks up to him hugging him tight celebrating his birthday like when he was little in front of everyone all together like a family david smiles enjoying the good times before him opening his gift and taking pictures but david suddenly wakes up from his made up world dream everyone and everything dissapering before him except his own mom who stands in front of david with tears in her eye's like she knows what's happening in the real world she walks up to david slowly struggling to not dissapear yet on him from his dream telling him that she is so proud of him he has grown so much over the couple month's he's taller than her and he has grown into a fine man that she wanted to see herself in the future.

But she couldn't imagine their time together would end shortly like this falling down onto her knees david runs too her grabbing her before she falls david who is already shedding heartfelt tears from once again loosing his mom for the second time saying no matter how many times the bad guy he fought recently try to prey on his emotion he can't seem to let her go he just don't want to but his mom put a hand on his face telling him that everything has a reason for happening he can't changed fate he just can't david begs his mom to let him accompany him to the afterlife she can't fight in a world without her by his side he just can't saying please mom your all I got magaly laughs at his stupid answer saying he's never alone he has his friend's and family by his side always no matter how far apart they are and also she is still alive in his heart and spirit living in his happiest memory for him to remember always in the time of need david ask his mom if they can like this for a couple seconds before she dissapears magaly says sure hugging david tight knowing her time is almost up both crying non-stop magaly tell his son to always be positive in life and do what he always does.

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