
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a boy named david aztlan who was once a human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the fullest by going on many fun adventures and quests with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization call the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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819 Chs

Chapter 32

As both go on eating there snack and drinking green tea on the couch lau and liuu witness the whole fight happen and big speech he gave to the warriors participating on today matches saying he's bold enough he'll give him that but not on the smart side also both laughing at zion stupidity have no limit like his power going on with there booth job they ask the next customer in line zion walks out the first arena stage heading back to the locker room to wait and see who he will fight in the second round as the mayor announces that was the end of the first round now time to turn up the heat with the second round showing a big screen behind him that reveals all the first round winners going face to face now with random selection as the contestants see who are they gonna be fighting in the next round zion see a familiar name on the person he's going be fighting next saying soo shimazu but can't put his finger on it sauu and violet see who zion will be fighting saying he did go for the first round but that opponent soo isn't someone to take likely violet and sauu say they got lucky this round only fighting chumps who have no major name's of the four family clans.

As the second round is about to start in thirty minutes from now for the time being they can enjoy the small break before the timer runs out starting up a thirty minute countdown to let them know when to come back so they won't lose the good seats as everyone in the bleachers and locker room go out to explore the town for the time being zion looks around saying he has no one to hangout with today hearing a commotion happen right outside the locker room he opens the door seeing keira fann daughter maya fann being confronted by a group of boy's who are trying to grab her into joining them to have fun together but maya replies saying she rather just be alone than with them zion say they have no idea who they messing with watching all this go down as the group leader is about to grab maya by the wrist she managed to flip him over making him land on his back from her using the body momentum telling everyone in the group do they want to mess with her now but the boy's all leave taking there leader with them when maya let's his hand go after thing's have calm back down she calls out to zion telling him he can stop watching the show now it's already over.

Zion reveals himself saying how she knew he was hiding by the locker room maya say we'll he found his energy signature so it wasn't hard to pinpoint who it was hiding and listening to there conversation zion says not bad but he didn't hear much since he was at the other side of the locker room maya ask him so who is he waiting on zion looks around saying no one he was gonna go out the stadium and see how liuu and lau wong are doing in there booth maya tells zion that he was supposed to meet some friend's right now so she will see him later during his match today with soo shimazu hope's he wins after making a badass claim in his first round victory zion laughs saying it wasn't his intention but whatever it came out how it did zion waves goodbye to maya saying to her good to see again leaving the girl to wandered around in the middle stadium full crowds who are either drinking or eating inside with multiple store's setup for them to enjoy letting the thirty minutes go by as zion is about to leave maya calls out to him asking him would he like to hangout together and her group of friend's maybe zion turns around slowly asking why the sudden invitation what happen in there.

Maya what made her wanna invite him and no one else that she might know we'll enough she explains that she felt bad for him not having any friend's or family around so she thought a day with her group would've changed his face expression from a sad one into a happy one but maybe she was wrong zion say it's okay he has stuff to do but thanks for the invite he gotta go now running to the crowds dissapering for good maya says asshole she wanted to get to know him zion reaches her sensei and other older sensei liuu booth that seems to be doing good in selling items from there clan liuu congratulates his apprentice saying to him that he was proud of him for shouting some love to the wong clan zion say that's will be next fight lauu ask so what is he doing here and not hanging out with new made friend's but zion replies with he don't like talking to people that much just likes the time alone he ask liuu that he will be taking off now since they are busy as he goes back out trying to find someone or something to do for the remaining twenty-five minutes left he thinks as he keeps on walking down the huge town festival street's he see maya calling out to him.

Asking if he could by any chance hangout with her for a bit until time's runs out maya say that's okay they head together towards some rides to try out they see first a big rollercoaster ride that the group of friend's decided to try out first as zion goes with them they all get strap in pair's of two with him being side by side with maya who just smiles in delight as the guy working on the machine countsdown saying three two one blast off hitting the green button making the machine start up he looks around he gets a bit worry that it might break off since he saw that one scary movie where everyone dies in a carnival one by one then they don't but die later on during the day one by one he don't want that to happen to him or maya group of friend's as he sees the rollercoaster go up a hill then he looks down since he's in the first row with maya getting a big scared of what might happen next he closes his eye's at the same time the ride goes down the ramp everyone screaming in joy while zion is holding tight for his dear life saying please let this ride be over with already maya sees this thinking of a way to make him calm down and enjoy the ride with them all together.

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