
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 34

As the five mayor's run back to their choppers heading home sam and his councilman look at yami for more idea but yami just turns around quietly asking so that went we'll he's going to go start on the new bigger underground bunker but first he needs a map to find the location so do they got a map to spare by any chance one of the councilman throws his own map after marking the center of the island to start building as he leaves the meeting building he flies off to start making the bunker not before mayor sam gives the all clear signal to his councilman to tell everyone inside the town to start packing right now and go to the middle part of the island because trouble is coming back with a bigger army so they need to take cover meet up with yami cause he has started making a new bunker for all six towns to stay in while yami defend there home town with some help as all the councilman run all over magne town knocking on every door to give them the warning so they can clear out the town's before tommorow afternoon yami finds the location on the map starts making a huge hole in the center of the island with a magnet roar leveling up the ground with good spaces for everyone to fit in.

Firing multiples roar over and over again until the hole is deep underground reaching the cave system yami uses his attribute power too start making a huge bunker base making it impenetrable to the enemy and unnoticeable to them as he finishes with the finishing touches he senses the town people coming already here he makes stairscase heading down to the cave tunnel so no one will follow them after they get in he see the mayor's of each town leading there own people forward yami flies up to them saying the bunker base is done so take a nap and wait for the all clear sign the mayor say okay heading towards the stairs yami says where is sam at with his people it's about to be already nightime looking at his wrist gadget saying it's about to be ten pm getting a bit worry yami flies towards the town to make sure the people are safe and not in danger he arrives a couple minutes later seeing that the people are about to head out to the bunker base in a straight line following there leader mayor sam to safety smiling yami head's to the beach area seeing both jazz and quinn sweating from there training asking is everything okay on his part yami say yep now they wait.

But first going inside his bunker base grabbing his one and a half senzu bean so they won't die in battle getting there stuff ready yami tell both jazz and quinn that he will give them each a piece of his senzu bean cutting it in half he gives it to them both taking the last piece for himself they all wait together at the tallest building the church seeing the moon finally rise up by the hour calling on sam to make sure everyone is safe and sound yami ask jazz if he wants to leave he can he won't judge him at all jazz say naw he has to much to loose here a good friend and a home yami say good man falling asleep on each other back letting the night go by until it's time to attack back with richard who's already we'll aware about jazz joining the other side he tell jasmine that he wants his younger brother brought back alive when he arrives at the island after she finishes off the pathetic guard's who are helping out the islanders and ruining his plan to rule with power and strength jasmine say so they have already given the one thousand soldiers top of the class gears and weapons to hold themselves against the enemies while she takes out the major pain in the ass.

Richard says good now go good luck on your mission jasmine say she don't need luck she has skills already to make this her victory no matter what they bring to the battlefield walking away leaving richard office closing the door behind her she gets dress in her own room changing into her mission suit a black girly dress cover in armor and knives as she leaves wishing a good battle today she walks into the biggest chopper telling the pilots to lift up in the air they have the soldiers already prepared for anything to come there way richard stays behind in his office looking through old files saying so her own niece was worthy enough to inherit the full power of the meteor without dying or having any consequence so many thing's you can hear with a ally tablet turn on so jazz has betrayed him he's going to get him back for that crossing his fingers looking at the cameras install on every soldier and jasmine herself who tells the soldier's that they should arrive at the island in twelve hour's if they don't get any interference on there way to there main objective all soldier's say yes ma'am locking themselves up waiting for the time to pass by quickly.

Richard smiles saying this is gonna be his victory father and finally get his reward for being patient all this year away from home he can't wait to go back and see how much has changed in there community turning off his monitor's he gets up from his chair heading to his trophy shelves clicking a bottom on a trophy opening up a hidden room full of weapons and armory that can help him out to find out where they put the meteor and how to harness it true power for himself when he arrives after this whole mess is done with stacking up in supplies he walks to the back of the hidden room reaching a display of a custom made power armor suit being able to keep up with the strongest human's in this world before and after the ritual overtook there planet opening the display pad he clicks a code into it making it transform into a metal suitcase so he can take it with him and hide it in plain sight from anyone who might want to cause harm to him richard grabs the suitcase along with his backpack putting it on his back saying he is ready to become so much more than just a man leaving the office he walks to the helipad waiting for his pilot to park the vehicle.

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