
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Sci-fi
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912 Chs

Chapter 32

Telling his boss/creator that he is going to miss him alot yango hugs neo robotic buddy saying he was like a son to him if he's being honest neo laughs at this saying a son that would be a bad dream for him getting a whopping from him being a bad son yango tell neo that if he can double check the safe yin and yang contingency plan as yango waits couple minutes he comes back neo tells him that it's done and ready they have found what they we're looking for yango call on david group members telling them to get up they have rested enough all groaning in unison saying they need more time to heal and relax or they won't be at their best david get up saying he hate this but it's worthed to be the best crew in the whole world as the rest of the group member's get up preparing for the second match against the two team yango tells them to get ready saying start both teams charge at one another clashing bigger than ever in a blinding light covering them entirely their grandpa tell them who the winner is another draw telling everyone else that it's time to get dinner and take a good long hot shower for today training lesson tommorow is gonna be a friday lesson and after friday no more lesson just preparation.

On the monday hunter job that they have to be double sure that it doesn't fail at all and they take down jester and his evil goon for good everyone cheer at the same time saying he'll yeah no failure just victories as they all head toward the portal going back to the normal world so they can grab a bite to eat or take a shower first david and his group member's all decide in taking a bath first then grab a quick bite to eat instead of just ruining everyone else appetite with some musty smell in the room they will probably smell since they have good sense of heightened smell as they all head out to the portal making it back home david leave first saying he will meet them in the lunch room as he runs to his room he picks up his phone and thinks about the message that steffy sent to his earlier today saying that's not how he wants to end their relationship in bad terms so he decides to call her so he can say everything he has bottle up as he call on steffy number hearing first ringing noise then a click to let him know that she pick up his call he start breathing slowly telling steffy that he loves her and still misses her no matter if she went to another region or not he hopes that they can be friend's and text.

Until she comes back to school for their junior year of school steffy talks through the phone telling david that she loves him too but for right now all they can be for right now is friends nothing more or less for the time being telling david that she gonna take her mom and dad advice to take a leap of faith into dating this stranger that her family friend choose for her maybe he can be a good guy for her and for her future david says with a sad tone in voice maybe he can give you what you always wanted a family and a good safe life david thinks real hard on how he's feeling saying too himself that today was about making amends and telling her about the dangerous as david explains the details about doing this job to stop jester and show how evil and cruel to the whole world in live recording steffy almost sounds worry but she goes back to her cold tone telling him to be careful he made a promise to her that he isn't going to die before they all graduate together so he better keep his promise or she will hit him for lying to her as david tells steffy that he has to go and go to sleep for today he tell her that he miss her and she better tell him how her vacation in the aztec region went.

And if she is going to get marry to this new guy or what's up telling steffy goodnight and she tell david goodnight also david hangs up the phone putting it down at his nightstand saying he has no word left on what happen today he lose his girlfriend to a new guy that she hasn't met yet only her family knows about him saying he's this and that a perfect match for their steffy david says he's the perfect match for her he has skills and power that can protect her from danger while this new guy is just a simple human who can't fight at all david grabs his towel with attitude saying to himself that he has to calm down for his own sake getting inside the bathroom turning on the shower so it can warm up while he changes clothes clicking his wrist gadget he gets naked immediately heading inside the shower he takes his sweet time letting the water splash all over his body calming down he decides to take a seat and lay down by the wall so he can think to himself and not worry about his own boring normal life without fighting and loosing steffy too a complete stranger as he falls asleep in the shower couple hour's has pass he gets up looking around realizing that he is still taking a shower.

He gets up cleaning up himself and his hair with his scrubber as he turns off the shower getting out of it he grabs his towel drying off he goes into his room clicking his gadget he gets dress in his sleeping clothes heading out walking through the hallway he makes it to the lunch room as fast as he can clicking on the machine saying he wants to eat spaghetti with toast on the side as the machine cooks up the food order waiting for a couple minutes hearing a ring from the machine itself telling david that the food is ready as he grab the huge plate full of spaghetti and a plate with 10 toast and his drink a large cup of Dr.pepper as he takes a seat and makes a praying motion saying thank you for the food he take a big bite fork full of spaghetti and a whole toast bread as he enjoyed his dinner he suddenly hears a alarm noise coming from the bunker front door an intruder probably have enter the base by luck as he stops his eating of the spaghetti he runs through the hallway making it to the staircase that leads to the front door as he walks up the stairs he hear someone call out to him david is still confused on who it could be at this late at night seeing a small shadow appear above the staircase.

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