
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a boy named david aztlan who was once a human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the fullest by going on many fun adventures and quests with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization call the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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819 Chs

Chapter 40

As michael seems to be getting overpower by david much stronger will saying to himself that he can't keep this up for much longer or he will pass out from loosing alot of haki energy and his stamina isn't holding on to we'll he has to used all the remaining energy he has left in his body for a strong force push against david as this happens david thinks to himself also saying this is so fun being able to be in a stand still with someone like michael means that he was right about them being strong like the rest they just needed a good reason to be motivated and break through their own limits and go all the way beyond strength as michael pushes with all his energy he has reserve he power's up more and more taking a step forward towards david who is looking at him confused and is unable to do anything at the moment getting push back with all his might michael smiles at this happens saying he did it he managed to push him back a step before falling face first to the ground from loosing all his energy but david catch him before he can hit the ground telling him that he can't wait to see how much stronger he's gonna get in the near future and how proud he is of him calling him little brother.

Picking him up over his shoulder taking him to where yango and rynx are after just witnessing an amazing fight for the ages saying this crew always gives him goosebumps after every match there in plus how much they respect each other afterwards rynx jumps on david shoulder congratulating him for today match up but he tells rynx and yango that today winner was none other than michael himself yango says so he is kind hearted to give up the match when needed as he get some senzu beans from neo giving them to david so he can heal his group member's in a instant everyone gets up asking what happen to them yango talks first saying they did amazing but the winner was none other than michael as yuri and daniel hear the announcement they turn to look at david asking him if it's true he say yeah it was a legendary fight where they we're both had strong will but he didn't have enough like michael who more than him and he lose the match to him but he's so proud of the loss he has learned so much more from this fight against michael saying next time he won't lose to him again saying it with a smile on his face as they all talk about how much fun they had today and can't wait.

Too relax for a couple minutes until they have too do more training with each other as many minutes passes by david group member's all get back up getting ready to train once again rynx tell yango that they are monster's compared to other supernatural beings in this planet yango say yeah yes they are but he was the same back then when he had a fire in his heart burning still but now he's a family guy rynx ask what made him give up the one thing that made the aztlanian crave more than anything in their life yango say he found his true soulmate and was happy with that saying to rynx that it's going to happen to everyone in the crew sooner or later it's a matter of time and when they get the signal rynx say signal but yango focuses back with david group telling them that this will be the last training and better hold it dear to there heart's for monday mission yango begins to explain that this final training lesson with be call the worst prodigy sensing skill he will along with the rest of the group member's will be able to talk one another no matter where they at in the world but it will not work if they go to another dimension everyone smiles and agrees to what he is saying waiting to start the lesson.

As he finishes talking david group all get up standing still saying now what yango comes around them tapping there neck and the side of their head telling them that now they can try it out david closes his eyes while everyone go hide all around the simulation world and he has to sense their exact location without haki or energy skill just the new skill they learn as they all spread around david is seen waiting for yango signal to start the hide n seek match yango tell david that he can start now david opens his eyes telling himself that he has to find his crewmates name yuri,michael,and daniel as he says their names he gets a signal marker telling him where they at right now as david finds everyone one by one telling them that this skill is so cool and amazing whenever they are hidden in the dark or far away from each other or whenever someone tries to impersonate someone from their own crew david say who wants to tries next as the next couple minute are spent on finding the other person all over the world yango call all the other groups telling them that's all for today and time to head out and go grab a bite eat then take a we'll needed bath and maybe brush their teeth too cause all he smells is the food.

They ate today as everyone leave the simulation room david call on rynx telling him to jump on his shoulder so they can grab a bite to eat as they talk to each other about what he was discussing with yango david say he should ask him if the teletubby are still around or did they died yango is the last one who still in the simulation room with neo by his side neo ask whats wrong why isn't he leaving the world does he wanna talk about it or no yango smiles for a sec powering up to his gray color aztlan force saying it's been a long time since he power up like this for fun neo gets worry asking him to power down or his health will worsen from straining his own body yango ask neo to let him just spar alone for a bit putting his hands together and lay it down on the ground summoning a barrage of spike ground making a huge explosion and changing the whole world to his enjoyment while shooting his famous creation roar at the sky making the simulation world turn red from not being able to hold back the immense power neo turns off the alarm for the simulation world neo once again tells yango to power down now or he's gonna regret it in the coming future he does as he is told by neo powering down.

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